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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 576

This kind of battle routine is very effective in Mewtwo’s side, but in the eyes of Luo Yi and his Lucario, it is already old-fashioned and can no longer be old-fashioned.

First use a wave missile to attract the opponent’s attention, then move at high speed to hide his figure, wait until the opponent avoids the wave missile, and use the real attack method while the opponent is not paying attention. Luo Yi has seen this tactic. Not less than a hundred times.

Naturally it won’t make it cheap.

If he can defeat his opponent in an instant, Luo Yi’s Lucario will not let go of water.

“Super dream, go ahead, my Lucario hasn’t warmed up yet, so I shouldn’t have to end.” Luo Yi said to Super dream with a smile.

Chao Meng was silent for a while, and the look in Kalio’s eyes has changed.

Luo Yi’s Lucario really surpassed his imagination.

But so far, Mewtwo has not discovered the reason why this Lucario has such a powerful strength.

In its view, this is not normal. The strength of his Lucario should have reached the peak that an elves like Lucario can reach. If you want to improve your strength, it is not easy. did it.

But the Lucario in front of Luo Yi did what it thought was impossible.

For Chaomeng, this subverted its cognition, causing it to doubt its own thoughts for the first time in his heart.

Mewtwo didn’t say anything, just pointed to an elf and let it fight against Luo Yi’s Lucario.

Chao Meng is very curious, it wants to see what is the reason why Luo Yi’s Lucario can grow to be so powerful.

Seeing the new elves on the stage, the elves in the belly of the giant gold monster behaved differently. The flaming chicken was very excited, while the other elves were a little boring.  …

Because the elf selected by Chao Meng is the flame chicken.

These elves of Luo Yi all want to see their gene clones fight. In their opinion, this is a very interesting thing.

On the battlefield, Mewtwo’s flaming chicken stood opposite Luo Yi’s Lucario with a solemn expression.

At this point, even if it doesn’t believe it, it must admit a fact.

That is Luo Yi’s Lucario, which is far more powerful than they thought before.

In this case, even if it exerted its own strength to the extreme, it would be very difficult to defeat this Lucario.

What’s more, Luo Yi’s Lucario is so powerful, how long it can last is unknown.

Strong opponents can often end the battle in an instant.

However, there is still a bit of excitement in the heart of the flaming chicken of Chaomeng. This is the most powerful opponent it has ever encountered, except Chaomeng.

Being able to play against such a powerful opponent is a good opportunity for elves who are eager to become powerful.

The flaming chicken calmed down and removed all other thoughts in his head, leaving only Lucario on the opposite side of his eyes.

The battle begins again!

I saw that the flaming chicken of Mewtwo didn’t use any fancy tactical skills, only 5.9 flames burned on its limbs, and rushed straight towards Luo Yi’s Lucario.

It turned out that he wanted to confront Lucario head-on with strength and skill!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi smiled, if confronted head-on, his Lucario would not lose to any elf.

Whether it is from Lucario’s experience or strength, it has surpassed ordinary elves and reached the level of divine beasts. Coupled with the growth brought by Matekai’s character fruit to Lucario, in terms of fighting skills, Lu Kalio has surpassed the level of this world.

In an instant, the flaming chicken has also rushed in front of Lucario, Chao Meng frowned, and put all his attention on Luo Yi’s Lucario.

It has to see what is so special about this Lucario!

Chapter 216 Chao Meng personally shot!

Facing the flaming chicken that rushed in front of him in an instant, Luo Yi’s Lucario did not have any panic, his face was still as plain as water, it seemed that the arrival of this flaming chicken was like a feather. When the wind comes, it will not bring any change.

Luo Yi’s Lucario looked so insipid, and was seen by Super Dream’s Flaming Chicken, and naturally there was some anger and dissatisfaction in his heart.

Any elf, ignored by the opponent like this, will have some opinions in his heart.

What’s more, the flaming chicken, who was trained by Chao Meng from birth, had always regarded himself as the elf of the heaven’s favorite before today.

The flame on the flaming chicken suddenly became surging, and it hit Lucario like a burning man.

Mewtwo and its elves stared closely at the movements of the flaming chicken and Lucario, but to their surprise, the figure of the flaming chicken flew out in a trance.

For the elves who were copied by Mewtwo’s genes standing outside the battlefield, they couldn’t see what was going on at all, and the figure of 14 Flame Chicken had already fallen off the field.

Even the flaming chicken is a little dazed at this time. Its full-strength strike has not been implemented at all, and it feels like the world is spinning for a while. After it stabilizes, it is already outside the battlefield.

The flame chicken’s face turned pale for a while, and finally realized how big the gap in strength between himself and Lucario was.

At this time, Chaomeng’s face was even more gloomy. It never imagined that Luo Yi’s elf strength could be so powerful.

This has exceeded its cognitive level. Before, the elves it thought it had cultivated had already reached the peak of strength that these elves could achieve.

But the performance of Luo Yi and Lucario slapped Chao Meng in the face.

From Lucario’s point of view alone, the strength has already exceeded the level that ordinary elves can achieve, and it is close to divine beasts, and even surpasses some divine beasts.

This is impossible to do anywhere, anytime.

Divine beasts are divine beasts, and it is too difficult for ordinary elves to have the power and strength of divine beasts.

But now, the Lucario trained by Luo Yi has completely reached the strength that can only be possessed by divine beasts.

Mewtwo sees this very clearly. If it weren’t for this, Lucario would not have defeated his two elves so easily.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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