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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 557

Xiaoyao and Shirona both nodded. They already knew the ability of the giant gold monster. There is a huge castle inside the giant gold monster’s body. Usually, when they rest, they enter the giant gold monster’s castle.

And Luo Yi’s elves are not in the Poké Ball, but in the castle of the giant gold monster.

This is the power of the fortified city fruit eaten by the giant gold monster.

But this time, Sweet Potato was once again confused.

Enter the body of the giant gold monster?

What’s happening here?

It’s not that she didn’t know about the giant gold monster, but it was the first time she heard about it entering the giant gold monster’s body.

How to get in?got eaten?

How can it come out! !

Seeing Sweet Potato’s dazed expression, Luo Yi smiled and shook his head. It was really unacceptable to show the magical part of himself to others in one breath.

Luo Yi is very fond of sweet potato, he knows that there is only one elf in sweet potato, that is a Shanai Duo, and this Shanai Duo is very powerful, it can cultivate Shanai Duo to such a strong point, not a easy thing.

This requires firm confidence and courage to overcome all kinds of difficulties.

And what Luo Yi admires most about Sweet Potato is her simplicity and pride. In the previous matter of Master Chen, an opportunity to improve Shanaido’s strength was given to him 323, Sweet Potato did not accept it, but turned his head and left. This is not something anyone can do.

You must know that what Master Chen did was a trap, but at the time when he had not exposed Master Chen, it could be said to be a huge temptation.

At that time, almost all the trainers present wanted to send their Shanaido to Master Chen’s hands, but Sweet Potato didn’t bother.

This is enough to show the firmness and pride of sweet potatoes.

It can be said that there are places that Luo Yi admires everywhere on the sweet potato.

That’s why Luo Yi invited Sweet Potato to go all the way with him.

Moreover, after the sweet potato went with him, the people from the Dewen Group in the Guandu area immediately began to collect all the information about the sweet potato and sent it to Luo Yi.

Innocent, pure and simple.

Although Luo Yi didn’t like this kind of secret investigation of friends, but since these people have already done it, it’s not easy to attack their enthusiasm, after all, it is for the sake of their own safety.

All in all, Luo Yi has accepted Sweet Potato, a lovely young lady.

“Next, it’s time to witness the miracle!”

Luo Yixiang blinked at Sweet Potato with a mysterious look on his face.

Chapter 197 Next, is the moment to witness the miracle!

“Next, it’s time to witness the miracle!”

Luo blinked at Sweet Potato and grabbed Sweet Potato’s hand.

Sweet potato was at a loss, and after Luo Yi held her hand, her face turned red, and she didn’t know what to do anymore.

But Luo Yi didn’t stop. He pulled the sweet potato and walked towards the giant golden monster.

At this time, the giant golden monster was by Luo Yi’s side. Since it ate the fruit of the strong city and took charge of Luo Yi’s base camp and logistics, it seldom entered the Poké Ball and always followed Luo Yi’s side.

Seeing Luo Yi’s appearance now, he didn’t know what Luo Yi meant, so he immediately took Luo Yi and Sweet Potato into his castle.

On the back of Kaikongza, Luo Yi and Sweet Potato disappeared.

Next, the giant gold monster also received Xiaoyao and Xirona into his castle. After doing all this, the giant gold monster nodded with satisfaction, and then patted the body of the cracking seat, indicating that the cracking seat can start to accelerate.

The speed of the cracking seat increased instantly, and it was several times faster than the previous speed!

At this time, on the back of the split empty seat, a satisfied smile appeared on the face of the giant gold monster, and he really became more and more discerning.

In the heart of the giant gold monster, he was very satisfied with himself.



At this time, in the castle inside the belly of the giant gold monster, the bodies of Luo Yi and four people appeared, and a dozen elves in the castle immediately surrounded them.

Luo Yi smiled and touched his elves one by one. Although these elves were powerful, when they saw him, they seemed to be pets, and they only knew how to act cute and coquettish.

Of course, once on the battlefield, they are the most fierce and strongest.

Soon, after saying hello to his elves, Luo Yi turned to look at Sweet Potato, and found that Sweet Potato, a shy little girl, was standing there nervously, not daring to move.

It was the first time that she was surrounded by so many elves, and these elves were all very powerful ones, each with an extremely powerful aura. Even among elves of the same race, they were considered top notch. of the kind.

Sweet potatoes are about to cry.

Although these elves have been as cute as possible, and don’t want to scare the new lady, but because of their momentum and size, plus so many crowded together, it is still a little scary.

What’s more, this Miss Sweet Potato is quite shy and timid.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi smiled, came over and took Sweet Potato’s hand, pointed at the giant golden monster that appeared in his castle and said:

“You have seen this elf, the giant gold monster, my butler.”

The giant golden monster made a very gentlemanly gesture towards the sweet potato and nodded.

Sweet potato’s nervousness seemed to ease a bit. Next, Luo introduced all his elves one by one. Sweet potato finally saw the legendary frozen bird.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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