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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 578

Luo Yi smiled, Lucario really gave him a big surprise. If he just applied Akai’s abilities and skills, Lucario would definitely not be so powerful.

But now, Lucario can not lose in the battle with Mewtwo, this is the result of Lucario’s own efforts.

But at this time, the situation on the field suddenly changed.

Chao Meng’s figure suddenly disappeared on the battlefield.

The next moment, Lucario’s figure finally stopped moving, standing quietly in the middle of the battle arena, waiting for something with his eyes closed.

Seeing this scene, no one around made a sound anymore, and everyone knew that Chao Meng seemed to be launching his own counterattack.

At this time, Luo Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling something and showing an expression of interest on his face.

Lucario’s state seems to be changing.

Luo Yi immediately activated the ability of his surgical fruit, a hemisphere suddenly enveloped the entire palace, and Luo Yi could clearly feel the state of the things within the hemisphere.

In this state, Luo Yi observed that in Lucario’s body, a wave of energy was pouring into the brain, and then a powerful energy was fed back from the brain to the whole body.

“That’s right, the first door of the eight dungeons, ‘opening the door’, is to release the restriction of the brain, but [-]% of the ability of the body can be used to greatly improve the strength and speed of the attack…”

Luo Yi silently recalled the eight doors of Matekai’s eight doors in Hokage, and the first door “opens the door”, which is in line with Lucario’s current appearance.

After figuring this out, Luo Yi smiled. If Mewtwo didn’t realize Lucario’s current change, Mewtwo would definitely suffer a big loss.

Just when Luo Yi thought of this, Chao Meng’s figure finally appeared on the battlefield.

Its location is less than one meter behind Lucario!

At this time, in Chao Meng’s hand, there is a black energy ball the size of a head, and the energy contained in it makes the air around the energy ball distorted.

Not only that, but with the appearance of Mewtwo, a layer of blue light shrouded Lucario’s body.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoyao and Xirona’s faces became worried. This is a very common move for elves with super power attributes. Using super power to imprison the opponent, making the opponent unable to move and control their body, only can be a living target.

If it is a general super power attribute, Lucario naturally won’t care about the blue light on his body, and it is impossible to have any super powers on Lucario’s actions.

But Chaomeng is different. More than half of Chaomeng’s power is reflected in its superpower. No one knows what Chaomeng can’t do, because its superpower is too terrifying.

Lucario is imprisoned by Mewtwo’s superpowers, so is the battle going to be reversed! ?

Shirona looked at Luo Yi, but found that there was no worry on Luo Yi’s face.

Although Lucario’s strength is strong, Mewtwo has now become serious. Can Lucario still stop such Mewtwo?

What Shirona didn’t know was that in the next second, she would see a picture that would subvert everyone’s perception.

That is Lucario, the new fighting system created!

Chapter 218 Let you know what is truly powerful!

At this time, on the battlefield, Mewtwo stood behind Lucario, holding a black energy ball in his hand, and his eyes locked on Lucario.

And Lucario’s body is shrouded in a faint blue light, which is the restraint of Mewtwo’s superpower attributes on Lucario’s actions.

Generally speaking, when two elves with similar strengths are fighting against each other, the ability of the super-power attribute elves to bind the opponent is very abnormal and effective, and can defeat the opponent in a short period of time.

Looking at the situation on the field, Xirona and Xiaoyao Sweet Potato were a little nervous, wondering if Lukalio could escape the blow of Chaomeng.

Compared with Lucario and Mewtwo, who is stronger? Even from Shirona’s eyes, it is difficult to make an accurate judgment. The strength displayed by the two elves is very strong, but they go all out to fight. If so, it’s hard to say.

At this time, there was a new change in the situation on the field. Chao Meng looked at Lucario, who was controlled by his super power attribute ability, and finally shot the black energy ball in his hand.

For this black energy ball, if others don’t know, Luo Yi knows 987 very well. In the animation, this is Chaomeng’s favorite move.

Powerful and fast cohesion, it can be said to be a very advanced skill.

If this energy ball really hit Lucario, I am afraid that even if Lucario’s physique is very strong, he can’t bear it.

However, on Luo Yi’s face, there was no color at all. He knew very well that it was impossible for Mewtwo’s attack to land on Lucario.

Even if Lucario’s normal strength is not as good as Mewtwo, the current Lucario possesses a skill that can be called a magical skill in the Naruto world.

Eight Dunjia!

This ability can increase his power by dozens or even more than a hundred times. With Lucario’s current strength, if it is increased by dozens of times, it will be an extremely terrifying level.

The current Lucario has opened the first door among the eight Dunjia, and his strength has at least doubled.

This kind of strength improvement, in this battle, is already enough!

As expected by Luo Yi, at the same time as Mewtwo’s attack, Lucario’s also had a new action!

The complexion on Lucario’s body shattered, as if countless blue flowers bloomed on his body!

Mewtwo’s super power attribute control was easily destroyed by Lucario!

Without the limitation of super power attributes, Lucario’s figure immediately disappeared in place!

The appearance of this scene made everyone and the elves except Luo Yi stunned for a moment, and then showed a surprised expression.

Everyone knows that Chao Meng’s strength is extremely powerful, even among divine beasts, it can be regarded as a top-level level. Such a super-power attribute elves, the control skills they display over their opponents, were actually cracked by Lucario.

And looking at Lucario’s appearance, it’s very easy at all!

There was a stunned expression on Shirona’s face. The reason why Lucario has only broken free from Mewtwo’s control now is to find an opportunity that Mewtwo can’t achieve. Only in this way can Mewtwo be caught off guard.

When Lucario disappeared in place, the black energy ball shot by Mewtwo also came to the place where Lucario had just stood, but at this time no one was paying attention to the energy ball anymore, and everyone’s eyes were locked. Mew-two.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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