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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 558

Not only that, Sweet Potato was shocked to discover that, in addition to the two mythical beasts, the Crackling Seat and the Frozen Bird, Luo Yi actually had a Groudon! !

It is also a famous top beast! !

King of the Earth, Groudon!

Sweet Potato took a deep breath and felt that her brain was not enough. The strength Luo Yi showed before was enough to shock people, but now she is doing this, and that is just the tip of the iceberg of Luo Yi’s strength.

In Luo Yi’s base camp, almost all of them are powerful rare elves, and it can be seen that they are the top ones of the same race, with extraordinary momentum.

Most importantly, Sweet Potato realized that most of Luo Yi’s elves seemed to have some special abilities.

Shanaido, who was the first to see before, was able to display several terrifying fire attribute skills, which were completely new and never seen before. After that, the speed of the fast dragon reached an unimaginable level.

Up to now, the giant golden monster has such a huge space in its body. This is something that I never dared to think about before.

After realizing this, Sweet Potato was a little moved. She knew that these things were extremely secret. Luo Yi was able to show it to herself because of her trust in herself.

Thinking of this, the tension in Sweet Potato’s heart disappeared and turned to warm.

“The giant gold monster, open a room for Sweet Potato. You can communicate with Sweet Potato for the specific look of the room.”

After introducing his elf, Luo pair said to the giant golden monster.

Hearing this, Sweet Potato was a little confused again, but Luo Yi had too many shocking things here, she was used to it, but she wasn’t too surprised.

Whatever it is, just listen to Luo Yi.

Soon, under the ability of the giant gold monster, the room belonging to Sweet Potato was shaped, and Sweet Potato was once again amazed. Such an ability is simply against the sky.

At this time, Sweet Potato finally understood why the giant golden monster could become Luo Yi’s housekeeper.

Chapter 198 Lucario and Bamen Dunjia!!

Soon, Luo Yi and a few people had a happy dinner party inside the body of the giant golden monster. At this time, there was still some time before their destination, which was just right for a rest.

Near the dining table of several people, nearly twenty elves sang and danced happily.

They haven’t been this lively in a long time.

These more than [-] elves, in addition to Luo Yi’s elves, Xiaoyao’s elves, Shirona’s elves, and sweet potato’s elves, all participated. These elves quickly accepted each other and were very happy.

However, Luo Yi was thinking about something as if he had something on his mind.

He got a new fruit.

Character Fruit: Matt Kay! !

When he got the fruit of this character, Luo Yi had some thoughts in his heart. He knew about the character of Matekai. It came from the cartoon of Naruto, and he was also a few extremely powerful and brilliant characters.

It’s just that unlike other people in Naruto, Matekai doesn’t like ninjutsu. What he is best at is:


The most powerful of them is the “Eight Gates of Dunjia”!

At the last moment of Naruto, Akai opened all eight doors and almost killed Uchiha Madara 417, who had become six, which is enough to prove Akai’s power.

The latest fruit Luo Yi got is Akai’s character fruit!

After learning about the power of this fruit, Luo Yi immediately thought of the elf who followed him first.


Although Lucario and Pikachu followed him almost at the same time, his strength couldn’t keep up with most of Luo Yi’s elves now.

Because Lucario doesn’t want to take Devil Fruits!

Regarding this matter, Luo Yi and Lucario have communicated many times. As long as Lucario thinks about it, Luo Yi will naturally find the right fruit.

But Lucario has his own pride, and Luo Yi also knows it. He doesn’t want to use the Devil Fruit to change the energy in his body, but wants to rely on his own ability to improve step by step.

The current Lucario, compared to when he just followed Luo Yi, has increased several times in strength, and it can be said that he is the most powerful being among Lucarios.

But even so, the current Lucario cannot compare to the divine beast.

You must know that most of the elves that Luo Yi ate the Devil Fruit have been able to suppress the divine beasts. Lucario has basically reached the upper limit that can be improved. If you want to make any important breakthroughs, it is not that simple.

Now, having obtained Akai’s character fruit, Luo Yi saw Lucario’s breakthrough hope.

You must know that there is a certain difference between the character fruit and the devil fruit. The devil fruit will give the elves an extra ability, while the character fruit allows the elves to use some moves that are impossible in this world.

But Akai’s character fruit is somewhat different from other character fruits. Akai’s strength can be summed up in two words:


Or rather, physical art!

The most powerful of them is the Eight Gates of Dunjia!

Lucario is precisely a fighting spirit! !

After eating Akai’s character fruit, Lucario’s body energy will not change much, but his understanding and skills in fighting will have an earth-shaking change, and the power that can be exerted will also have a explosive growth.

It can be said that this is the most suitable fruit for Lucario.

In particular, if the Eight Doors Dunjia is to be used, it will wear down the body of the caster. If it is used with a human body, the Eight Doors will be fully opened, and there can only be one chance in a lifetime.

That will consume all the energy and vitality in the body!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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