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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 568

“This giant gold monster is really similar to Lao Jin!” Luo Yi’s flaming chicken sighed.

The other elves nodded again and again, this is not a very similar concept, it is almost the same!

Moreover, elves feel more powerful than humans, and the way they observe the world is also somewhat different from humans.

Humans observe the world with their eyes, but elves use their own unique ways to explore the world.

In the eyes of the elves, each Pokémon has its own unique characteristics, either breath or energy.

In their opinion, this incomparably green-looking giant gold monster is exactly the same as Luo Yi’s giant gold monster.

It was like seeing the giant golden monster from ten years ago.

The breath 457 of the two is basically the same.

This is where they are most confused.

If it makes sense, it is impossible for two elves in this world to be so similar.

You must know that in the world of Pokémon, there is no such thing as twins.

“It’s about to fight. After the fight, you should be able to find more clues.” Lucario said.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect to see Lao Jin’s shot in this life.” Bangira sighed.

As soon as these words were said, several elves nodded, knowing that the giant golden monster, as Luo Yi’s housekeeper, had hardly participated in the battle of elves.

The only battle was in the League Championship in the Hoenn region, where he played once.

However, in that battle, the giant golden monster just stood still, and the opponent fell.

Because the giant gold monster didn’t shoot at all in that game, but the other elves in his stomach were releasing their skills.

At that time, a dozen skills were suddenly fired from the giant golden monster’s body, directly blowing up the elf on the opposite side.

Therefore, in the current position, none of Luo Yi’s elves have ever seen the giant gold monster take action by himself.

Everyone knows that the ability of the giant gold monster is quite special. The ability of the strong city fruit makes the giant gold monster into a castle that can accommodate them all, but no elves will think that the giant gold monster has no means of attack.

Elves who eat devil fruits cannot have waste!

These elves no longer spoke, but looked at the giant golden monsters opposite, looking forward to the start of the battle.

The perspective they are in now can be said to be extremely strange. They are in the body of the giant gold monster who is playing, and it is completely the first perspective.

However, this does not affect their observation of the battle, and can even better detect the strength of the giant gold monster on the opposite side.

Luo Yi and the others quickly made room for the two giant golden monsters. The two giant golden monsters were not far away, but the moods of the two elves were different.

Luo Yi’s giant gold monster was a little more melancholy, but the super dream giant gold monster was a little more excited.

In particular, what Luo Yi said, as long as it can defeat the opponent, it will tell it all the secrets.

Although it was the first time that it saw this human being, from the feeling point of view, it had no disgust towards this human being.

Even unconsciously, he believed Luo Yi’s words.

But what it doesn’t know is that it is not an easy thing to defeat this elf that is almost identical to itself.

The battle finally started, Luo Yi’s giant gold monster did not take the first shot, but kept an eye on his opponent.

This kind of feeling… It’s like facing the self from ten years ago, which is extremely weird.

Chaomeng’s giant gold monster didn’t hesitate, and directly hit Luo Yi’s giant gold monster with a destructive light of death.

This is a very good move. When competing with his own partner, this move can be regarded as a relatively powerful move.

But to his surprise, his opponent had no intention of dodging at all.


The destruction of death light accurately hit Luo Yi’s giant gold monster, causing an explosion. The smoke of the explosion shrouded Luo Yi’s giant gold monster, and the situation inside could not be seen for a while.

This scene made Xiaoyao Xirona and Sweet Potato both stunned.

You must know that Luo Yi’s elf has never been hit by an opponent’s attack in a battle!

None of them have ever happened!

The performance of the giant gold monster was somewhat beyond their expectations.

The three girls looked towards Luo and found that there was no unexpected expression on Luo Yi’s face, so they were relieved.

Luo Yi naturally would not have any surprises, and even knew that if his giant gold monster wanted to avoid it, this attack would not fall on it.

The giant gold monster just wants to resist this attack!

Of course, Luo Yi also knew that the giant golden monster that ate the fruit of the fortified city was not as strong as an ordinary elves could imagine.

The current giant gold monster, even if it does not turn into a real castle form, can already resist the attack of ordinary mythical beasts. Wang, it can’t be compared with the giant gold monster.

The fruit of the hard city is so terrifying!

The ability of this fruit is not only to create a castle in the user’s body, but to give the user the ability to become a castle!

As a steward, the giant gold monster has always used only a small part of the ability of the Fortress Fruit!

The smoke dissipated, and Luo Yi’s giant golden monster appeared again.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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