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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 537

“These Xanadus are all waste. They died even if they couldn’t last for a night. There must be no problem with my medicine!”

Soon, Master Chen’s face changed to a disdainful expression:

“Isn’t it just a few Shanaido, I remember that there are still a few people in our club who have Shanaido, and cheated their Shanaido.”

The assistant showed a look of embarrassment: “But if our experiment has never been successful, the borrowed Shanaido can’t be returned, and something will happen sooner or later.”

“Also, even if we can succeed today, this Shanaido will probably not survive for half a year. If our plan is to succeed, we will need a lot of Shanaido.”

Hearing this, Master Chen’s face became gloomy and uncertain, and said:

“Let’s see if this Shanaido can live until tomorrow. If it can live until dawn, then the matter of our challenge competition can be put on the agenda as soon as possible.”

“At that time, I don’t know how many fools will give it to us willingly.”

“When they react, we have already succeeded, who would care what these people are thinking!”

The light curtain released by Shanaido stopped abruptly when it was played here.

Shanaido, who stopped playing the light curtain, became even weaker and seemed to be dying soon.

At this time, Master Chen’s face was extremely pale. He never imagined that this Shanaido would completely expose what he did before he died.

He had never felt so desperate before, knowing that he had finally hit a tough spot.

It’s not that he didn’t want to interrupt Shanaido’s light curtain casting, but from the moment the battle ended, his feet were bound by sand and it was difficult to leave there, and soon a thin layer of sand spread from under his feet to his On his body, an almost invisible sand shell was formed. This shell was extremely strong. Even with all his strength, it was difficult for him to move at all.

… … … … … …

In other words, this sand formed a cage close to him, imprisoning him in place.

He could only watch helplessly as the green pupil Shanaido did all this.

Master Chen closed his eyes, everything was over, his research, his ambitions, and his plans were all a complete failure today.

It is impossible for him to continue. Once such a thing is exposed, it is impossible for people to tolerate it.

In fact, as he expected, the onlookers saw behind the light curtain cast by the green pupil Shanaido, and they still didn’t know what happened.

This “Master Chen”, who was highly respected by them before, used extremely cruel means to raise the Shanaido to its current strength, and to achieve this step, he sacrificed the lives of several Shanaido, even before his eyes. This Shanaido was successful, and it won’t last long.

The purpose of this challenge is to deceive Shanaido in the hands of himself and others, and continue his ulterior experiment. Once his Shanaido is handed over, it is impossible to return to his own hands. .

What a good Master Chen, what a good Shanaido’s first training expert, just to deceive Shanaido in their hands!

Just as the angry people were about to swarm up, they found a huge figure descending from the sky and coming to Master Chen’s side.

Seeing this figure, Luo Yi’s face became strange.

Chapter 175 Love the blushing girl

Seeing this figure descending from the sky and appearing beside Master Chen, Luo Yi lit up, and it turned out to be a fire-breathing dragon.

On the back of this fire-breathing dragon, there was a figure looking at Luo Yi and several others.

After the fire-breathing dragon landed, it immediately bit Master Chen’s clothes with its teeth, not only shattering the sand that Bandera used to bind Master Chen, but also throwing Master Chen on his back.

Seeing this scene, a trace of anger flashed on Shanaido’s face. She absolutely didn’t want to let Master Chen go.

Almost as soon as Master Chen sat on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, Luo Yi’s Shanaido completed the process of forming the seal, took a deep breath, and a fire dragon rushed out of her mouth.

Fire Escape·The Art of the Fire Dragon!

The appearance of this fire dragon made those onlookers who were extremely complicated in their hearts widen their eyes again.

Mom, look, this Shanaido is spitting fire again! !

The fire dragon’s speed was very fast, and it came to the fire-breathing dragon in the blink of an eye. However, there was only a flash of surprise in the fire-breathing dragon’s eyes, and the reaction was also extremely fast.

This destructive death light collided with Shanaido’s arrogant fire dragon, and a huge explosion occurred. The heat wave was rolling, and the onlookers had to step back again.

And the fire-breathing dragon also took this opportunity to fly into the sky, seemingly not wanting to fight Shanaido.

At this time, the figure who was sitting on the back of the fire-breathing dragon from the beginning suddenly opened his mouth with a smile.

“Oh it’s you.”

Luo Yi had a curious look on his face. He had never seen this person, but obviously this person knew of his existence.

Moreover, this fire-breathing dragon can easily break Shanaido’s arrogant fire dragon technique, and its strength is also extremely powerful, which is obviously not something that ordinary people can cultivate.

“I didn’t expect that it wasn’t long before I arrived in the Guandu area, so many people already know me.” Luo said with a smile, but his heart quickly flashed through the conflict with himself. several forces.

Banmu, and the family related to the little frozen bird.

Wanting to get here, Luo Yi has basically determined that the guy riding on the fire-breathing dragon in front of him has a general background.

Banmu and the family related to the frozen bird were originally related to each other.

The person in front of them must be inextricably related to them.

“Hehe, you did do a few annoying things, but don’t be too confident. Those people you meet are just trash in my eyes.” The man on the fire-breathing dragon said , a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that in his eyes, Luo Yi is nothing at all.

“If you don’t have other tasks today, you will get back those things that don’t belong to you today.”

After speaking, the man commanded the fire-breathing dragon and flew towards the sky, and the figure soon disappeared.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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