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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 554

The old man looked at the fire-breathing dragon that was still fighting against the destruction of death light in the air, and sneered. They dared to covet the three divine birds. The biggest honor guard was this ancient fire-breathing dragon. Lost to a normal beast.

The old man had a good idea, but what he didn’t know was that even if a real divine beast encountered Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon, it would only end in failure!

At this moment, the situation in the sky began to change.

After noticing this, Luo Yi’s expression suddenly became strange.

“What a fire-breathing dragon, what a rockberry fruit.” Luo Yi said to himself.

Chapter 193 The Awakening of Fruit Ability! !

After Luo Yi ate the fruit of the operation, his physical quality has been continuously improving, and his current vision has reached the limit that a human can do.

So he could see that the fire-breathing dragon that was fighting against the ancient elf’s destruction light was undergoing some peculiar changes.

This change was naturally brought about by the rock berries eaten by the fire-breathing dragon.

Under enormous pressure, Fire-breathing Dragon’s understanding and development of rockberry fruit is becoming more profound!

Because Luo Yi saw that the place where the fire-breathing dragon and the Destruction Dead Light were in contact at this time, there was already a little bit of Destruction Dead Light, and it was converted into magma!

Rockberry’s real abilities have begun to awaken!

The ability of the devil fruit is very powerful. At first, it can make the elves who eat the devil fruit elementalize. This is almost invincible in the world of Pokémon, but the ability of the devil fruit is far more than that. The ability is awakening!

After awakening the power of Devil Fruit, you can change the environment around you!

Luo Yi naturally knew about the awakening of the Devil Fruit. In One Piece’s Manga 343 paintings, Doflamingo, one of the seven seas, showed the ability to awaken the Devil Fruit when he fought against Luffy. The towns became lines.

Now, Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon has also shown the same ability, and it actually began to assimilate the opponent’s attack!

However, Luo Yi could also see that the fire-breathing dragon was not very proficient in awakening the ability of rock fruit, and the transformation of destroying the death light was also a little slow.

At this time, this huge destruction light, only the part that was in contact with the fire-breathing dragon, turned into magma.

At this time, not only Luo Yi discovered the abnormality in the fire-breathing dragon, but Shirona’s face moved slightly, feeling that the situation in the sky was a bit strange, but she couldn’t see exactly what happened.

Even the huge fire-breathing dragon felt that something was wrong. He felt that the power of his attack was constantly weakening, while the opponent’s resistance was slowly increasing.

However, they don’t know what happened.

But after a few seconds, everything became clear.

Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon has become more and more proficient in assimilating this destructive death light into magma. In this short period of time, the fire-breathing dragon has made great progress.

Soon, the speed of the fire-breathing dragon’s assimilation of the opponent’s attack suddenly increased. In a few seconds, one-fifth of this huge and terrifying destructive death light was assimilated into magma!

At this time, as long as he wasn’t blind, he could tell that Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon had the absolute upper hand in this confrontation.

If it was said that the two elves were still fighting each other in the past, it was difficult to tell the winner, but now it is obvious that part of the destruction and death light played by the ancient elves has become the power of Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon, although it is only one-fifth, but The ebb and flow of this power is enough to determine the outcome of this confrontation.

At this time, in the castle inside the belly of the giant golden monster, all Luo Yi’s elves were crowded in the window of the castle, watching the battle of the fire-breathing dragons.

The awakening of the Devil Fruit’s ability is the first of all Luo Yi’s elves who have eaten Devil Fruit!

Even Pikachu, who was the first to eat the Thunder Fruit, has not yet achieved the fruit’s ability to awaken.

But everyone knows that even if the current fire-breathing dragon develops the ability of the fruit to a whole new level, if it fights against Pikachu, it will not be able to beat Pikachu.

Although the fire-breathing dragon is ahead of all elves in the development of fruit ability, the time to obtain the fruit is still too little, and the application of the fruit is not yet handy.

It can only be said that in such an environment, encountering such a powerful opponent has played a certain catalytic role in the development of the fire-breathing dragon’s fruit ability.

“This is the hometown of fire-breathing dragons. Is it easier to develop the ability of fruits when you are excited?” said the flaming chicken standing at the castle window.

The other elves were also a little puzzled, and silently kept this guess in their hearts. The fire-breathing dragon was an elves that Luo Yi only subdued when he came to the Guandu area. Now that the fruit ability has been awakened, it is impossible for them not to envy.

It must be known that their current strength has reached a bottleneck. If the fruit ability can be further awakened, then the strength must be greatly improved.

A dozen elves watched the battle of the fire-breathing dragons and discussed it, all thinking about how to awaken their fruit abilities to the next step.

At this time, the giant golden monster is a little tired. These elves are watching this battle in their stomachs, and they have no ability to broadcast, so they can only open a few windows on their stomachs as castles. windows so they can see the battle.

The ability of the Fortress Fruit will continue to be developed.The giant gold monster thought.

The giant golden monster quietly shifted his position, so as not to let the newly arrived Miss Sweet Potato see her now covered in windows, so as not to scare this young lady who likes to blush.

At this time, the air battle, the situation has finally changed significantly!

Chapter 194 The nineteenth attribute, magma attribute! ?

Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon has transformed one-third of the destructive death light into magma. It can be said that one-third of the power of this ancient elves’ attack has completely turned into Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon’s power. .

Roar! ! !

Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon didn’t wait any longer.

All of a sudden, the pressure on this ancient elf that has lived for ten thousand years suddenly increased, and the ground under his feet cracked, and it could no longer support it!

At this time, the ancient fire-breathing dragon was a little broken in his heart. It did not know how the attack that was clearly launched by itself could become the power of the opponent.

But at this time, it has no world to think about this matter. If it doesn’t solve this crisis quickly, it will definitely lose!

However, even if it already understood this, it would not help. Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon became more and more proficient in using the magma assimilation ability. In a few seconds, four-fifths of the destruction and death light had been transformed into Lava!

This attack of the ancient fire-breathing dragon has almost completely become the power of Luo Yi’s fire-breathing dragon!

Boom! ! !


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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