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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 573

It can be said that this is a classic case of Chaomeng doing whatever he wants with his own strength and extreme ideas.

This is just a small action of Chao Meng. If Chao Meng’s idea does not change, I don’t know what will happen.

The sarcasm on Luo Yi’s face was not for Chaomeng, but for himself.

He found that he was still too naive.

I originally thought that this meeting with Chao Meng would be a pleasant process, and Luo Yi didn’t want to have any unpleasantness between Chao Meng and the gene duplication problem.

After all, it’s not a problem at all if it’s a good talk.

But now, the stubborn Mewtwo can hardly communicate, and just wants to do whatever he wants with his imagination and powerful strength.

Moreover, now it has provoked itself on the head!

Do you really think you are invincible in the world! ?

Then, even adding the matter of the elves’ copying, let’s calculate the account together!

Chapter 213 Chao Meng’s Wrath

At this time, Chao Meng’s voice also rang.

“When you came to my palace, you can leave if you want to leave.”

“Since you said you wanted me to see the world with my own eyes, then I’ll start with you!”

Chao Meng walked towards Luo Yi step by step, the anger in his eyes was very obvious.

Obviously, Chaomeng was extremely dissatisfied with what Luo Yi said at the end. He had always thought about the elves, but Luo Yi said that he would stand on the opposite side of the elves.

This is something Mewtwo can’t stand.

At this time, the ridicule on Luo Yi’s face became more and more obvious.

“I still overestimate you… Although you have human genes, you are not a human after all.”

“In other words, the human characteristics you manifest are only ideals and self-righteousness.”

“Hehe, ideal and self-righteousness, it’s really terrible to meet these two words together.”

Luo Yi turned around and ignored the three elves who were blocking him. In fact, if Luo Yi thought about it, the three elves couldn’t hold it for even a second.

Luo Yi just wanted to leave here, but now, he doesn’t want to anymore.

The situation at this time is equivalent to that Chao Meng has pointed his finger at his nose. With Luo Yi’s character, it is unbearable.

No matter what you think, since you offended me, it depends on whether you have the ability!

Luo Yi, who turned around, looked at Chao Meng with a strange expression on his face.

“Do you think you are powerful enough to do whatever you want?”

“You shouldn’t mess with me.” Luo Yi said.

Hearing this, Chao Meng’s face became expressionless.

“You mean, do you think you can beat me?” Mewtwo said.

Luo Yi nodded unceremoniously and said:

“I do appreciate your strength, but just because of you now, I don’t even pay attention to it.”

Chaomeng snorted lightly, and didn’t take Luo Yi’s words seriously. In his opinion, only the elves in Luo Yi’s hands had the strength to fight against him.

However, after the last time it played against Korakuza, its strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. It believes that even if the strength of Korakuza has improved to a certain extent, it cannot be its current opponent.

It is still young and is in a period of rapid strength improvement. The strength of the cracking seat is definitely not comparable to it.

The current Chaomeng already knows the difference between divine beasts and ordinary elves, and can have a trainer of divine beasts, but it is rare for one to appear in thousands of years.

It was for this reason that it gave Luo Yi a high look.

However, in Chaomeng’s view, this is still nothing special.

Since it has obtained the genes of all the elves in Luo Yi, it naturally knows the situation of the elves in Luo Yi’s hands, and the beasts in Luo Yi’s hands, which are just a few.

It is not as powerful as the cracking seat!

Therefore, the most powerful elf in Luo Yi’s hands was only a draw with him the last time they met, and now he is even less likely to be his opponent.

But what Chaomeng didn’t know was that the elf in Luo Yi’s hand, Rift Seat, was not the most powerful one at all.

When Chaomeng and Luo Yi met, Kaikongza was not the strongest elf in Luoyi’s hands, and now in this encounter, Kaikongza is still not.

The strength of the elves in Luo Yi’s hands cannot be judged by general evaluation criteria.

The improvement that Devil Fruit brings to the power of elves is very complicated.

It hasn’t been a long time for Risakuza to get the Gravity Fruit, so his understanding of Gravity Fruit is definitely not as good as Luo Yi’s other elves.

In Luo Yi’s hands, the most powerful is undoubtedly Pikachu. Pikachu itself is extremely powerful, and he was the first to get the Devil Fruit, which is recognized by all the elves of Luo Yi as the strongest.

After that, I got the Flaming Chicken of Burning Fruits, the Shocking Fruit Groudon, the Uchiha Itachi character fruit Shanedo, the Matekai character fruit Lucario, the desert fruit Bangira, the meat, the ball fruit Fast Dragon, They are all elves whose strength is completely capable of slaughtering divine beasts.

Where is the upper limit of their strength, even Luo Yi doesn’t know.

There is also the first fire-breathing dragon in Luo Yi’s hands to develop the ability of the devil fruit to awakening, and its strength is also extremely powerful.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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