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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 598

At this time, he was no different from the person who was extremely stupid in his mouth.

Jill Lutai didn’t plan to say anything to Luo Yi, and ordered the men in the spaceship to start.

When the button was pressed, countless metal boxes flew out from under the spaceship, all of which were filled with strange energy, and flew towards Luo Yi and several others.

Obviously, this is Jill Luta’s method of capturing the Three God Birds, and it is also where his confidence lies.

However, this method can still play a certain role in dealing with the Three Divine Birds, but if dealing with Luo Yi, it can only be an illusion.

Without waiting for Luo Yi to speak, Chao Meng had already shot.

The super power was activated, and all these metal boxes stopped in the air one by one, which was extremely spectacular.

Then, Korakuza snorted softly, and Gillu’s huge and sturdy spaceship just split from the middle and split into two halves.

This is the ability of Risakuza to control gravity. Taking the center of the spaceship as a line, the direction of gravity on both sides of this line becomes completely opposite.

And also added a hundred times the gravity!

Naturally, this spaceship could not bear such a force, and was directly split into two halves.

Poor Jill Luta, the spaceship has been destroyed before any means have been shown.

In this scene, the eyes of the reporter who was not far away were about to fall out. What the hell was this operation! ?

He made himself seem to be very powerful, but it took less than three seconds to fight, and it was so broken! ?

Is it because Luo Yi is too powerful, or is it because you are too funny! ! ?

However, the thing that made the reporter’s eyes widen was not over yet. The spaceship split in two fell from the sky, and two rays of light flew out of the spaceship.

These two rays of light, one exudes an orange-red light, and the other exudes this blue crystal. It is the frozen bird and the flame bird captured by Jill Lutai!

The falling spaceship was swallowed into the gate by a huge castle that suddenly appeared on the sea when it was about to hit the sea.

All of this made the reporter look incredible and began to wonder if his eyes were wrong.

Of course, he was not mistaken. This castle is exactly the giant gold monster. The giant gold monster that has eaten the fruit of the fortified city can turn itself into an incomparably huge castle, which can accommodate a lot of things.

At this time, the giant gold monster’s understanding of the fruit of the fortified city is enough for it to take this spaceship into its stomach.

The other elves in the belly of the giant gold monster looked at them with light, and it was the first time they saw the giant gold monster turn into a huge castle, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

For a long time, the giant gold monster has been playing the role of a housekeeper, arranging the food, clothing, housing and transportation of everyone who enters the castle. Everyone also thinks that the ability of the giant gold monster is of the auxiliary type. Who would have thought that it could become Huge castle!

They all forgot that when the giant golden monster met Luo Yi, it was also a first-class excellent elf!

Even the cracked empty seat, they all looked a little dazed. I didn’t expect such a miraculous change to happen to the giant gold monster.

Chao Meng’s expression is also very surprised, and he has a deeper understanding of each of Luo Yi’s elves that Kaikongza said is a hidden master.

Chapter 239 Lugia, I see you!

The giant gold monster that swallowed the spaceship immediately locked the spaceship in a huge closed room. Everyone on the spaceship was naturally stunned by it, and it couldn’t allow these people to walk freely in his stomach.

After that, the giant golden monster returned to Luo Yi’s side. Its mission had been completed, and it was no longer needed for the next thing.

At this time, Luo Yi’s eyes had also shifted to the sky. The Frozen Bird and the Flame Bird that flew out of the spaceship were in the midst of rage, and they fought hard as soon as they appeared.

With the fight between the two divine birds, the wind and waves on the sea became violent again.

The lightning bird in Pikachu’s lightning cage also became more violent, and seemed to want to break through the cage and join the battle of the divine bird.

“Luo Yi, what’s going on? Aren’t these two divine birds already free, how could they be like this?” Shirona was a little puzzled.

Xiaoyao and Sweet Potato both nodded, they had the same doubts.

It was Chaomeng, looking at the flame bird and the frozen bird in the sky, thoughtfully, and seemed to notice something.

Luo Yi smiled and explained to them: “Once the Three Divine Birds are completely irritated, it is difficult to calm down. They need special things related to them to restore their calm.”

Shirona was stunned for a moment and thought for a few seconds: “You mean, the treasure of the Three God Birds!?”

Luo nodded and said, “Yes, it is the treasure of the three divine birds. As long as the treasures of the three divine birds are found and placed in a specific place, the three divine birds can be restored to their senses.”

After listening to Luo Yi’s explanation, Xiao Yao and Sweet Potato probably understood a little bit, but there was still a hint of doubt on their faces.

Seeing their appearance, Shirona took the initiative to explain: “The three divine birds each have their own treasures, just on the islands where they usually inhabit, as long as we go to the islands where the three divine birds are usually located, find the treasures, and put them back together. Treasures are placed on a specific altar, and that’s it!”

“Then… where are the islands where the three divine birds inhabit?” Xiao Yao asked, “Where is the island of a specific altar?”

Shirona looked at the boundless sea. There are countless small islands on the sea. Who knows which is the island where the Three Divine Birds inhabit and which is the island where the specific altar is located.

At this time, Luo Yi smiled and said, “The island where the three divine birds inhabit actually has very obvious characteristics, because of their special attributes, coupled with their extremely powerful strength, the small island where they live for a long time will definitely present contexts related to their properties.”

When Luo Yi said this, the three girls all showed stunned expressions.

“As for the small island of a specific altar, it is actually very easy to find. As long as the island of the Three Divine Birds is determined, the altar can definitely be found near the center point of the triangle formed by the three islands.”

After listening, the three girls were silent for a few seconds, looked at each other a few times, and smiled at the same time.

“Let’s play!”

“Would you like to see who finds the island of the Three God Birds first?”

“Let’s compare!”

The voices of the three girls sounded at the same time.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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