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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 601

And what it is most afraid of is waiting, it has been waiting here for countless years.



Luo Yi, who reappeared on the sea, was only accompanied by Chao Meng. As for Lugia, he stayed on the bottom of the sea. Maybe the next time he came here again, he could leave with Luo Yi.

Luo Yi’s mood was still a little sad, this innocent and cute elf who had no defense against himself really made Luo Yi like it very much.

At the same time, Luo also has a little sympathy for Lugia. He has been in this sea area since he was born, and he doesn’t know how many years have passed. This kind of life must be so boring.

“You are willing to throw it in this place, don’t you humans like a certain elf, don’t you directly defeat and subdue it?” Chao Meng’s voice sounded in Luo Yi’s mind.

Hearing this, Luo Yi smiled. It is true that many people did not do well in subduing the elves, including him Luo Yi. Many elves were directly beaten violently and put into the Poké Ball.

This kind of situation is estimated to be happening everywhere in the Kanto area. Chaomeng has such a cognition of human beings to conquer elves, and it is not to blame Chaomeng.

Humans have done too much.

“Although I like Lugia, I respect Lugia more. If Lugia is allowed to go with me like this, it is estimated that there will be a thorn in her heart for the rest of her life, that is, she has not completed the mission of Ho-oh.”

Luo Yi said indifferently: “Many times, although I do not do well in subduing elves, I can also make these elves follow me after I subdue them, and there will be no grudges in my heart, this is all me. It can be done.”

033 “But Lugia, I can’t do it. Its heart is tied to Ho-oh, not me. Only after I communicate with Ho-oh can I know if I can take Lugia.”

Chaomeng was silent, Luo Yi’s remarks aroused Chaomeng’s thinking. It has always believed that human beings conquered elves without considering the feelings of elves, and they were straightforward and rude, and self-centered.

But now, it has found that Luo Yi is not like this, although sometimes it looks the same as those people, but the inner relationship is very different.

Chao Meng recalled all the elves of Luo Yi that he had seen, and found that each elves regarded Luo Yi as their most important person, and being with Luo Yi made their lives more exciting than before, And this has become the most important thing in their lives.

What kind of charm does a human being have, but it makes so many such powerful elves follow them unswervingly?In Chao Meng’s mind, a question appeared.

Soon, Chaomeng shook his head. Since he couldn’t think of an answer to this question for a while, he didn’t need to worry. Anyway, Luo Yi was by his side, and he had time to observe him.

This question will be answered one day.

Chapter 242 The Encounter of Frozen Bird and Frozen Bird

After leaving the bottom of the sea, Luo Yi immediately found Xiaoyao, Xirona and Sweet Potatoes, and found that where the three girls were, the Three Divine Birds were also here.

Moreover, Xiaoyao and the others were having a good time with the Three Divine Birds, which made Luo Yi a little unexpected.

“How about you three, who won?” Luo Yi asked with a smile.

He still remembered that when the three girls were looking for the treasure of the Three Divine Birds, there was a competition to see who could find the treasure of the Three Divine Birds first.

Luo is still very interested in the results of this competition.

Seeing Luo Yi asking about the game, the three girls burst into laughter, and then Shirona said with a smile:

“It’s Xiaoyao. Not only was she the first to find the treasure of the flame bird, but she also found the island where the frozen bird was located, and found the treasure of the frozen bird.”

Hearing this, Luo Yi was a little surprised. He thought that Xirona would win, but he did not expect that it would be Xiao Yao.

You must know that Hirona has always given her the impression of being smart and wise, while Xiaoyao is more cute. Many questions about the elves are asked by him and Hirona. I didn’t expect that one person would find two of the three gods. isle.

It seems that he underestimated Xiao Yao.Luo Yi thought to himself.

At this time, the Three Divine Birds also came to Luo Yi, and all bowed their heads to thank Luo Yi.

The Sanshen Birds, who had recovered their sanity, already had a full understanding of what happened, and knew that if Luo Yi hadn’t arrived, they would probably have been captured by the Pokémon collector Jill Lutai.

Once captured by Jill Luta, what awaits them will be an extremely dark life.

Not only is it as simple as losing freedom, but I am afraid that it will become an experiment in various experiments and be forced to do many things.

Jill Lutai’s technology, but very restrained their ability.

Therefore, Luo Yi has a life-saving grace for the Three Divine Birds.

Luo Yi was not humble either. After accepting the thanks of the Three Divine Birds, he said with a smile:

“I will accept your thanks. The Guandu area will still need your protection in the future.”

Speaking of this, Luo Yi called the giant gold monster and asked the giant gold monster to release the frozen bird in its stomach.

Luo Yi’s little frozen bird is the child of the frozen bird in front of him. It was used by the three major families as a tool to replace the frozen bird. After being rescued by Luo Yi, he has been following Luo Yi. .

At this time, Luo Yi released it to give them a chance to reunite. After all, he may have to leave the Guandu area soon. If the little frozen bird still wants to meet its mother, then It’s not that easy anymore.

After Luo Yi’s little frozen bird appeared, the frozen bird among the three divine birds immediately froze. It never thought that Luo Yi had a frozen bird in his hand.

But almost instantly, it understood the origin of Luo Yi’s frozen bird. The familiar feeling made it immediately understand that this is its own child.

It once left an elf egg in the ancient altar of the Three God Birds on the mainland of the Guandu area. When it grows old, the elf egg will hatch, and the newly hatched frozen bird will become a new one. Frozen Bird, instead of taking the responsibility of the Three God Birds.

This is what each of the three divine birds will do. Once they have a premonition that their life is about to come to an end, they will go to the ancient three divine bird altar in the center of the continent and leave an elf egg.

The elf egg of the Three Divine Birds takes a very long time to hatch. It takes thousands of years. The frozen bird did not expect that the elf egg that he left behind had hatched so quickly.

And from its own child, it can feel a terrifying power that has surpassed its current self.

“What the hell is going on?” The frozen bird’s voice sounded in Luo Yi’s mind.

Luo Yi sighed and said, “You can ask Little Frozen Bird about these things, but I can assure you that those who want to harm you have all been eliminated by me, and they have received the punishment they deserve. .”

Frozen Bird nodded, walked aside with his child, and began to ask what happened.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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