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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 541

Luo Yi shook his head and walked out.

“You don’t need to think about those instruments anymore. Those instruments have all been destroyed by me.” Luo Yi looked at the two of them and said with a smile.

The sudden appearance of Luo Yi immediately surprised Master Chen and the trainer. Even the fire-breathing dragon immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of Luo Yi.

Someone has come so close to them, and it doesn’t even notice it!

This is very uncomfortable for the proud fire-breathing dragon.

Seeing Luo Yi appearing, Master Chen was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic.

For Luo Yi, he already hated him to the core. It can be said that Luo Yi destroyed him with the power of one person.

His plans, his ambitions, will be greatly affected, and it may not be slowed down in ten years.

But what he didn’t expect was that Luo Yi actually caught up here, which simply gave him a chance to take revenge himself!

Of course, it would be impossible for him to defeat Luo Yi with his own hands, but after the trainer beside him defeated Luo Yi, he could torture him to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Master Chen glanced at the trainer beside him. This guy named Sugi was not an ordinary trainer.

If it wasn’t for the fact that his family was not allowed to participate in the league championship, then the current league champion would probably be him.

“I didn’t expect you to dare to follow me, do you really think that you are invincible in the world!” Master Chen’s mood can be said to be very good.

Beside Master Chen, the trainer named Yumu was also surprised. He originally thought that he would not have the opportunity to fight Luo Yi recently, but he did not expect that Luo Yi would come to the door by himself now.

It’s no wonder he’s making his own decisions. If he doesn’t fight back when someone knocks on his door, it doesn’t fit his style.

Luo Yi looked at these two people, and he was no longer surprised by their confidence. Few people understood the gap between them and him at the first time, and often regretted it only after they were defeated.

“You, I said that if you pay the price, I will not let you run away.” Luo Yi pointed out Master Chen and said.

After that, Luo Yi pointed his finger at Sakuragi:

“As for you, did I let you go?”

Chapter 179 Shanaido vs. Fire-breathing Dragon!

“As for you, did I let you go?” Luo Yi said, pointing at Sugi.

Being pointed at by Luo Yi like this, Sugi’s face suddenly turned gloomy. Although he is not well-known among the public, it can even be said that few people know him at all, but within the family, he has never dared to dare. Treat him like this.

“Since you dare to touch the person I want to stay, then you don’t have to go back.” Luo Yi said with a sneer.

At this time, Luo Yi was arrogant and domineering, and the momentum of the second-generation rich and second-generation was fully revealed, making Sweet Potato not far behind him dazzled.

I haven’t known Luo Yi for a long time, but Luo Yi has always been a relatively gentle character, but now Luo Yi is extremely domineering.

Sweet potato’s face turned red quietly again, as if a deer appeared in his heart, colliding randomly.

When had Sakura been treated like this, even the fire-breathing dragon beside him had anger in his eyes.

This is simply not taking them seriously, treating them as ordinary trainers who can no longer be ordinary, and have no strength to resist at all.

Sakuragi took two steps forward with a big stride, her eyes extremely indifferent.

“Luo Yi, I know you are powerful, but your power will become history.”

“I won’t let you out of here alive today.”

As he spoke, his fire-breathing dragon had already begun to condense his moves, and the fire was overflowing from his mouth. The next Shun, he spit out a huge flame towards the position where Luo Yi and the others were.

However, when this flame came to the top of Luo Yi and the others, it seemed to have encountered an invisible barrier. Not only did it fail to get close to Luo Yi, but it spread out directly.

Beside Luo Yi, Shanaido pointed at the fire-breathing dragon with one hand, his eyes were indifferent.

After blocking the tongue of flame, Shanaido no longer waited, and a dodge appeared behind the fire-breathing dragon.

With Shanaido’s terrifying thought power, the short-distance movement speed can also reach an astounding level.

The fire-breathing dragon didn’t see the movement of Shanaido at all, so Shanaido came behind him.

A huge fire dragon appeared from behind the fire-breathing dragon, and rumbled on the fire-breathing dragon’s body.

The fire-breathing dragon was immediately knocked out by the huge impact. The place here is extremely wide, but the fire-breathing dragon still hit the wall in the distance all the way, leaving a huge pothole.

However, although this blow hit the fire-breathing dragon, it did not make the fire-breathing dragon lose its ability to fight. The fire-breathing dragon immediately flew up, hovered in the air, and stared at Luo Yi’s Shanaido.

The only thing it wants to do now is to tear this Shanaido to pieces.

Under this kind of rage, it can’t even think about why this Shanaido can use such a powerful fire attribute skill.

What Shanaido has just used is the skill obtained from Uchiha Itachi fruit, the art of fire escape and the fire dragon!

The skill of the arrogant dragon is of course a fire attribute skill, but this kind of ninjutsu from the world of Naruto, combined with Shanaido’s current terrifying mentality attribute, is much more powerful than Shanaido’s fire attribute skills of Pokémon.

At a distance from the two elves, Luo Yi shook his head, as if he had seen the tragic end of this fire-breathing dragon.

The current Shanai Duo is already in a state of no holding back. When she met Master Chen from the beginning, Shanai Duo was extremely angry, but when she fought against the green-eyed Shanai Duo, she could not bear to explode all her strength. , After Master Chen was arrested, and a few people came here, Shanaido could finally let go of all his scruples and fight with all his strength!

Even Luo Yi is not sure how terrifying Shanaido is, who is fighting with all his strength, but there is no doubt that this fire-breathing dragon is simply impossible to resist.

However, behind Luo Yi, Sweet Potato was still a little worried. She had already seen that the strength of this fire-breathing dragon was not simple.

The fire dragon played by Shanai Duo had a huge power, which was obvious, but the fire-breathing dragon was hit by this move, but it was only slightly injured, which did not affect its combat effectiveness at all.

The physique of this fire-breathing dragon surprised her.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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