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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 609

Did her Zekrom already have it long before she came to the world of Pokémon! ?

Why is she so familiar with her situation? ?

These questions were all that Luo Yi wanted to solve. Fortunately, as long as he defeated her, he would know everything.

Luo Yi had a very terrifying guess in his heart, but even with Luo Yi’s boldness, it was hard to believe what he had guessed.

That will have a huge impact on the entire Pokémon world!

The whole world will become unrecognizable.

“Then I can do it!” Ah Hua blinked at Luo Yi and said loudly, “Zekrom, use [-] volts!”

On the battlefield, Zekrom reacted very quickly. Almost the moment Ah Hua spoke his order, Zekrom had already made corresponding actions, and huge electric lights appeared from its tail. , swimming from its body to its hands.

After these lightning bolts gathered in Zekrom’s hands for a short time, they rushed out and hit Pikachu’s position.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi immediately noticed more details between Ah Hua and Zekrom.

“A tacit understanding, obviously Zekrom has already had a very good understanding with her…”

Luo Yi thought to himself: “The traditional battle mode is still used, the trainer makes the command, and the elves cooperate…”

“One hundred thousand volts, still using the skills of the typical Pokémon world… Is this to prevent me from seeing more clues?”

Thinking of this, Luo Yi immediately said, “Pikachu, absorb it!”

Pikachu just wanted to control the “one hundred thousand volts” to hit the opposite direction. Hearing Luo Yi’s words, he nodded obediently, stopped the movement in his hand, and let Zekrom’s one hundred thousand volts go in the opposite direction. Volt hits himself.

According to Pikachu’s understanding of electric properties, any lightning strikes Pikachu’s body, it will not cause any damage to Pikachu, and for Pikachu, it will only be a delicious meal.

Zekrom’s attack landed on Pikachu’s body, and Pikachu’s body immediately flooded with electric lights, but after a few seconds, these electric lights all disappeared, and Pikachu couldn’t help but hiccup.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi was thoughtful, and already knew the approximate range of Zekrom’s [-]-volt attack.

On the other hand, Zekrom, after seeing this scene, flashed a trace of anger in his eyes, it seems that no one has been able to deal with its attack like this.

A Hua’s face also showed a surprised expression, this was the first time she had seen an attack of the same attribute being handled like this.

Whether it was Zekrom or Ava, it was already seen that Pikachu absorbed Zekrom’s attack.

In Ah Hua’s understanding, it is indeed possible for an electric-type attack to absorb a part of the energy of the spirit of the same attribute, but it is impossible to be completely immune to damage.

But now, Pikachu has completely absorbed Zekrom’s [-] volts, and he has no discomfort at all.

“Is this the power of Pikachu… If it is such a peculiar talent, the skill attack that can ignore the TV attribute is really powerful.”

Ah Hua thought to herself, “But this kind of talent may also have limitations, and it is impossible to absorb electric attacks without limit.”

Thinking of this, she already has the next strategy.

That is to let Zekrom increase the energy of the electric attribute attack as much as possible. She does not believe that Pikachu can completely ignore these powerful energy. Once it exceeds the upper limit that Pikachu can absorb, then Pikachu will lose the ability to continue fighting.

But what she doesn’t know is that such a strategy is impossible to have any effect on Pikachu. Pikachu’s talent is not to absorb electrical energy at all, but to control electrical energy!

“Zekrom, lightning strike!” Ah Hua shouted again.

A cold light flashed in Zekrom’s eyes, and an infinite electric light appeared from the tail again, covering his body in an instant.

Chapter 3 Battle of Zekrom and Pikachu!

The next second, Zekrom stepped on his feet and charged towards Pikachu at a very fast speed.

It not only increased the energy of the lightning on his body, but also wanted to use his powerful physique to smash Pikachu!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi smiled slightly, and he could see Ah Hua’s purpose at a glance, but he did not let Pikachu end the battle immediately. He wanted to take a look at the mysterious woman on the opposite side, training and improving the elves. What level has it reached.

Since it has been determined that her Zekrom was obtained before she came to the Pokémon world, her level must represent the top level of the world she was in before.

And the battle is the best way to understand the training level of this kind of elves.

“Pikachu, play a little longer.” Luo Yi said.

He no longer gave specific commands, because he had already determined that Zekrom’s strength was far from Pikachu’s, and it was impossible to defeat Pikachu at all.

Pikachu nodded, his body was instantly filled with lightning, and like Zekrom, he charged towards his opponent.

Both Ah Hua and Zekrom were very surprised when they saw this scene. Zekrom was a dragon-type elf in addition to the electric attribute, and his physique was very strong, while Pikachu’s body was extremely fragile, which was the consensus of all trainers. Going against Zekrom head-to-head is simply a brain-breaker.

However, Ah Hua had a bad premonition in her heart, and she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

If Pikachu’s body is as fragile as she thought, how could it possibly use such a suicide attack! ?

On the other hand, Zekrom’s eyes flashed a trace of irritability, and Pikachu’s actions made it feel a little contempt.

Physically, it has never lost!

A Pikachu dares to collide with itself, if it is not courting death, it is looking down on it!

Zekrom’s speed increased again, and he was already in front of Pikachu in an instant!

Pikachu still didn’t mean to escape, which made Ah Hua’s heart a little uneasy.

She was still a little scared that Pikachu would die in this hedge.

This is not what she wants to see.

She wanted Zekrom to avoid Pikachu, but time was running out. The distance between the two elves was already less than one meter. With their speed, even if Ah Hua wanted to stop her, it was too late when she called out. !


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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