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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 592

Speaking of this, Dr. Ogi added a little bit of his own judgment: “But based on my personal experience analysis, what happened to King Ho this time is still relatively reliable.”

Luo nodded. For thousands of years, it has almost become a law that Ho-wang will appear after a huge disaster.

Once a certain disaster causes the death of a large number of elves, there is a high probability that Ho-oh can be observed at the scene of the incident.

“The third appearance of King Feng is what I want to focus on. This time when King Feng appears, it is only two years away from now!” Ho-oh has not completely lost faith in humans, it has been watching us again!”

And Luo Yi’s expression changed suddenly when he heard this sentence. This time point has a huge special meaning to him.

Two years ago, it was the time when he came to the world of Pokémon!

Chapter 233 This young man has saved the world more than once!

How could Luo Yi not be shocked, he was looking for the trace of King Feng, and he was interested in the magical spirit of King Feng, but he did not expect that the last appearance of King Feng would coincide with the time when he came to this world. , there is such a coincidence.

Is there any connection between this! ?

In Luo Yi’s heart, a lot of thoughts popped up in an instant.

This kind of discovery can be said to be a complete accident. He was completely unprepared, and all kinds of ideas popped up in his head, which caught Luo Yi by surprise.

He didn’t want to pursue the reason why he was able to traverse. He came here and thought it was very interesting and had a good life. That’s enough, but when he found clues that might be related to this matter, It was difficult for Luo Yi to remain calm.

“What is the specific situation, Dr. Damu!” Luo Yi asked impatiently.

Seeing Luo Yi’s urgent appearance, Dr. Damu felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. This young and outrageous little guy with high strength in front of him maintains a sense of strategizing in everything, what he said. Something that can make such a character feel urgent, which is a kind of recognition of himself.

A smile appeared on Dr. Damu’s face.

“The scene where Ho-wang appeared two years ago was rather strange, and the authenticity was also the most doubtful.”

“It was in an area between the Kanto area and the Hoenn area. Several trainers who ventured on the sea said that they saw 490 Hoo circling high in the sky, constantly screaming towards the Hoenn area. ” said Dr. Oki.

“But that sea area is really a bit remote. The people who saw Ho-wang at that time, apart from these few trainers who happened to be training elves there, there were no other people.”

“I think, this time, maybe they lied to attract other people’s attention. First of all, according to what they said, Ho-wang hovered in the sky for a quarter of an hour. This happened before Ho-wang. However, there is a huge difference, the appearance of Ho-oh is often fleeting…”

Dr. Ogi kept talking about his views on the appearance of King Ho, but Luo Yi didn’t hear a word. After hearing the appearance of King Ho, he was basically certain that this time. Things are real.

Those trainers who saw Ho-oh didn’t lie.

Of course, only Luo Yi could immediately confirm the authenticity of this matter. After all, in the eyes of others, what these trainers said was vastly different from the previous situation when King Ho appeared.

But other people don’t know, Luo Yi understands that the reason why King Ho has such a strange behavior is probably because he came to this world…

Could it be that Ho-oh noticed his arrival?

Or was it because of Ho-oh’s ability that he was able to travel through?

Luo Yi had never thought about this question carefully before, but now that he discovered something that might be related to his time-travel, he couldn’t help but keep guessing.

This kind of thing, once found some clues, no one can be completely uninterested.

However, Luo Yi quickly sorted out his thoughts. At first, he wanted to know the news of Feng Wang, but he just wanted to make sure whether Feng Wang was still in the Guandu area. Now Luo Yi can be sure that there is a high probability that Feng Wang will still be there. Stay in the Kanto area.

However, the communication with Dr. Damu this time brought Luo Yi a huge “surprise”.

Luo Yi’s heart is very interested, even a little urgent, but he also knows that it is not so easy to explore this matter.

The first problem in front of him is to find Ho-oh, and finding Ho-oh is very difficult. If Ho-oh doesn’t want to take the initiative to appear, it is almost impossible to be found.

It can be said that Luo Yi now has no clue at all.

Luo Yi shook his head and buried this matter in his heart. Although he was curious, this is not something that should be dealt with now. The best thing to do now is to destroy Jill Lutai’s plan first.

“Dr. Damu, thank you, I have learned a lot from communicating with you this time,” Luo Yi said.

Dr. Damu laughed: “Then I won’t leave you, you still have more important things to do.”

Luo nodded and said, “If there is no special urgent matter, Dr. Damu should not continue to move forward. If there is no accident, a war will soon break out there.”

“That’s not something ordinary trainers can intervene.”

Dr. Damu readily agreed that with Luo, he would not worry about anything at all, and there was no need to go to the source of the disaster.

As for whether Luo Yi can solve this matter perfectly, Dr. Damu has no doubts at all. The empty seat on the deck not far away is the best proof of Luo Yi’s strength.

Moreover, Dr. Damu believes that a cracking seat is only a part of Luo Yi’s strength.

“Let’s go, Dr. Damu!” Luo Yi didn’t waste any more time, and took Xiaoyao Shirona Sweet Potato to sit on the back of the split empty seat.

The Rift Seat immediately rose into the air, and after listening to the incident of Ho-wang’s appearance, he wanted to leave here because it didn’t like the feeling of being watched.

After all, its size is not small. It will always be found when it falls from the air on the deck. When Luo Yi was talking with Dr. Damu, many people discovered the existence of the Rift Seat.

Of course, not everyone can recognize the identity of Kaikongza. After all, it is an elves in the Hoenn area, not every trainer in the Kanto area, and they are as knowledgeable as Dr. Ogi.

They were just curious, they had never seen an elves like Rivenza, so they looked like powerful elves.

When Kaikongza took Luo Yi and the others to the sky, it caused a burst of exclamations from people. Such a beautiful and mighty elf actually has flying attributes, and it is simply an ideal elf.


An accompanying reporter took a photo of the cracking seat in time. He felt that the image of the cracking seat was very familiar, but he couldn’t remember what kind of elf it was.

“Dr. Damu, is the owner of the elf just now your friend?” The reporter walked to Dr. Damu’s side and asked curiously.

As a reporter, he has a wide network of contacts and is very familiar with Dr. Damu. This time, Dr. Damu is heading towards the source of the disaster and trying to solve the problem. He also volunteered to board the ship and live broadcast the specific situation for everyone.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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