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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 602

“Luo Yi, where are we going next?” Hirona asked.

The matter of the Three Divine Birds has been resolved, and the Guandu area has returned to calm, and they should also leave the sea area where the Three Divine Birds are located and start their new adventure.

Shirona has some expectations. Many places in the Guandu area have been explored by them. If you go to a new area, Shenao is actually a good choice.

After leaving her hometown for so long, she is actually a little homesick.

Of course, she is absolutely reluctant to leave Luo Yi. If Luo Yi does not plan to explore the Shenao area for the time being, then she will follow Luo Yi’s side.

Looking at Shirona’s expression, Luo Yi immediately understood Shirona’s meaning, and suddenly realized that Shirona was just a girl under twenty years old, and homesickness was inevitable.

“In the Guandu area, in fact, I have already been to the places I want to go, and the only one who hasn’t shown up is King Feng.” Luo Yi said.

“It’s just that a spirit like King Ho is not something I can see when I meet him. It’s not so much that I found King Ho, but King Ho came to see me on his own initiative.”

“I have been in the Kanto area for such a long time, but Ho-oh has never appeared once, which means Ho-oh doesn’t want to see me now, even if I traveled all over the Kanto area, it is impossible to see it. .”

Luo Yi suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart. He had been wandering in King Feng’s territory for so long. If King Feng wanted to see him, he would have destroyed the meteorite that threatened the Guandu area while riding on the rift seat. , Feng Wang should appear.

How could Ho-oh not know about the major events that happened in the Kanto area! ?

It can only be said that King Ho had to see him at all, or that he was not ready to meet him.

Although Luo Yi didn’t know what Feng Wang was worried about, for him now, if Feng Wang didn’t want to appear, he would not be able to find Feng Wang, or to force him to appear.

Luo Yi shook his head and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​looking for King Feng. This matter could only depend on fate.

“In the Kanto area, it’s time to leave. If you are not interested in the Kanto League competition, we can go to a new area soon.”

Luo Yi said, “If it’s a new area, it will be fine.”

The Shenno area is not just Shirona’s hometown, even Luo Yi himself is very interested in the Shenno area.

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Xiaoyao Xirona Sweet Potato was stunned for a moment, and then said in unison:

“Guandu Alliance Competition!?”

The three girls looked at each other with a look of extreme interest in their eyes.

Of course, there is no need to say sweet potatoes. As long as they are trainers in the Kanto area, there is no one who is not interested in the Kanto League Competition.

Xiao Yao, who likes to be lively, is naturally very keen on this kind of competition.

It was Shirona, Luo Yi actually saw the eager look in her eyes.

“Why, are you all very interested in the Guandu Alliance Competition?” Luo Yi asked with a smile.

The three girls nodded together, obviously not wanting to miss this competition.

This was somewhat beyond Luo Yi’s expectations. He had participated in the championships in the Hoenn region before and won the championship without a doubt. With Luo Yi’s strength, it was no longer interesting to participate in such a competition.

But since the three girls were interested, Luo Yi naturally didn’t mind taking a trip with them. After all, it wasn’t just his own trip. The opinions of his companions were also extremely important.

Thinking of this, Luo Yi smiled and said, “Then let’s join in the fun, but this time, I won’t participate.”

All three girls had smiles on their faces, and Shirona joked:

“It’s best if you don’t participate, otherwise where is there any hope for us to win the championship?”

Luo Yi smiled and shook his head, with some expectation in his heart. The three girls usually conquer new elves and cultivate their own elves, but none of their elves have eaten Devil Fruit, so I don’t know if their strength has reached a to what extent.

Usually, in the battle of the beasts that Luo Yi experienced, it was difficult for three girls to intervene, and the Guandu Regional Championship was a good choice.

(The plot of the Guandu region championship will not be just a simple game. The author has already thought of a suitable plot, and will introduce the beasts with special abilities that appeared in the original Guandu region, so stay tuned.).

Chapter 243 The Savior – Luo Yi! ?

Just as Luo Yi and the three girls were discussing their next participation in the Guandu Regional Championship, Frozen Bird brought his child to Luo Yi’s side.

Frozen Bird once again expressed its gratitude to Luo Yi. If it wasn’t for Luo Yi’s rescue, its children would probably fall into the hands of bad people, and their three divine birds would also be in an extremely dangerous situation.

“I know my children like you very much, but I still have more than [-] years of life. I hope you can understand that when my life comes to an end, my children can take the responsibility of the Three God Birds for me.” The voice of the frozen bird resounded in Luo Yi’s mind.

Luo Yi was stunned for a moment, but he ignored the responsibility of the little frozen bird.

“Three God Birds have only one chance to breed an elf egg in their lifetime. I no longer have the ability to keep another elf egg. I know this may be unfair to you, but please agree to my request.” The voice of the frozen bird With apology, obviously also very embarrassed.

Luo Yi rescued the Three God Birds once, eliminated the potential forces against the Three God Birds, and also saved its children. It can be said that he has a huge favor for the Three God Birds, but now he is asking Luo Yi to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. After the year, the little frozen bird was left in the Kanto area.

But although Frozen Bird knew that this was unfair to Luo Yi, it still had to bring it up. If the Three God Birds became the Second God Bird, then the Guandu area would fall into the crisis of destruction again, which was not something they could bear.

Seeing the embarrassed expression 037 of the frozen bird, Luo Yi smiled. After six hundred years, I am afraid that he will already be old, and the little frozen bird can naturally return to the Guandu area.

This is not a problem for me at all.

Even if he was still alive at that time, Luo Yi would probably let Frozen Bird come back here. After all, although he liked Frozen Bird, he would not destroy an entire area because of his liking.

Luo Yi is not the kind of pervert who can destroy the lives of millions of people because of his own preferences.

“No problem, I promise you.”

Luo Yi said: “When your life comes to an end, I will let the frozen bird come back here and take on the responsibility of guarding Guandu.”

“And I promise, the little frozen bird will be the most powerful frozen bird in history.”

Hearing this, Frozen Bird breathed a sigh of relief, and the gratitude in his eyes became more obvious.

The next moment, the frozen bird croaked softly, and a blue orb flew from the sky.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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