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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 538

Seeing this scene, Xiaoyao asked inexplicably, “Did you just let them go?”

With Xiaoyao’s understanding of Luo Yi, it is absolutely impossible to steal someone from Luo Yi.

The fire-breathing dragon looked very powerful, but it was nothing compared to the elves that ate the Devil Fruit in Luo Yi’s hands.

Even the blushing little girl from before was puzzled. Luo Yi didn’t look like someone who was frightened by a few words.

On the other hand, Shirona noticed Luo Yi’s thoughts, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

Luo Yixiang smiled at Xiaoyao and the blushing little girl, and did not answer their questions, but looked at Shanaido not far away.

“Are the markings ready?” Luo Yi asked with a smile.

Shanaido nodded. Just now, when the fire-breathing dragon and its owner appeared, Luo Yi gave Shanaido a wink. Shanaido immediately understood Luo Yi’s meaning, and he used his thoughts to form the two The marks were placed on the fire-breathing dragon and Master Chen respectively.

In fact, when the fire-breathing dragon and its owner appeared, Luo Yi was very happy. This shows that behind Master Chen, there are even more powerful forces, and it also shows that Master Chen’s experiment is not that simple.  …

And letting them leave is because Luo Yi wants to know where their base camp is.

The worst thing is to know the location of Master Chen’s laboratory.

If it wasn’t for Luo Yi himself, how could they have escaped from Luo Yi’s hands, Shanaido alone was enough to keep them.

Seeing the tacit understanding between Luo Yi and Shanaido, Xiaoyao and the blushing girl finally understood Luo Yi’s thoughts.

The blushing little girl secretly looked at Luo Yi. She originally thought that at her current age, it was already extremely good that she could train Shanaido to such an extent. There is not necessarily a trainer younger than me.

But now, Luo Yi’s strength not only made her have no idea of ​​comparison at all, she even looked a little younger than her age.

Although she is an introverted girl who is extremely prone to blush, she is indeed extremely proud. Otherwise, she would not have trained Shanaido to be so strong at such a young age, and she would not have let Shanaido be thrown out by Master Chen. After the temptation to double his strength, he decisively turned and left.

But in front of Luo Yi 1.0, her pride seems to be nothing at all.

This made the girl infinitely curious about Luo Yi, and there was an urge to understand him.

Just as the girl was secretly looking at Luo Yi, Luo Yi suddenly turned his head to look at her and said with a smile:

“Now we’re going to track the fire-breathing dragon. I don’t know if you’re interested. Come and see with us.”

“If I guess correctly, I should be able to find the so-called secret laboratory of Master Chen this time.”

“Are you interested in destroying this laboratory with us?”

The girl’s face instantly turned red, and she stammered:

“I…I want to.”

Chapter 176 The little pride of the fast dragon

Hearing that the girl agreed to his words, Luo Yi smiled. He still admired this very cute girl.

Although the Shanaido she trained lost to the green pupil Shanaido, she was already very strong, which was not easy at her age.

What’s even more rare is that this girl turned around and left without hesitation under the temptation of doubling Shanaido’s strength within three months, which is what made Luo treat her differently.

Beside the girl, Xiaoyao and Shirona glanced at each other with a little smile in their eyes. They were very clear about Luo Yi’s charm. As early as in Hualan Taoist Hall, the owner of the hall, Sakura, liked it. Luo Yi.

If nothing else, this girl would also be tempted by Luo Yi.

For this little girl, they still have a good impression in their hearts. The girl’s shy personality makes them feel like they want to protect.

“In that case, let’s go!” Luo Yi said with a smile.

While speaking, Luo Yi asked the giant golden monster to release the fast dragon in his stomach, preparing to ride the fast dragon to catch up with the 14 fire-breathing dragon.

Given their current environment in the center of the city, it is not suitable for them to ride on the Rift Seat. If the Rift Seat is really summoned under the eyes of so many people, I am afraid that the whole world will know the next day that a young man named Luo Yi, It turned out to be the master of the cracking seat.

Luo Yi wasn’t worried about his exposure, but he didn’t like such troublesome things. Once the news of his own possession of an empty seat spreads in Guandu, I’m afraid that wherever he goes, there will be an uproar.

Even the challengers who have to deal with it every day have to queue from morning to night.

And although the strength of the departing fire-breathing dragon was not bad, it was not worth mentioning at all in front of Luo Yi’s fast dragon.

The fast dragon that ate the meat-ball fruit already surpassed the average divine beast in terms of speed, not to mention its strength.

You must know that in the world of One Piece, the big bear can do short-distance teleportation!

Several people quickly sat on the back of the fast dragon and chased in the direction where the fire-breathing dragon left.

On Kuailong’s back, Luo Yi took out a potion exchanged from the system and gave it to the blushing little girl.

Her Shanai Duo is still seriously injured. Although there is no danger in following her, it is better to let this Shanai Duo recover.

“Thank you… Thank you, my name is Sweet Potato.” The blushing little girl took the medicine Luo Yi gave and said in a low voice.

“Sweet potato, it turns out that your name is as cute as you are.” Luo Yi was in a good mood now and continued:

“My name is Luo Yi, this is Shirona, Xiaoyao.”

Sweet Potato nodded slightly, wrote down their names carefully, and couldn’t help but feel a little happy when Luo Yi just praised himself for being cute.

“Sweet potato, your Shanaido’s strength is very good. Even if you appear in the league championship, it is enough to reach the finals. How did you train her?” Luo Yi asked curiously.

Sweet Potato shook his head: “My Shanaido is okay, Luo Yi, your elf is amazing.”

Sweet potato looked up at Luo Yi and said seriously: “Your Shanaido is much more powerful than my Shanaido. I never thought that a Shanaido’s mind power could reach such a terrifying level.”

“Also, your Shanaido has fire-breathing skills that I’ve never seen before. It’s unimaginable.”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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