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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 612

Chapter 5 News of World Fusion

“As for the other two questions you raised, the reason for the fusion of the world and the impact on the divine beast, I am not very clear.”

Ah Hua said, “It can only be said that after the world merges, some new changes have taken place in both the Pokémon world and the Earth.”

“Some animals on the earth have also begun to have attributes and the ability to evolve. It can be said that the emergence of the Pokémon world has made the animals on the earth begin to evolve towards Pokémon.”

“And the magical beasts in the Pokémon world have also improved to a certain extent. It seems that the process of the fusion of the two worlds has given them a lot of inspiration.”

“The two most obvious changes occurred in the first three months of the world’s fusion. The earth animals became Pokémon, and the strength of the beasts increased. The huge changes made everyone in a hurry.”

“Even with such a strong adaptive capacity of humans, it is difficult to adapt to such changes for a while.”

“Eventually, humans from both worlds joined forces to deal with this change, and the previous Earth people learned about the characteristics of Pokémon 29 shells from the people in the Pokémon world, and the people in the Pokémon world also got a little bit about the situation on Earth. , the two sides joined hands and quickly took control of the situation.”

Luo Yi’an listened to Ah Hua’s words quietly, and only now did she say:

“It’s an interesting change that makes people yearn for it.”

Earth animal Pokémon will inevitably double the variety of Pokémon, which can be said to be heaven for those who like to study Pokémon.

However, Luo Yi also realized an important problem. Even if the earth merges with Pokémon and the animals become Pokémon, there should not be too great changes. After all, the animation of Pokémon has been broadcast on Earth for ten years. For a few years, every child should have some knowledge of Pokémon.

Luo Yi suddenly realized something and asked:

“After the fusion of the world, haven’t the things about Pokémon on Earth been used?”

“How can there be a situation that is difficult to deal with?”

This time, it was Ah Hua’s turn to be surprised.

“What about Pokémon on Earth? Pokémon only appeared after the worlds merged.”

Luo Yi pondered, before the world merged, everything about Pokémon on the earth was really erased.

Otherwise, based on what people on earth know about Pokémon, it should be easy to control the situation, and there should not be a situation where people from the two worlds join forces to stabilize the scene.

Speaking of which, Ah Hua suddenly took out two broken pieces of paper, handed it over to Luo Yi’s hand, and said:

“This is your own note. When my father learned that I had found Shirabi and wanted to go back to this point in time, he handed this note to me and told me that if there was a chance, he must write it with his own hands. I leave this note to you.”

Luo Yi was stunned for a moment, took these two broken pieces of paper, and at a glance, it was indeed his own font.

“The thing I regret the most is that before the world merged, I gave up looking for Ho-oh, which made it impossible for me to meet Ho-oh again.”

“If you have a chance, take this book to the past and remind yourself.”

“Luo Yi, fusion for eleven years.”

Luo Yi looked at the contents of this page, and his heart swayed again.

He has determined that this is what he wrote, but that he will write it all down one day in the future.

It was indeed a decision he made not long ago to give up his search for Ho-oh!

“This is what my father found in the remnants of the notebook you burned. My father and I thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to return this remnant of the notebook to your hands.” Hua said.

“After all, with your strength, being able to leave regrets is definitely not a trivial matter.”

Luo took a look at Ah Hua, but did not speak. From the first page of the note, it could be seen that after the world merged, I am afraid that my future self tried very hard to find King Ho, but failed.

Luo Yi opened the second page, and the content again verified Luo Yi’s guess.

“After the world merged, Ho-wang seemed to have disappeared from this world. No one knew where Ho-king was, and no one had ever seen Ho-king appear again.”

“The answer I want to find from Ho-oh will never be answered again.”

“It doesn’t affect anything, but it’s really a pity.”

“I’ve lived in the world of Pokémon for two years, but I haven’t seen Ho-oh.”

“Where did King Ho go, this is really a problem in the world. Even though I have walked through every corner of this historian, I still haven’t found any sign of King Ho.”

“It’s like it disappeared from this world.”

“The King of Phoenix disappeared, and the divine beast has never been resurrected. If a divine beast dies, the same young divine beast will never appear again.”

“The divine beast has become one of the most precious resources in the world.”

“Fortunately, after the animals on Earth 727 became Pokémon, many powerful elves appeared, making the number of mythical beasts in this world increase instead of decreasing.”

“There is another powerful elf in the Changbai Mountain area. This elf is very special. It seems to be somewhat similar to the ‘dragon’ shape. I will also take a look.”

The note stopped abruptly here, and the remaining words have been burned by the fire, and nothing can be seen.

Looking at the content of this page, Luo Yi didn’t look up for a long time. The notes on this page are very informative!

After the disappearance of Feng Wang and the transformation of earth creatures into Pokémon, elves with strength comparable to divine beasts appeared. Especially in areas like Changbai Mountain, creatures similar to the legendary dragon appeared, and a layer of them was shrouded in it. Mysterious color.

However, these are things in the future. Luo Yi has already decided in his heart to find King Ho before the world merges.

According to the notes, once the worlds merge, it will no longer be possible to find Ho-oh.

Thinking of this, Luo Yi looked up at Ah Hua who was opposite him, and said with a smile:

“Since you have come to this point in time, are you interested in finding the trace of King Ho with me?”

“Presumably, you’re not in a hurry to go back, are you?”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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