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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 556

Moreover, the room where this trainer was imprisoned had no light or sound, but within two days, he collapsed, crying and shouting to tell Luo Yi everything.

This includes his family location.

“This time, it’s a bit far…”

Luo Yi recalled the map of the Guandu area in his heart, and the place they were going to this time almost spanned more than half of the Guandu area.

Luo Yi immediately made a decision and snapped his fingers in the air. A few seconds later, a black spot appeared in the air, and the black spot was getting bigger and bigger, and they were rushing towards Luo Yi and the others at high speed.

It is the Risakuza that absorbs energy in the sky!

Seeing Luo Yi and the others all looking up at the sky, Miss Sweet Potato, who came to her heart, also raised her head blankly, and soon found the little black spot in the air. …

But she couldn’t see clearly what it was.

“Luo Yi, isn’t the place we’re going to be far away, do you want to prepare some things we need on the way?” Sweet Potato asked.

For the long journey, Sweet Potato considers herself to be very experienced. She and Shanaido spend most of their time on the road in the wild, and it is very necessary to prepare some food and emergency things in the wild.

However, Luo Yi shook his head with a half-smile, and said, “No need, it will only take half a day on the road, very soon.”

Sweet Potato blinked, a little puzzled in his heart. The speed of the fast dragon is very fast, but such a long distance cannot be reached in half a day. It is conservatively estimated that it will take two days.

Moreover, the stamina of the fast dragon also needs to rest and recover, and it is impossible to travel all the time.

Luo glanced at Sweet Potato, knowing that she was wondering what 1.3 was, and pointed to the sky with a smile: “Look, isn’t this coming, with it there, it won’t be used for half a day.”

Sweet Potato looked in the direction Luo Yi pointed, and her eyes widened.

The little black spot she had seen before had now come to a place not far from their sky, and she could finally see clearly what it was.

It turned out to be a ghost!

Looking at this elf, Sweet Potato was so shocked that she couldn’t say a word. If she was not mistaken, this elf seemed to be a mythical beast! ?

The name of this divine beast seems to be called…

Crack the empty seat! ?

Chapter 196 Crack Crack… Crack the Empty Seat! ? ?

Sweet potato knows about the fission, but it is only in the legends related to the beasts that I know about the elf of the fission. For this kind of elf, sweet potato is very longing for it, but I never thought that I could See this beast with your own eyes!

In this short time of thinking, Kaikongza had already come to Luo Yi’s side, and took the initiative to send his head to Luo Yi’s hand, acting like a spoiled child with Luo Yi.

Seeing this elf right in front of you, Sweet Potato has completely confirmed that this is the legendary beast, Kakuza!

Overlord of the sky!

But now, the three views of sweet potatoes are a little broken, and this cracking seat is actually acting like a spoiled child with Luo Yi!

She never thought that the legendary beast would be like this.

I’m flirting with humans! ?

After Luo Yi patted the head of the cracked empty seat, he turned his head to look at Sweet Potato, saw the unbelievable look on the other party’s face, and suddenly laughed.

“Let me introduce to you, this is also one of my many elves, 12 of my many elves, Rift Seat.”

“This time, we can just sit in the empty seat. The speed of the empty seat is very fast, and half a day is enough for us to reach our destination.”

While speaking, Kaikongzu nodded towards Sweet Potato as a greeting.

Cracked Seat knew that Xiaoyao and Xirona were very important people by Luo Yi’s side, and now there was another young lady. Although he didn’t know the specific situation, it was better to say hello.

Sweet potato was stunned, unable to utter a word. When she knew that Luo Yi had a frozen bird in his hand, she was already very shocked. Now, she found out that Luo Yi’s hand was not the only one!

Even the cracked empty seat has become Luo Yi’s elf!

Sweet Potato looked at Khikongzuo and Luo Yi, and a feeling emerged in his heart, as if there was nothing in this world that Luo Yi couldn’t do.

In front of this seemingly young and excessive trainer, he is not only powerful, but also full of courage. He has already done things that other people dare not think about.

Such a person, I am afraid that there will be no one in [-] years.

Sweet Potato’s heart was amazed, in this era, I am afraid that Luo Yi will become the brightest and most distant sun. Compared with Luo Yi, anyone else is as inconspicuous as a match.

At this time, Xiaoyao Shirona on the side came over, took the sweet potato’s hand, and said with a smile:

“This guy is like this. There are only things that people can’t think of, and there’s nothing he can’t do. Get used to it slowly, and you’ll get used to it soon.”

Xiaoyao and Shirona were the first to follow Luo Yi. They were shocked by Luo Yi’s strength and incredible things like sweet potatoes at first, but now they are completely used to it.

In this world, there is nothing Luo Yi can’t do.

What about the divine beast, the elves in Luo Yi’s hand can knock down the divine beast, not one or two!

Several people quickly sat on the back of the cracking seat, and Sweet Potato was still frightened. She never thought that she would still be able to sit on the back of the cracking seat in her life.

It was almost like a dream.

But soon, after the splitting seat accelerated, the three girls felt a little uncomfortable. The speed of the splitting seat was too fast, even though it had spread the protective cover and protected several people on its back, but the human body Still too fragile to bear such a fast speed.

On the other hand, Luo Yi, because he ate the fruit of the operation, his physical quality has far surpassed that of ordinary people, and now he still feels that there is no problem.

However, Luo Yi also has to consider the situation of the three girls.

“If it goes on like this, the speed of the cracking seat will not be able to play out, and your body will not be comfortable. Let’s go into the body of the giant gold monster.” Luo Yi said.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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