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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 536

The shocking mood of the onlookers was a lot more complicated. The result of this battle was something that no one expected at first.

That unknown, young and excessive trainer, his elf actually defeated the adored Master Chen’s Shanaido, when such a fantastic thing appeared in front of people’s eyes, it would always make people speechless.

At this time, the venue was extremely quiet, and people stared blankly at the already messy battlefield, not knowing what to say.

Not long ago, they were still supporting Master Chen, and they felt that Luo Yi was a stunned young man who didn’t know the sky and the earth, and there was absolutely no possibility of victory.

But now, the slap in the face came so quickly, which made their faces a little hot.

At this time, people’s expressions changed again. Luo Yi’s Shanaido, who had already won on the field, took two steps forward and squatted in front of the green-eyed Shanaido who could no longer stand up.

Seeing this scene, Master Chen’s face changed wildly, he turned around and left!

But what shocked Master Chen was that a pile of sand had appeared under his feet at some point, binding his feet firmly to the ground.

The appearance of these sands is naturally the credit of Bangira in Luo Yi’s hands. After eating the shasha fruit, Bangira’s use of sand has reached the point where he can do whatever he wants.

Bangira didn’t come out of the giant golden monster at all, and just completed Luo Yi’s order in the small window opened by the giant golden monster that ate the fruit of the hard city.

That is to restrain this Master Chen and prevent him from sneaking away.

At this time, people’s attention was still on the two Shanaido, but no one noticed the abnormal situation in Master Chen.

People have already discovered that the situation of the two Shanaido on the field seems to be a bit wrong.

Luo Yi’s Shanaido showed infinite sadness, and everyone could clearly feel this emotion.

People looked at each other and didn’t know what happened, but obviously today’s things are not as simple as people think.

On the battlefield, Luo Yi’s Shanaido put his arm lightly on the seriously injured green-eyed Shanaido. The two elves seemed to be communicating something. Luo Yi saw the green-eyed Shanaido’s eyes finally No longer so indifferent, began to become gentle.

It’s like unloading all the burdens in my heart, giving people a relaxed feeling.

Luo Yi sighed, he knew that this green-eyed Shanaido might die at any time.

Luo Yi’s Shanai Duo had already communicated with him, so Luo Yi had long known that the green-eyed Shanai Duo was using his life as consumption to improve his combat effectiveness.

Luo Yi didn’t know why he chose such a path, but obviously this elf had a reason for having to do it, and it was not until now that he was about to die that he could let go of everything.

“The emotional richness of elves is actually no worse than that of humans.” Luo Yi shook his head and said.

At this moment, a change occurred on Shanaido with green eyes that caught everyone off guard.

Chapter 174 Uninvited guests!

On the body of this green-eyed Shanaido, some green smoke began to escape. The smoke was not much, but because of its color, it was very clear at this time.

At this time, everyone’s eyes were focused on the two Shanaido, and naturally they saw the green smoke for the first time.

“What is this?” Someone wondered.

But his words are destined to be unanswered, because he is not the only one who does not know the answer. I am afraid that only Master Chen can answer his question here.

But Master Chen wouldn’t say what it was after being killed.

Luo Yi looked at these green smog, but he was thoughtful. His eyesight and observation power were much better than ordinary people. He saw that with the appearance of these green smog, the green in Shanaido’s pupils seemed to change. Gotta be lighter.

Luo Yi quickly understood that this Shanaido could consume his own vitality to improve his combat effectiveness, which was probably related to these green smog.

Luo looked at Master Chen with a gloomy face. Needless to say, the green smoke on Shanaido must be Master Chen’s handwriting.

This is probably what Master Chen did on Shanaido, which is what he said could double Shanaido’s strength.

However, this method is at the cost of consuming Shanaido’s vitality, which is tantamount to slaughter.

At this moment, Shanaido, who had been seriously injured and died, stood up with difficulty.

On this Shanaido’s hand, a faint light appeared.

Luo Yi was stunned for a moment. The life force of this Shanai Duo has basically dried up. Whether it can last until tomorrow is a problem. Now he wants to release his skills, which will speed up his death.

But since his own Shanaido was beside him and didn’t stop him, Luo Yi naturally wouldn’t say much.

In terms of how much they care about this green-eyed Shanaido, naturally no one has more than his own Shanaido.

As an elves of the same race, seeing their companions encounter such a thing, they are naturally angry and worried.

But in the next second, Luo Yi understood why this green-eyed Shanaido still had to use his skills when he was on the verge of death.

I saw this green-eyed Shanaido raised his hands, and a light curtain appeared in front of him.

This light curtain is the green-eyed Shanaido recording what happened with his own thoughts. On the light curtain are the green-eyed Shanaido and Master Chen a few months ago.

It can be seen from the content on the light screen that Master Chen and Shanai Duo are in a brightly lit laboratory, the green pupil Shanai Duo is lying on an operating table with both hands bound, and Master Chen is holding a green The needle, injecting something into Xanadu’s body.

The color of Shanaido in the light curtain was not green at that time.

Soon, in the past reappearing on the light curtain, the tube of green liquid was injected, and Shanaido showed an extremely painful expression, and some green began to appear in his eyes.

After that, the lens on the light curtain changed to a new scene.

In this scene, Master Chen and an assistant are standing in front of the operating table of the green-eyed Shanaido.

“Master Chen, this is the fourth Shanai this month. If this Shanai can’t survive, we can only temporarily stop the next experiment.” The assistant’s voice came from the light curtain, green pupil Shanai Duo actually reshaped the voice with thought power.

Green-eyed Shanaido’s face became even paler. Obviously, doing such a thing is not so simple for green-eyed Shanaido.

The images on the light curtain continued, and Master Chen showed a very violent expression on his face, saying:


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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