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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 548

It was even more incomparable with his own fire-breathing dragon that ate rock berries.

But this one-eyed fire-breathing dragon obviously didn’t realize this. When it looked at Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon, its eyes were full of hatred and joy.

Obviously, it was looking forward to Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon returning to the Fire Dragon Valley, and it was not a day or two.

Luo Yi looked at the expressions on the faces of the two fire-breathing dragons, and thoughtfully, the scary scar on the one-eyed fire-breathing dragon’s face was probably left by his own fire-breathing dragon.

This fire-breathing dragon of my own is really a bit fierce.

Being bullied by so many people, even if he was driven out, he still left such a terrifying scar on the face of the other party’s boss.

At this moment, the one-eyed fire-breathing dragon stomped its feet, and suddenly one of the fire-breathing dragons in the row behind it came to the front.

The fire-breathing dragon that stepped forward obviously recognized Luo Yi’s one, and his eyes were full of disdain, as if he did not take Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon in his eyes at all.

However, Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon didn’t give the opponent any chance at all, and smashed it with a fist!

This fist, not to mention the speed is extremely fast, the fist is still exuding red light, and there is magma flowing on the surface of the fist.

The power of rock berries is finally showing in this world once again!

boom! ! !

Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon just punched out, and the fire-breathing dragon opposite it didn’t react at all, and was knocked out by a huge force!

It hit the top of a hill directly, and the whole elf lay on the top of the high mountain, its stomach was also turned upside down by the mountain, and its head and limbs were hanging down weakly.

On its upturned belly, a mass of charred blackness was very obvious.

That’s the power of rockberry fruit, the traces left on it!

You must know that although the fire-breathing dragon is a fire-type spirit, it is fundamentally suppressed against magma. The advantages of flames cannot be brought into play in front of Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon.

Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon knocked the opponent into the air with one punch, which determined the outcome with one punch. It can be said that it gave the other fire-breathing dragons a huge impact.

In their impressions, this returned fire-breathing dragon had the worst strength when he was a child!

But now, they have the strength to knock people out with one punch, which makes them all a little shocked.

Behind Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon who started the road widened his eyes with a surprised expression on his face.

When did this little friend of mine become so powerful!

With just one punch, the guy with good strength was defeated, and he had no resistance at all!

This kind of change gave this fire-breathing dragon a glimmer of hope. Originally, it was ready to be buried here with its young friends, but now it seems that things are not so simple.

Opposite Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon, the row of fire-breathing dragons seemed to be a little surprised. The punch of the fire-breathing dragon was really crushing.

However, the one-eyed fire-breathing dragon’s expression became hideous, and he took a big step forward, staring at Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon’s eyes.

Luo Yi had a playful expression on his face. He could see that the strength of this one-eyed fire-breathing dragon was the most powerful one on the outskirts of Fire-breathing Valley.

The next moment, the one-eyed fire-breathing dragon suddenly spewed out a mouthful of flame, and the flame slammed into Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon.

Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon did not panic at all, but a smile appeared on his face.

Just show you the power of rockberries!

Chapter 187 Magma Skills!Big fire!

Facing the one-eyed fire-breathing dragon’s attack, Luo Yi’s elf’s face did not show any panic. With his current strength, he could completely ignore such an attack.

After eating the rockberry, its strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and this increase in strength is not all because of the rockberry.

For a long time, before meeting Luo Yi, the fire-breathing dragon worked extremely hard, and in the eyes of other elves, the level of effort was outrageous.

But even so, the fire-breathing dragon of the little fire dragon not only did not grow rapidly in strength, but could not even evolve.

But these trainings are accumulated in Little Fire Dragon’s body little by little. When Little Fire Dragon eats rock berries, his physical talent will cease to exist, and the training results that Little Fire Dragon has accumulated all the time will burst out suddenly.

This is why, after following Fang Yuan, Little Fire Dragon directly skipped the stage of Fire Dinosaur and evolved directly from Little Fire Dragon to Fire Breathing Dragon.

Coupled with the miraculous ability of rockberry, the current fire-breathing dragon, even in Luo Yi’s elf camp, is not bad.

To deal with the fire-breathing dragons that have been in the Fire Dragon Valley in front of you, you can still catch them!

At this time, Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon once again stretched out his fist at the flames that were hitting his head and covering his face.

However, this time, the fire-breathing dragon’s fist was magma, and it was even more serious!

No, it’s not that the magma has become more serious, but the entire fist has turned into magma!

The fire-breathing dragon punched out, and the billowing black smoke immediately rose. The punch seemed to have no end and extended forward.

In this scene, the eyes of the sweet potato and the companion fire-breathing dragon were straightened. At this time, Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon had one arm replaced by an arm composed of magma. This magma arm was extremely huge and seemed to have no end. past.

Wherever the fist went, all those fire-breathing dragons turned on their backs, and there was no fire-breathing dragon that could withstand the huge temperature and power of this fist.

However, Sweet Potato quickly recovered from the shock. After seeing the strength of Shanaido and Kuailong, she already had a certain level of immunity, but the fire-breathing dragon, her companion who appeared at the beginning, couldn’t calm down for a long time.

What a skill! ?

We fire-type elves can still play like this! ? ?

This fire-breathing dragon was at a loss for words, and he was stunned. He didn’t expect that the fire-breathing dragon just used one move to defeat all the elves in front of him!

Such strength is beyond imagination.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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