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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 533

It is impossible for Luo Yi’s Shanaido to be unable to capture just by moving speed.

In Luo Yi Shanai Duo’s eyes, she clearly saw that the green pupil Shanai Duo on the opposite side was approaching her after she left her original position, but she still maintained a super high speed, and the other shadow ball in her hand was ready at any time. to intercept her while she is dodging.

Such a tactic is extremely effective when the opponent cannot capture her figure, but now it is impossible to face Shanaido, who has a writing wheel eye.

With Luo Yishanaiduo’s strength, it is impossible to be attacked without knowing the other party’s intentions.

At this moment, the shadow ball had already arrived in front of Luo Yishaniduo, but suddenly hovered in the air.

Luo Yi’s Shanaido didn’t dodge at all. After the shadow ball came to her, it couldn’t move forward any more!

This is Luo Yi’s Shanai Duo who directly controlled this shadow ball with his powerful psychic power!

But behind Luo Yi Shanai Duo, a green figure appeared quietly and smashed the black shadow ball in his hand towards Luo Yi Shanai Duo.

Luo Yi’s Shanai Duo had already captured the opponent’s actions with a writing wheel, and the huge thought power surged out, directly suppressing the green pupil Shanai Duo in the air, unable to move at all!

This is the most direct mind power competition!

Luo Yi’s Shanaido wins!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the onlookers were about to fly out. To know that the green-eyed Shanaido can move his body with his mind power without being discovered, it already shows that his mind power is huge.

There are many super-power attribute elves that can use the power of thought, but there are too few, too few, who can use the power to control their speed to this level.  …

This also shows, to a certain extent, how difficult it is to achieve the level of mind power of Green Eyed Shanaido.

But now, Lu Tong Shanai Duo was completely suppressed by the other party’s thought power!

This scene was completely unexpected to them.

Luo Yi’s Shanai Duo has actually crushed the elves under the so-called No. [-] training master Shanai Duo!

“How could this be, that kid’s Shanai Duo actually crushed Master Chen’s Shanai Duo in the power of thought!” Someone exclaimed in shock.

People all around were subconsciously nodding in agreement with this sentence. At this time, their shocking mood was almost the same, and there was an absurd feeling.

Could it be that this unfamiliar and terrifyingly young boy really wants to defeat Guandu’s No. [-] Shanaido training master?

They were a little dazed and dazed, and their firmness towards Master Chen at the beginning had disappeared.

Not far behind Luo Yi, the little girl who lost to Master Chen before was even more shocked. As a trainer who also owns a Shanaido elf, the shock she received was far greater than those onlookers. By.

She never thought that an elf’s mind power level could reach such a level of complete control over the other party.

The only calm people on the field, I am afraid that there are only three people Luo Yixirona Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao and Shirona have developed immunity after seeing the various powerful skills that Luo Yi’s Shanaido showed in the previous battle. No matter how powerful Shanaido is, they will take it for granted. .

As for Luo Yi, he naturally knows his own Shanaido very well. After Shanaido ate the Uchiha Itachi character fruit, they communicated with each other for a long time almost every day, in order to make Shanaido understand faster. How to use some of Uchiha Itachi’s skills and abilities.

That is to say, during this period of communication, Shanaido told Luo Yi something that even Luo Yi didn’t expect at first.

Chapter 171 Shanaido and Uchiha Itachi Fruit

Since Shanaido ate Uchiha Itachi’s character fruit, her psychic power began to change. Not only did the magnitude of her psychic power increase rapidly, but the quality of her psychic power also increased rapidly!

If the previous Shanai Duo would consume one-twentieth of his psychic power when using the Magic Leaf skill, then the current Shanai Duo might not be able to use even [-]% of his Psychic Power when using Magic Leaf.

This is the effect of improving the quality of Shanaido’s psychic power!

And this improvement is still going on at a terrifying speed.

This change in Shanaido naturally attracted Luo Yi’s attention, but Luo Yi soon found the reason.

The change of Shanaido’s psychic power is because he ate Uchiha Itachi’s character fruit!

Because when Shanaido is using Uchiha Itachi’s skills and abilities, it is not the Chakra in the Naruto world that is consumed, but Shanaido’s own mind power!

However, Luo Yi has not found the reason why Shanai’s 13 thoughts will increase on its own, but it is only a general guess that it may be related to Uchiha Itachi’s blood limit.

Therefore, the current Shanai Duo, the terror of mind power, is probably not inferior to the huge Hudi that has lived for many years in Luo Yi’s hands.

It is naturally very easy to deal with Master Chen’s Shanaido.

No matter how powerful the green-eyed Shanaido’s thought power is, it can’t be stronger than the current Luo Yi’s Shanaido.

At this time, Master Chen, looking at the situation on the field, his face is a little uncertain, Luo Yi’s Shanaido, the strength is stronger than his expectations.

His mood was a little contradictory. He had already regarded Luo Yi’s Shanaido as his own. The stronger his strength, the happier he was.

But things can’t be completed in the end. In the face of such a powerful Shanaido, it’s not that his green pupil has no chance to win, but he may pay the price of his life.

Of course, compared to Shanaido who obtained Luo Yi, although this price would have a small impact on his plan, it was totally worth it!

“This Shanaido, I must get it!”

Master Chen gave his apprentices a subtle wink, and those apprentices immediately understood what he meant and quietly hid in the crowd, staring at Luo Yi and his group.

Of course Luo Yi saw this so-called master surnamed Chen’s small movements, but Luo Yi didn’t care. With his strength, if he wanted to intercept his footsteps, he had to dispatch more than ten divine beasts.

“Green pupil, break free for me!”

After Master Chen gave his apprentice a wink, he said to the green pupil Shanaido.

The green-eyed Shanai Duo directly squeezed the shadow ball that was going to attack Luo Yi Shanai Duo!



Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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