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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 543

On this figure, a little blue flame is still burning.

Super Charizard X!

Seeing this scene, Sweet Potato was a little nervous. She had heard about the strength of Super Fire-breathing Dragon X. Compared with it, the ordinary Fire-breathing dragon was simply a child.

However, Luo Yi’s face was not worried at all, instead, there was a hint of playfulness.

“Super evolution…”

“so what?”

Chapter 181 The illusion and skill duplication of Sharinyan!

“Super-evolution? So what?”

Looking at this elf that has evolved into a super fire-breathing dragon X, Luo Yi has no worries at all. With Shanaido’s strength, now this fire-breathing dragon X is qualified to face Shanaido head-on.

The fire-breathing dragon before super-evolution was just beaten by Shanaido.

However, this Super Fire-breathing Dragon X doesn’t seem to think so. Seeing its confident look, it seems that he can step on Shanaido under his feet in the next second.

“Xanaduo, those new moves can be used. Although the strength of this fire-breathing dragon X is not particularly strong, it has to be said that it is a good test target.” Luo pair said to Shanaido.

Shanaido nodded, and she has only just gotten serious about the battle until now.

Luo Yi was right, this Super Fire-breathing Dragon X was indeed an excellent test target.

12 From the character fruit of Uchiha Itachi, the skills that Shanaido got are not just a few ninjutsu, and the strengthening of the body. Uchiha Itachi is one of the top characters in the Naruto world, but it is not that simple. .

But hearing Luo Yi’s words, Sakuragi and Fire-breathing Dragon X had sneers on their faces. The current Fire-breathing Dragon X is no longer comparable. In the previous battle, Shanaido could stabilize it, but now , the strength of Fire-breathing Dragon X can absolutely crush Shanaido!

Now, if the other party still wants to use them to practice tricks, then let the other party know that Super Fire-breathing Dragon X is amazing!

Super Fire-breathing Dragon X no longer hesitated. Immediately, a wave of dragon thought of Shanai Duo and hit him. At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Shanai Duo’s figure. It seemed that as long as Shanai Duo moved, he would rush over and shred her.

Seeing the action of Super Fire-breathing Dragon X, Luo Yi smiled. If Fire-breathing Dragon X could cover his eyes and immediately listen to his own ears, he might not lose so quickly, but since it is still watching With Shanaido, the rhythm of this battle is entirely in Shanaido’s hands.

Shanaido’s eyes are already three-column jade writing round eyes!

There are already many things that Sangou Jade Shaker can do, whether it is to see through the enemy’s tracks, to copy the enemy’s skills, or to cast illusions on the enemy, it has a certain power.

In this battle, Shanaido can only decide the outcome by relying on the writing wheel!

In front of Sharinyan, this fire-breathing dragon, even if it has evolved into a super fire-breathing dragon X, is still powerless to fight back!

At this time, Shanai Duo saw that the opponent played the wave of the dragon, and did not resist, but quickly moved to the side.

In the process of moving, in Shanaido’s eyes, Sangou jade is slowly rotating.

Seeing Shanaido’s actions, Super Fire-breathing Dragon X was happy, and the other party’s reaction was exactly what he wanted.

Super Fire-breathing Dragon X immediately adjusted its moving direction and rushed towards Shanaido’s current direction.

After evolving into Super Fire-breathing Dragon X, its strength is a little bit stronger, and the action of capturing Shanaido has become easier. At this time, Fire-breathing Dragon X, his eyes are tightly locked on Shanaido’s figure, and his heart has been beaten. Make up your mind, no matter where this Shanaido hides, it must let her know how powerful it is.

Just when Super Fire-breathing Dragon X was only a few meters away from Shanaido, Shanaido slowly raised his head and looked directly at the fire-breathing dragon with his eyes.

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon was staring at Shanai Duo to prevent Shanai Duo from taking any new actions. At this time, when Shanai Duo raised his head, the eyes of the two elves inevitably met.

In an instant, three gouyu faintly appeared in the eyes of Fire-breathing Dragon X, slowly spinning.

The moment the Three Gou Jade appeared in the eyes of Fire-breathing Dragon X, its body suddenly stopped in the air with a blank expression on its face.

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon was less than two meters away from Shanai Duo. Shanai Duo had no intention of evading at all, while the fire-breathing dragon hovered in the air and no longer had any movement.

Seeing this scene, Sugi was a little confused, not knowing why his Fire-breathing Dragon X made such a mistake.

A distance of less than two meters can be broken through in just a split second. As long as it can hit Shanaido, then the battle will be won.

“Fire-breathing dragon, what are you doing!?” Sakura yelled angrily.

He didn’t know that the fire-breathing dragon at this time had already fallen into illusion, and it was impossible to hear his words.

In fact, it wasn’t just Sugi who didn’t know what was going on, but also Xiaoyao Xirona and Sweet Potatoes, as well as Master Chen not far away, all felt a little weird.

Super Fire-breathing Dragon X stopped his attack at such a close distance from Shanaido, 403 was inappropriate no matter what.

With the strength and experience of Super Fire-breathing Dragon X, this can be said to be a huge mistake.

Among the people present, only Luo Yi knew that Fire-breathing Dragon X did not stop on his own initiative, but fell into the illusion of Sharinyan and lost control of his body.

The illusion of writing round eyes can also be used when writing round eyes with three hooks. Although the power is not as powerful as kaleidoscope writing round eyes, in this world where there is no defense against illusion, it is enough to achieve a one-shot victory. .

At this moment, the figure of Super Fire-breathing Dragon X suddenly fell from the sky.

Its expression is extremely painful.

Now even Luo Yi doesn’t know what the Super Fire-breathing Dragon X, who was caught in the illusion, saw, but Luo Yi knew that what he saw would definitely not make him feel comfortable.

Shanaido no longer hesitated, raised his hand with a wave of dragons and hit the fire-breathing dragon X.

This wave of dragons is almost the same as the one that Fire-breathing Dragon X used to attack her before. This is another ability of Shaanyan!

Skill copy!

Chapter 182 The Three Divine Bird Crisis!

The skill Dragon’s Wave, which was copied by Shanaido’s writing wheel, instantly hit the Super Fire-breathing Dragon X, which fell to the ground.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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