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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 590

Hearing this, Xiaoyao Xirona Sweet Potato was a little stunned. She didn’t know what kind of crisis it was that even such a powerful divine beast as the Three Divine Birds could not deal with.

At the same time, they also had a strange feeling in their hearts, what Zai Luo Yi said was just a “small problem” that the three gods couldn’t handle.

Chapter 231 Encounter with Dr. Damu!

After explaining this, Luo Yi didn’t say anything more, and took Xiaoyao Xirona and Sweet Potato to sit on the back of the cracking seat, and ordered the cracking seat to fly towards the sea area where the three divine birds were.

Luo Yi has compared his location with the sea area where the Three Divine Birds are located in his impression, and has chosen a more accurate direction.

The speed of the Rift Seat is very fast. With its control of gravity, it has been able to control gravity so that it can fly towards the target location at the fastest speed without any effort.

If it wasn’t for the fact that there were Luo Yi or four humans on his back, his speed could be much faster.

As for Chaomeng, naturally, there is no need to be carried by the cracking seat, and the current flying speed of the cracking seat is far from the limit of Chaomeng.

The group’s speed was fast, and they encountered all kinds of bad weather along the way. 31 And with the passage of time, these bad weather not only did not stop, but became more and more violent.

Two hours have passed. According to Luo Yi’s judgment, they have approached the area where the Three Divine Birds are located, but Luo Yi does not know the exact location.

But at this time, Chaomeng suddenly flew to the body of the split empty seat, indicating that Luo Yi was on the sea below them, a ship was driving with difficulty, and the direction was not much different from their destination.

Luo Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately let the split air seat lower the height of the flight, and soon he saw the ship Chaomeng said.

With his eyesight strengthened by the fruit of the surgery, even in such bad weather, he could clearly see the situation on the deck of this ship.

That familiar figure was indeed on this ship!

Dr. Oki!

However, at this time, Dr. Damu was holding a strange instrument in his hand. Standing on the bow, he was struggling to resist the wind and waves and the shaking of the big ship, while carefully observing the instrument in his hand and recording some things.

After seeing Dr. Damu, Luo Yi confirmed his conjecture. He knew that in the theatrical version of the original Three Divine Birds, Dr. Damu discovered some phenomena of the disaster, and also found the source of the disaster.

And with the character of Dr. Damu, he will definitely come to find out, and it is impossible to stand idly by.

After all, this is a matter of survival in the Kanto region.

When Luo Yi set off, he thought about the possibility of encountering Dr. Damu, so when Chao Meng told him that there was a ship below, he did not hesitate to lower the height.

He has some matters and needs to consult Dr. Damu!

After confirming the identity of Dr. Damu, Luo Yi patted Kakukongza’s body, Krackongza immediately understood what Luo Yi meant and landed on the ship.

Although this ship is large, due to the bad weather, there are very few people on the deck, and the bow of the ship where Dr. Damu is located is only Dr. Damu alone.

And Dr. Damu has found the figure of the cracking seat from the time when the cracking seat has not landed on the ship.

“This… what is this!?”

Dr. Damu was stunned when he looked at the figure of Kaikongza, completely ignoring the wind and rain hitting his face, just stood there blankly, unable to believe what he saw.

At the moment when he saw the figure of the cracking seat, a legend appeared in his mind.

The legend about the Rift!

Although Kaikuraza is a mythical beast in the Hoenn area, it is also related to each other in different regions. How could someone like Dr. Ogi, who is devoted to the research of various Pokémon, not know anything about the mythical beasts in other regions.

But before Dr. Damu could react, the Korakuza had already landed by his side.

After the splitting space was down, Dr. Damu immediately felt that the wind and rain around him were much less.

It’s the ability of Riftza to use the Gravity Fruit to make those raindrops fall elsewhere.

After all, Luo Yi was still by his side, it didn’t matter if the old man in front of him got a little rain, but his master couldn’t.

Looking at the stunned Dr. Damu, Luo Yi smiled, and Dr. Damu’s reaction was completely what he expected.

Different from others, Dr. Damu has a wide range of knowledge, and has a very thorough research on the history and elves of Pokémon in various regions. Such people have a kind of awe and look up to the beasts from the heart.

They understand the power of divine beasts and the meaning of their existence better than ordinary trainers.

That’s why he was completely stunned when Risakuza appeared alive in front of him 223.

But what made Dr. Damu’s heart beat faster, and even more horrified, was that he saw a human jumping off the body of Risakuza.

Who can ride on the Rift Seat!?

This is a very important existence among the divine beasts!

And looking at the way this human being gets along with Risakuza, it is basically dominated by this human being!

Dr. Damu felt that his three views were about to collapse.

“Hello, Dr. Damu, I’ve admired the name for a long time.” Luo Yi didn’t care about Dr. Damu’s surprise. He was in a hurry and didn’t plan to stay here for too long.

“My name is Luo Yi.”

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Dr. Damu was stunned for a moment, feeling that the name sounded familiar.

But for a while, he didn’t remember where he heard the name Luo Yi.

But when Luo Yi approached him, he suddenly widened his eyes.

“I… I… it’s you!” Dr. Damu seemed to have seen some monster, his eyes were twice as big as before.

Chapter 232 News about King Ho!

Luo Yi smiled, and Dr. Damu finally recognized his identity, which saved him a lot of words.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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