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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 594

But now, Chaomeng realized that he had overlooked one thing. After all, the Rift Seat was the Rift Seat, the top of the beasts. Even if the ability of the Rift Seat to control gravity was ignored, its strength was not something that a Pikachu could beat.

Not to mention one, even if hundreds of Pikachus are on it together, it is impossible to hurt Risakuza.

However, the giant gold monster said that the Pikachu in front of him could easily defeat Rikongza.

Chao Meng glanced at Rikongza and found that this guy was taking a nap. He was not surprised by Pikachu’s ability to show such an ability, and he couldn’t help but feel more complicated.

At this time, the shape of the ball of thunder began to change, and the change turned into a mighty bird, flying around in front of them.

Mewtwo turned his head sharply, looked at Pikachu, and found that Pikachu was stretching out one of his hands, pointing at the thunderball that had turned into a bird.

Obviously, such a change in the thunderball is the control of Pikachu!

Chao Meng was shocked, and the look at Pikachu was completely different.

… … … … … …

If Pikachu summoned a thunderbolt just now, it can also be explained by the attributes of Pikachu’s book, but now, Pikachu has easily changed the shape of this group of thunderballs, and this manipulation ability has surpassed Mewtwo’s cognition .

From a purely operational point of view, the Gravity Core skill that Risakuza used when defeating himself was already an extremely advanced skill, but it controlled the thunderball into the shape of a bird, and was still doing various actions in the air. , flying around, it is not much more advanced than the operation of the gravitational core of Risakuza.

Looking at the appearance of Pikachu, it is simply easy to do!

Chao Meng took a deep breath, and was no longer as sure as before that he could defeat this Pikachu.

This advanced ability can be used with ease, does Pikachu have more powerful skills and abilities! ?

Mewtwo doesn’t know, but just the ability Pikachu is showing now has made it uncertain about the outcome of the battle between him and Pikachu.

Chaomeng’s mood is very complicated. It originally thought that Kaikongza was the most powerful elf in Luo’s first-hand comprehensive strength. Even if he lost in the hands of Kaikongza, it was not too unacceptable.

But now it has only discovered that the Pikachu that the giant gold monster said is stronger than the Rift Seat, not taking advantage of his own attributes to take advantage, but surpassing the Rift Seat in ability.

Chao Meng glanced at Kaikongza and asked quietly:

“Can you win if you fight that Pikachu?”

Kizakuza opened his eyes and glanced at Chao Meng, and shook his head decisively.

“Then… how about I fight Pikachu?” Chao Meng asked hesitantly.

This time, Kaikongza just let out a sneer, and closed his eyes again, without answering Mewtwo at all.

Chapter 235 The comprehension of Pikachu’s Thunder Fruit!

Mewtwo was silent, and already knew the answer from Risakuza’s attitude.

Chao Meng wanted to continue to ask something, but at this time Luo Yi’s opening interrupted it.

“Cracking Seat, Chaomeng, we’re leaving, Pikachu sensed the position of a divine bird, and we can set off.” Luo Yi said.

After Pikachu controlled the thunderball into the shape of a bird, Luo Yi quickly understood what Pikachu meant and knew that Pikachu sensed the position of one of them.

And Luo Yi immediately decided to start with this divine bird to stop Jill Lutai’s plan.

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Chaomeng was stunned again. You must know that in its sensing range, there are no spirits like the Three God Birds. Pikachu can sense the Three God Birds. Does that mean Pikachu’s sensing range? Much bigger than it is! ?

For a time, Pikachu’s strength in Chaomeng’s heart has improved a lot again.

The group rushed towards the location of the divine bird that Pikachu found, but on the way, Mewtwo couldn’t help asking the question that he wanted to ask to Rikongza.

Of course, Mewtwo can’t speak, and its communication with Risakuza has always been a superpower used.

“Cracked Seat, apart from Pikachu, are you the most powerful among Luo Yi elf?” Chaomeng asked.

Although the cracking seat is on the way, considering the ability of Luo Yi and several people’s bodies, they are still far from the limit of speed. At this time, he is bored, and when he hears the voice of Chaomeng in his mind, he suddenly comes to the spirit.

“No.” The voice of Kakuza resounded in Chao Meng’s mind.

These divine beasts are born with the ability to communicate spiritually, that is, a normal pervert like Pikachu, whose strength far exceeds that of divine beasts, but in other respects, they cannot have some of the conveniences of divine beasts.

Hearing the answer from the cracking seat, Chaomeng’s heart sank, in addition to Pikachu, there are other elves in Luo Yi’s hands that are more powerful than the cracking seat! ?

This is simply unimaginable.

From its point of view, the strength of the cracking seat has far surpassed other divine beasts, and even if any divine beast is replaced, it should not be the opponent of the cracking seat.

But in Luo Yi’s hand, there is actually an elf that makes Kaikongza feel ashamed! ?

“And… which elf is more powerful than you…” Chao Meng continued to ask.

Cracked Seat shook his head: “I’m not particularly clear, after all, I haven’t fought with each of them.”

This time, Chao Meng was puzzled, and Kaikongza seemed to know what Chao Meng was thinking, and continued:

“The elves in Luo Yi’s hands, they all have unusual abilities. You will gradually understand this.”

“The important thing is that these elves are studying their own abilities every day, and the ghost knows what level they are now.”

“It’s very possible to just pick one out and just beat you and me down.”

When he said this, Kazukuza’s mind recalled Groudon with the ability to vibrate, the flaming chicken with the powerful ability to control flames, and the fast dragon that could deflect almost any attack…

Thinking of this, Kaikongza sighed, and he had to work hard all the time to avoid being left behind too much by others. This kind of life is indeed much harder than before.

But it is this kind of hard life that makes it so powerful, and Kaikongza also knows that if he has the opportunity to do it again, it will still choose to become Luo Yi’s elf without hesitation.

Chaomeng was silent. From the words of the cracking seat, it sounded that the elves in Luo Yi’s hands seemed to be comparable to the strength of the cracking seat! ?


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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