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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 572

If Chao Meng really shot Luo Yi, with their strength, it is estimated that it would be difficult to react.

And Kaikongza is also ready to take action at any time. If Luo Yi is hurt in such a situation, then I am afraid that I will not be at ease in my heart for the rest of my life.

On the other hand, Luo Yi, even in the face of Chao Meng who was already furious, was still not afraid, raised his head and looked at Chao Meng, bright and magnanimous.

At this time, Luo Yi didn’t think that what he said was wrong. Everything has two sides. Chao dreamed of one side, but ignored the other side.

If Chao Meng can’t see the back of the matter and doesn’t change his mind, with its terrifying strength, I’m afraid it will bring countless troubles to the world.

Especially, with such a super dream, 883 has no way to be friends with himself.

And this time is a good opportunity to wake up the super dream.

As for whether Chaomeng will take action in the rage, Luo Yi is already prepared, Pikachu is sitting on his shoulder, and Rift Seat is not far away. With the strength of Pikachu and Rift seat, is he There will be danger.

However, Luo Yi was [-]% sure that even if Chao Meng was in a rage, he would not attack himself.

Super dream, have super dream pride!

However, although Chaomeng was in a rage at this time, he began to think about Luo Yi’s words in his heart.

Mewtwo is very smart, and the reason why he didn’t realize this problem before is because he is too young and has an immature view of things.

Although its strength is very powerful, if you want to calculate the age of Chao Meng, it is still very small.

In such a short time, no matter how smart Mewtwo is, it is difficult to see the big problem of the relationship between humans and elves.

In particular, when Chao Meng was just born, he had a not-so-good experience.

Seeing the change in Chaomeng’s eyes, Luo Yi knew that his words made Chaomeng begin to think about his own shortcomings.

But soon, Luo Yi discovered that the prejudice in Chaomeng’s heart was more serious than he thought.

Chapter 212 Chao Meng, you really think you are invincible!?

Although his remarks aroused some thoughts from Chaomeng, he still couldn’t let Chaomeng change his opinion.

“Elves need a piece of paradise. I don’t believe there will be true friendship between humans and elves!”

After thinking for a few seconds, Chao Meng opened his mouth, still insisting on his own ideas.

Luo Yi sighed, and it really wasn’t easy to change Chao Meng’s mind.

In fact, Luo Yi knows that in the world of Pokémon, Chaomeng believes that the use of elves by humans is only a minority. Most of the trainers have good friends with their elves.

The trainer and the elf grow together, become stronger together, and gain glory together, which is a joyous process.

The current super dream, obviously did not realize this.

Chao Meng continued: “Only a place without humans can make Pokémon live happily!”

Luo Yi frowned, Chao Meng’s stubbornness was beyond his imagination, and there was no need to continue this conversation.

However, Luo Yi still said:

“This matter is not simple, and it is not easy to judge right and wrong. Every elves are independent individuals, they have different experiences and have their own ideas.”

“If you want to change all this, it’s not a simple matter, but if you really want to do what you want, you should first find out if you can represent the wishes of all elves.”

“You’d better not stand on the opposite side of most elves.”

“You need to see with your own eyes what the world looks like. This world may not be the same as you imagined.”

After saying this, Chaomeng’s eyes became sharp, and he asked loudly:

“There’s no reason to say it, if you want me to agree with your idea, you have to prove it to me!”

Hearing this sentence, Luo Yi sneered and ignored Chao Meng, but turned around and left.

Chaomeng has Chaomeng’s pride, but Luo Yi also has his own temper. Since Chaomeng has become paranoid to the point of being unable to communicate, it is useless to say more.

How does Chaomeng see the world and what does it have to do with him! ?

As long as Mewtwo doesn’t get on his head, he doesn’t bother to care about Mewtwo.

Luo Yi admires Chao Meng very much, but it is not the extremely stubborn and extreme Chao Meng.

Seeing Luo Yi leave, Xiaoyao and Shirona Sweet Potato also followed Luo Yi. In fact, although they couldn’t fully understand what happened this time, they were all very smart girls and guessed the general content.

They didn’t know what to say. The problem was so big that it couldn’t be made clear by a simple discussion.

However, just as Luo Yi was about to reach the gate of the palace, three elves suddenly appeared from outside the door, blocking Luo Yi and the others.

The flaming chicken, the fast dragon, and the Lucario.

They are all Pokémon that Chaomeng uses gene replication technology to copy exactly the same as the elves in Luo Yi’s hands.

Looking at the three copied elves, Luo’s expressionless face finally showed a hint of ridicule.

Two more clones of his own elves appeared, and the dissatisfaction that had been hidden in Luo Yi’s heart was finally about to erupt.

Gene duplication is an absolute taboo in the current world of Pokémon, and it is even more unacceptable for people to copy the entire elves from other people’s hands like this.

Although Luo Yi’s thinking is a little more advanced, it is difficult to tolerate such a thing.

But for these copied elves, Luo Yi did not intend to embarrass them. From the moment they were copied by Mewtwo, they were already a brand new and independent entity.

They don’t know their origin, and the origin of this matter is still attributed to Chao Meng.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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