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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 509

The jenny turtle obediently ate the potion given by Luo Yi, and followed Luo Yi to leave the giant gold monster’s castle.

After Luo Yi and Jenny Turtle came out, they walked towards Hualan Gym, where Xiaoyao and Xirona were already chatting happily with the three Hualan sisters.

However, Luo Yi was still sensitive to find that Sakura’s expression was a little unnatural.

When this girl looked at Xiaoyao and Shirona, there was a trace of doubt in her eyes.

Luo Yi knew that she was curious about her relationship with Xiaoyao Xirona, and Luo Yi knew the special feelings that the girl Sakura had for her.

However, the matter between himself and Xiaoyao Xirona has not been settled, and now that there is another cherry blossom, Luo Yi also has some headaches and does not know how to deal with it.

Seeing Luo Yi coming over, Sakura’s eyes lit up and said:

“Luo Yi, we heard about your experience this time. Did you destroy that secret research base?”

The three Hualan sisters all looked at Luo Yi. Although they already knew about it, they still wanted to confirm it from Luo Yi’s mouth.

After all, this kind of thing is too surprising. Luo Yi’s strength alone destroyed a secret base, which is really amazing.

Luo Yi nodded with a smile, and said, “You guys are well informed. You already know what I just finished.”

Of course Luo Yi knew that this was what Shirona Xiaoyao said to them. He said so, just to give these three sisters a small hug. After all, there are things to ask of these three sisters later.

Hearing what Luo Yi said, a bright smile appeared on Sakura’s face, and at the same time, her cheeks were a little red, and she said proudly:

“That’s natural. We are the owners of the Hualan Taoist Hall, and the news is naturally very well-informed.”

However, her two sisters looked at each other, Luo Yi patted such a clumsy flattery, and Sakura could be so happy.  …

The two looked at each other and thought of a sentence at the same time:

A woman who is in love really has no reason at all.

Luo Yi said with a smile: “Actually, not only did I destroy a secret research center, but I also caught the Hualan phantom thief that you mentioned.”

The three Hualan sisters were stunned for a moment. They hadn’t heard Shirona say this, but they suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said:

“We already know the identity of the Hualan thief, that is a few jenny turtles and a water arrow turtle!”

“After you left, they came to Hualan Taoist Hall to steal things. We found them and fought with them, but…”

Speaking of this, the three sisters were a little embarrassed, because they had never beaten the Hualan thief at all, and they were looted again.

“It’s just that you haven’t beaten them, and you have been robbed of a lot of elf food, right?” Luo Yi said with a smile.

The three sisters nodded embarrassedly, this is really shameful, they were still proud of being the owner of the Hualan Taoist Hall just now, and now they can’t even beat a thief.

“Actually, you don’t have to do this. The thief is indeed a few jenny turtles, but they are not ordinary jenny turtles.” Luo Yi said 5.9.

“One of the jenny turtles escaped from that secret base.”

After saying this, the three Hualan sisters all showed surprised expressions. They already knew what the secret base was doing, but they didn’t expect the thief to escape from there.

“So its strength is somewhat abnormal.”

“You just said it was a few jenny turtles and a water arrow turtle, but it’s not. There is a jenny turtle that can turn into a water arrow turtle in an instant.”

Luo Yi said: “In other words, this elf can switch between the jenny turtle and the water arrow turtle at will.”

Facing Luo Yi, the three Hua Lan sisters widened their eyes and stared straight at Luo Yi, not knowing what they were thinking.

Chapter 146 Sakura’s Careful Thoughts, Shy

For the three Hualan sisters, they did not quite believe what Luo Yi said, because the fact that an elf can switch freely between the water arrow turtle and the jenny turtle is a bit beyond their understanding. Know.

Even after something like genetic modification, it’s very difficult to do.

Seeing the expressions of the three Hualan sisters, Luo Yi knew what they were thinking and said, “Jenny turtle, come here.”

The Jenny Turtle obediently walked to Luo Yi’s side and looked at the Hualan three sisters with an unnatural expression. You must know that it has defeated them more than once, and also stole a lot of their elf food. Not too small.

And it seems that the relationship between his master and them is still very good, and the Jenny Turtle is ready to accept the punishment.

It won’t make Luo Yi embarrassed. Since he has become Luo Yi’s elf, he can’t be as willful as before, and he really did not do this honorably.

Therefore, the sensible Jenny Turtle, no matter what decision Luo Yi14 makes, it will be obedient.

But what the Jenny Turtle doesn’t know is that Luo Yi, who is so protective of his shortcomings, will not let the three Hualan sisters treat the Jenny Turtle.

Seeing the appearance of the Jenny Turtle, the three Hualan sisters became excited. The Hualan thief was finally caught. They recognized the Jenny Turtle. It was during the recent theft of the Hualan Gym. One of the Hualan Phantom Thieves.

“Luo Yi, you caught the Hualan thief, we will give you the Hualan badge as agreed.”

Peony said: “Now, you can give us this jenny turtle!”

The three Hualan sisters all had relaxed expressions on their faces, and the Hualan phantom thief who had troubled them for a long time could finally be resolved.

But to their surprise, Luo Yi shook his head half-smile and said:

“Give it to you, I can’t do this.”

“This jenny turtle is already my elf. I won’t give it to anyone. Protecting my elf is also our trainer’s responsibility, isn’t it?”

Hearing this, Jenny Turtle, who was still nervous at first, was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at Luo Yi, feeling strongly moved in his heart.

Jenny Turtle, who has experienced ups and downs, just wants to follow such a master.

“Jenny Jennie!!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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