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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 61

It was a Lotte Kappa who intercepted the Devon Group team.

After thinking about it, Yun Dun took out the communicator and sent a letter to Luo Yi about the interception by Lotte Kappa.


After the battle on Luo Yi’s side, he threw out two Poke Balls and collected the defeated Tyrannosaurus Dragon and Giant Marsh Monster.

Then Luo Yi wanted to see Shirona, and just wanted to say something, but Shirona shrugged and said it didn’t matter.

Luo Yi smiled, knowing that Shirona had no interest in these two elves, so she put them in her pocket.

“Sister Xirona, you are amazing!” After the battle, Xiaoyao also ran over, full of admiration.

“Haha, Xiaoyao can definitely become an excellent Pokémon coordination trainer!” Xirona said.

“Mmmm! I will definitely work hard!” Xiaoyao said with anticipation. Since the trip with Luo, she has seen a lot of wonderful things that she could never imagine, and she also has a goal for her future, which is to become a magical Baby coordinate the trainer and win the gorgeous competition!

beep beep.

Luo Yi, who was just about to set off again, suddenly heard the ringtone of the communicator, and after turning it on, he saw a message from Yun Dun.

“Is there a problem in several other places?” Shirona was very smart and immediately thought of the key to the problem.

“It’s not completely clear yet. Now I only know that one team has successfully defeated the intercepting elves and kept their keys. The situation of the other key is not very clear.” Luo Yi said.

Luo Yi pressed a few times on the communicator and said, “I’ve already told that side to let him contact the last team as soon as possible, and we’ll get the news soon.”

At this moment, Luo Yi saw out of the corner of his eyes that a swirl of water-blue light flashed through the deep forest.

“Huh? What!?”

Luo Yi turned his head immediately, but found that the woods were pitch-dark, nothing unusual.

…… “What’s the matter?” Shirona and Xiaoyao asked, not knowing what Luo Yi found.

Luo Yi did not answer, but carefully observed the surrounding woods, and at the same time released Lucario who had just received the Poké Ball.

Luo Yi was sure that the aqua blue figure just now was not an illusion!

“Lucario, use your waveguide power…”

Before Luo finished speaking, the scene in front of him made his pupils shrink, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Right in front of Luo Yi, a water-blue figure appeared, in the form of a deer in the previous life, with blue and white patterns on his body, a blue gem-like headdress on top of his head, and a white wind-like shape around his body. ribbon.

Sui Jun’s black and white eyes were staring at Luo Yi.

Suicune, finally appeared in front of Luo Yi!

Lucario, who was beside Luo Yi, tensed his body abruptly when Su Jun appeared.

powerful!Too strong!Lucario stared at Suijun closely, sweat dripping down his cheeks.

The Pikachu on Luo Yi’s shoulder lost his usual leisure and comfort, his face was very serious, the hair all over his body exploded, and his tail was already elementalized and turned into a beating lightning.

At this moment, the sword is drawn!

Chapter 57 Pikachu’s Strength!

Sui Jun finally appeared, but just standing there quietly made Luo Yi’s two most powerful Pokémon feel a great pressure.

Even Pikachu has been unconsciously in a semi-elemental state, ready to attack at any time.

Lucario’s body was tense, and the muscles in his legs were shaking unconsciously, as if he was under great psychological pressure.

Luo Yi and Sui Jun looked at each other, and what they felt was the endless rage in Sui Jun’s eyes.

Being stared at by Sui Jun like this, even if he is as big as Luo Yi, his scalp is numb.

This is a divine beast. Even if its strength is not in the first echelon of divine beasts, it is the most powerful Pokémon Luo Yi has ever seen.

At this time, Shirona and Xiaoyao both saw Suijun appearing, and they all widened their eyes, looking at the beautiful aqua blue elf.

Xiaoyao looked surprised, and did not feel the pressure brought by Suijun’s appearance at all, but felt that Suijun was incomparably beautiful.

On the other hand, Hirona’s face is not very good-looking. As the champion of the Shenao region, he has seen countless elves, and he has an almost instinctive intuition for elves.

The Suicune in front of him is obviously not easy to deal with.

Just when Luo Yi and the others were still in a daze, Sui Jun suddenly opened his mouth.

A flame-like yellow light group instantly appeared in Sui Jun’s mouth, and the terrifying energy in it caused Luo Yi’s hair to explode.

It is to destroy the dead light!

It’s just that this destructive ray of death is very different from the destructive ray of death emitted by the tyrannical carp dragon just now. Luo Yi felt like a sun in Suicune’s mouth.

If he was hit by this destructive death light, I am afraid that Luo Yi would be wiped out in an instant.

“Pikachu! Lucario!!”

As soon as Luo Yi’s words fell, Pikachu turned into a bolt of lightning, illuminating the entire forest, flying directly from Luo Yi’s shoulder and rushing towards Suijun.

At the same time, Lucario went all out, condensed a super-large wave missile, and threw it at Suicune.

Shirona narrowed her eyes, but she didn’t see what happened to Luo Yi clearly.

Shirona was only in a trance when she saw a huge lightning shot up from Luo Yi, illuminating almost the entire forest, and then a huge lightning appeared in front of Su Jun.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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