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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 585

In this case, if you really can’t stop Mewtwo, you can only rely on fast dragons.

“Go, Kuailong, bounce all the elves of Chaomeng to a safe place, and come to me later!” Luo Yi said quickly to Kuailong.

Kuailong nodded, and with its ability, it only took a few seconds to send all the elves of Chaomeng to a safe place.

With a squeak, the ability of the fast dragon to activate the fruit appeared in front of the elves copied by Chaomeng in a teleportation.

At this time, these elves who have been following Chaomeng have been frightened by Chaomeng’s current actions. They did not expect that things would develop to this point.

They can all see that once the energy ball in Chao Meng’s hand has accumulated strength and falls on this island, they will all die!

Such terrifying energy, even if it starts to fly away from the island now, will be affected by the escaping energy.

Kuailong looked at the fearful expressions on the faces of these elves, and sighed in his heart. These elves, which were copied by Chaomeng, began to fear Chaomeng.

However, Kuailong thought in his heart, there was no pause in the movement of his hand, the ability of the meat ball fruit was activated, and soon all the elves were thrown out by it.

The speed of these elves that were ejected by it was not comparable to their own flight at all. They flew out of a safe distance almost in an instant, so there was no need to worry about being affected here.

After sending these elves away, Kuailong flashed back to Luo Yi’s side.

“Send Xiaoyao, Sweet Potato, and Shirona away!” Luo Yi said decisively when he saw that Kuailong had completed the first task.

Shirona and the others were stunned for a moment, but they never thought that Luo Yi would let them leave early at this time.

Kuailong was also a little stunned, but under Luo Yi’s serious eyes, it still followed Luo Yi’s instructions and flew the three girls of Xirona Xiaoyao Sweet Potato to a safe place.

In this way, there are only Risakuza, Chaomeng, Kuailong, and Luo Yi left on the island.

And at this time, according to Luo Yi’s instructions, the cracking seat in the air also began to try gravity core.

Gravity coreization is an extremely difficult method to control gravity. It is centered on a point, and the gravity around this point is all turned towards the direction of this point…

This is like creating a tiny earth’s gravity field. The gravity of any place on the earth points to the core of the earth. What Luo Yi calls “gravitational coreization” is to simulate the gravity of the earth, with a point As the core, all the surrounding gravity is directed towards this point.

In this way, the pressure gathered at this point will be extremely huge.

It is far more than a hundred times the gravity of the single direction of Risakuza!

This skill is the most effective skill to deal with the current Mewtwo.

Once Risakuza successfully uses this skill, taking the place where Mewtwo is as the core, and applying gravity in all directions to Mewtwo, it will create a gravitational cage, trapping Mewtwo in one place.

Under the circumstance that the gravity of Rift Seat can already affect the energy, the energy ball condensed by Mewtwo, even if it explodes, will only be limited to this small range.

However, such an operation is still difficult to do with the current ability of the cracking seat. Luo Yi has achieved this operation with the cracking seat more than once, but the cracking seat 3.2 has all failed.

Without him, in order to achieve the core of gravity, the magnitude of gravity in all directions around a point needs to be consistent, and the gravity in each direction must point to the center point, which requires that each beam of gravity has a different direction.

In many previous experiments, it was either unable to control the size of all forces to be the same, or unable to perfectly control the direction of each beam of gravity. To achieve this skill, the subtle control of gravity is too demanding.

Fortunately, in the previous attempts, Rift Seat has made progress every time, and has been close to success a few times.

Now, Mewtwo is standing there condensing the energy ball, which gives Risakuza the best chance to cast the gravity core.

Chapter 226 The Gravity Control of the Cracking Seat!

Korakuza’s expression is very serious. This skill has been thoroughly understood, but it has never been realized. Looking at Mewtwo and the growing energy ball in his hand, Korakuza knows that this skill is the only way to stop energy. The power of the ball explodes.

Rikongza’s spirit was unprecedentedly tense, and his eyes were fixed on Mewtwo, thinking about all the main points of the “gravity core” skill in his heart.

Suddenly, Korakuza felt that his spirit had entered a strange state, the changes around him seemed to slow down, and his thinking became extremely clear.

In its mind, a deconstructed map of the gravity core centered on Mewtwo is slowly formed.

Rikongza subconsciously began to mobilize his ability to control gravity. In all directions of Chaomeng, beams of gravity began to deflect.

Soon, Kaikongza felt that the operation of the affairs around him was no longer slow, and returned to the original speed. Its eyes were still staring at Chaomeng, but the previous daze had disappeared, but it was extremely confident.

The core gravity field with Mewtwo as the center has been constructed!

This is the first time Risakusa has successfully constructed this gravitational core field, and it is also the most perfect one!

This gravitational field is centered on Mewtwo, and it also includes the energy ball that Mewtwo has condensed into it, enveloping Mewtwo in it with a perfect spherical shape.

At this time, on Chaomeng’s raised hands, the energy ball was already bigger than Chaomeng’s body.


Korakuza no longer hesitated, roared, and began to quickly exert pressure on the core gravity field that had been constructed!

Ten times the gravity…twenty times the gravity…fifty times the gravity…a hundred times the gravity!

With the application of this hundred times of gravity, Rift Seat completes it in just one second, which is the limit of what it can do!

With [-] times of gravity, Chao Meng immediately felt an unparalleled pressure, which far exceeded the [-] times [-] times gravity in one direction imposed on it by the previous Rift Seat, causing its body to keep making kaka sounds.

Under the tremendous pressure, Chao Meng felt that his body had reached its limit!

And the energy ball above its head, under this pressure, no longer grows in size, but shrinks rapidly.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi who was on the ground immediately understood that the splitting seat was a success!

“Success!” Luo Yi couldn’t help clenching his fists and looked at Chao Meng. At this time, the gravity field was successfully constructed. Chao Meng and the energy ball it created were no longer threatening. Now the danger is Chao Meng.

In the gravitational field constructed by Rift Block, the pressure is terrifying. If it were any other elves, they would have been crushed into a puddle of mud, and only Chao Meng could support it.

However, even Mewtwo’s body is a little smaller than before, and under the enormous pressure from all directions, Mewtwo’s body can’t keep its original shape.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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