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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 600

The Lugia he met seemed to be more lively and innocent, while the Lugia in the animation was very mature.

However, this also indirectly proved Luo Yi’s conjecture.

About Ho-oh, about Lugia, about the conjecture of the beasts in Kanto area.

“Luogia, this time the Three Divine Birds have changed, you appeared a little late.” Luo Yi said with a smile.

Lugia immediately shook her head, and a voice like a child about twelve or thirteen years old appeared in Luo Yi’s heart:

“Lugia didn’t appear too late, although when Lugia came out, they had returned to calm.”

Luo Yi’s heart moved, and he continued to ask: “How do you know that it is not too late for you to appear? If the Guandu area has been destroyed when you appear, what should I do?”

Lugia shook her head again: “No, King Ho said, as long as the three divine birds have not lost consciousness, it will not be too late for Lugia to appear!”

Luo Yi blinked. He didn’t expect Lugia to be more naive than he thought. Before the conversation started, Lugia said most of what she wanted to know.

Luo Yi can be sure at this time that the responsibility of Lugia is related to protecting the Guandu area, that is, watching the three divine birds, and stopping everything in time when they have problems.

And this task was arranged by King Ho.

In other words, Ho-oh is still concerned about the safety of the Kanto area. Although it has rarely appeared in recent years, various things have been arranged to prevent the trainers with ulterior motives from causing irreversible damage to the divine beasts…  

Thinking of this, Luo Yi showed an approachable smile and said, “When did King Feng tell you this?”

Lugia lowered her head and thought for a moment, then shook her head: “Luzia doesn’t remember, it was a long, long time ago. At that time, Lugia was just born, and the first person I saw was King Ho. “

Luo Yi’s heart immediately became excited, and he and Chao Meng looked at each other, and also saw the excited look in the other’s eyes.

King Ho has the ability to control life and death. This is something he has already determined, but Luo Yi is not clear about how King Ho controls life and death.

But Luo Yi is certain that it is impossible for King Ho to directly bring the dead spirit back to life. Such an operation is too heaven-defying, even the creator alpaca can’t do it.

The most likely scenario is that Ho-oh just let the dead spirit live in another form.

“Lugia, can you take me to the place where you were born?” Luo 3.3 said with a look of anticipation.

Lugia looked at Luo Yi, and after a minute, nodded.

After that, with a wave of Lugia’s tail, a water polo completely wrapped Luo Yi, and took Luo Yi into the sea.

Mewtwo naturally followed behind Lugia, and Lugia did not stop Mewtwo, and at the same time had a curious feeling about Mewtwo.

In Lugia’s memory, there is no spirit like Mewtwo.

Soon, Lugia took Luo Yi to the depths of the seabed, and Luo Yi was stunned by what he saw in front of him.

“This…this is!!”

Chapter 241 The power of King Feng to control life and death!

“This…this is!!” Luo Yi looked at the scene in front of him in shock. Even though he had expected it, he was still shocked by the scene in front of him.

A huge skeleton, lying quietly on the bottom of the sea, looking at the shape, is very similar to Lugia!

After a few laps around the skeleton, Lugia said to Luo Yi:

“I was born here, next to this skeleton.”

“When I was born, the first elf I saw was King Ho.”

Luo Yi didn’t speak. Looking at this huge skeleton, he could already imagine what happened here a long, long time ago.

A huge Lugia finally came to the end of its life and lay silently on the bottom of the sea, waiting for the final moment.

When it dies, there will be no more spirits like Lugia in this world.

But at this time, King Ho appeared and gave Lugia new hope. Although the old Lugia could not escape the end of death, but in this world, there can be another Luo 29 Qia!

This is Ho-wang’s ability to control life and death, transforming old spirits into new spirits!

It’s just that the newly born elves are like a blank piece of paper, and may retain some basic common sense, but their minds and three views need to be re-established.

And this transition between life and death comes at a price. The price is that Lugia needs to guard here, guard the three divine birds, and guard the Guandu area.

After a while of silence, Luo Yi asked, “Have you ever left here since you were born?”

Lugia shook his head. Its mission was to guard the three divine birds. It never thought that he would leave here one day.

Luo Yi looked at Lugia, and his mood was a little complicated. Although Ho-wang used the ability to control life and death to make Lugia reappear in this world, Lugia also had her own task and it was difficult to leave here.

This is the order established by King Ho, and if King Ho does not speak, no one can break this order.

Even with Luo Yi’s current strength, he didn’t want to forcibly take Lugia away.

He didn’t want to show his hostility at the first indirect contact with Ho-oh. Ho-oh, the elf, definitely deserves the respect of anyone and the elf.

Feng Wang deeply loves this world, all the elves, and even the human beings in this world. Although human beings have hurt his heart, he still chooses to protect them. Just a different way.

“Don’t worry, one day, I will take you out of here.” Luo pair said to Lugia, “Of course, that must be with the consent of your chief, King Ho.”

Hearing this, Lugia nodded happily. During the time he spent with Luo Yi, Luo Yi had already left an excellent impression in his heart. He had an intuition. If he followed Luo Yi, then he would life will become more exciting.

However, it still has the task of King Ho, and it cannot leave here.

So when Luo Yi said these words, Lugia’s heart suddenly ignited hope, and he involuntarily believed what Luo Yi said. Its disappointing.

What it needs to do is to wait, wait for Luo Yi and Feng Wang to meet, so that it can leave this sea area.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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