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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 581

Rift Seat has long been prepared.

I saw that Chaomeng, who came to the front of the cracking seat, just wanted to hit the black energy ball in his hand towards the cracking seat, and the whole person’s figure suddenly jumped up into the sky, and the energy ball that was released also shot towards the sky. Flying obliquely in the sky up to 0

At the same time, the heavy object that had been pressing on it seemed to be removed from the ground, and it was suddenly raised one level.

Seeing this scene, the elves copied by Chaomeng were all surprised, but they never thought that such a close-range attack would make Chaomeng empty.

On Luo Yi’s side, Sweet Potato also looked a little inexplicable. When Chao Meng was about to succeed, he suddenly raised his figure so much.

Feeling Sweet Potato’s puzzled gaze, Luo Yi smiled: “Korakuza has the ability to control gravity, and Chaomeng has resisted ten times the gravity before, but when it came to the front of the Korakuza, the Korakuza returned to normal gravity. “

Control gravity?Ten times the gravity?

After a little thought, Sweet Potato understood all this. When Chao Meng resisted ten times the gravity, the gravity suddenly returned to normal, which would lead to such a situation.

Mewtwo is not an elves with flying attributes. It uses its own superpower to hold itself in the sky, so that it has the ability to fly. In this way, the downward force given by gravity and the upward force provided by Mewtwo’s superpower The force must be kept equal, so that Mewtwo can be suspended in the air.

After the gravity becomes ten times larger, the upward force provided by the super power attribute of Chao Meng will naturally be larger than normal. When the gravity returns to 1.9 normal, the upward force exceeds the downward force, and Chao Meng naturally It will fly to the sky.


Although I want to understand this, the sweet potato is still a little incredible.

Cracking the empty seat, it can control gravity! ?

What property is this?

Sweet Potato looked at Luo, only to see a faint smile on Luo Yi’s face, and did not seem to want to answer the doubts in his heart.

Sweet Potato blinked and smiled suddenly. The elf in Luo Yi’s hand has some strange attributes. Could it be something incredible?

Sweet Potato found that it seemed that in Luo Yi, any weird things happened, and he would become a matter of course. It seemed that the rules of this world could not restrain Luo Yi at all.

Chapter 221 The method of restraining the empty seat

Sweet potato smiled to herself, since Luo Yi didn’t want to explain to herself, then she didn’t need it. The reason why she was willing to stay by Luo Yi’s side was not because she wanted to get something from Luo Yi to improve her spirit. Strength, but because he likes Luo Yi’s personality and character.

There are many powerful trainers in this world, and someone like Luo Yi who can give him such a sense of security and comfort is the only one she has encountered so far.

There was a relaxed smile on Sweet Potato’s face. She didn’t want to know why Luo Yi was so powerful. She just had to accept this setting and it was fine.

She believes that many of the elves in Luo Yi’s hands have such strange and powerful abilities. What she sees now is just the tip of the iceberg of Luo Yi’s strength, but as long as she accepts this fact, she will see Luo Yi again in the future. After the elf showed his great strength, he would no longer be surprised.

Thinking like this, Sweet Potato shifted his gaze to the sky, and 29 temporarily stopped the battle between Risakuza and Mewtwo.

Mewtwo didn’t continue to attack the Rift Seat, as if he was thinking about how to break the Rift Seat’s ability to control gravity.

Luo Yi also noticed the strangeness on the battlefield. The two elves looked at each other and stopped attacking.

“Mewtwo is considering the ability to crack the empty seat?” At this time, Shirona next to Luo Yi asked.

Luo nodded. At this time, Mewtwo stopped moving. The reason is obvious. If it can’t find any effective way to solve the effect of gravity on itself, then its next attack will be useless.

After all, the Gravity Fruit of Rift Seat now can not only affect real objects, but also the attacks from Mewtwo.

And this, even Luo Yi did not think of it.

Obviously, the comprehension of the gravitational fruit has been very profound, and this may be the biggest trump card of the cracking seat in dealing with the super dream. After all, it can affect the energy ball, so as long as the cracking seat is still awake, it is impossible to be attacked. hit.

“It’s such a cracking seat, even I can’t hide it.” Luo Yi smiled and shook his head.

Feeling the suspicious gaze from the side, Luo Yi explained:

“In the past, the ability to control the gravity of the Rift Seat could only affect physical objects, such as flowers and trees, such as stones, dust, streams, and the movements of humans and elves.”

“But now, after Mewtwo’s attack just went out, the direction should be deviated to a very outrageous place, which is obviously caused by the gravitational ability of Rift Seat.”

“That is to say, the ability to control the gravity of the Sky Seat can already affect the flames and other things that seem to be only illusory.”

After saying these words, Xiao Yao suddenly took a deep breath. She knew that the cracking seat was powerful, but she did not expect that the cracking seat was so powerful.

In this case, wouldn’t it be possible to change the direction of gravity and return the opponent’s attack back to the opponent! ?

On the other hand, Shirona, the expression on her face has not changed significantly. She has already noticed this, but she just thinks it is a bit bizarre and can’t believe it. Now it has been confirmed from Luo Yi’s mouth, and other things began to sound in her head. s things.

What Shirona thought was how to crack the ability to control the gravity of the sky-breaking seat!

It can be said to be invincible by manipulating gravity to this extent, but as the champion of the Shenao Regional Alliance Championship, Shirona began to think subconsciously. If she stood opposite the Rift Seat, is there any way to get rid of it? The disadvantage of this ability.

Noticing Shirona’s silence, Luo glanced at her and immediately understood what she was thinking.

In fact, after being with Shirona Xiaoyao for so long, he already knew these two girls very well. Xiaoyao’s mind is simple, and he knows less, but people are very lively, kind, and likable, while Shirona He has been an excellent trainer since he was a child, enough to deal with many problems alone, but he is not so powerful only when he is by his side.

But Xirona is the league champion in a region after all. At this time, she will naturally substitute herself into the battle in the sky, thinking about what to do to defeat Rikongza.

“Have you thought of a few possible ways to defeat Korakuza?” Luo Yi asked with a smile.

Shirona was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “I’m stupid, I only thought of one, and this method is difficult to achieve.”

Luo Yi showed an interested expression: “Tell me about it!”

“That is to use the means of mental interference to affect the sanity of Rift Seat. 370 makes it difficult for him to respond effectively to the environment around him in a short period of time, and take advantage of this time to attack violently to defeat Rift Seat.”

“However, Crackling Seat itself is a divine beast. I am afraid that it is not that simple to influence the mind of Void Seat.” Xirona said.

“Moreover, with the strength of the Cracked Seat, it is not an easy task to defeat it in such a short period of time. As long as the Void Seat does not lose its ability to respond in an instant, then the Void Seat will wake up and organize a counterattack.” Luo Yi added with a smile.

Shirona nodded helplessly. Although the method she thought of was theoretically feasible, it was difficult to achieve in practice.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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