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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 620

“I didn’t expect that this time travel to two years ago would go so smoothly. It’s only been less than half a day now. Do you want to go to other places to play?” Luo Yi said.

Mewtwo and Korakuza nodded at the same time, and they are still very magical for things like traveling to a point in the past.

“Then… let’s play in a new area, how about the Shenno area?”



A week later, Shi Rabbi took Luo Yi and his party back to their original time point again.

After returning to the original time, Luo Yi looked at the plane flying past him and was speechless.

“Fuck off, world fusion has begun, how long has it been?”

“It’s only been a week in the past!?”

Chapter 14 Divine Beasts on Earth!

And at this time, it was not just Luo Yi who was in a complicated mood. The passengers on the plane, who saw the Fissure Seat floating in the air and Luo Yi on the back of the Fission Seat, grew up without exception from the window of the plane. He opened his mouth, shocked beyond words.

What is this operation! ?

The Pokémon world and the earth have been integrated for three months. Whether it is the original people from the earth or the people in the Pokémon world, they already have a certain understanding of the new world, but they have never thought about it, and Luo Yi’s operation !

Can elves also fly to the same height as an airplane! ?

This unscientific!!

In the consciousness of the people on earth, it never occurred to me that elves could have such a powerful effect!

You must know that in the process of world fusion, the memories of the earthlings about the previous Pokémon animations on the earth have been erased, and they need to re-accept this magical species.

Three months after the fusion of the world, they thought they had a certain understanding of Pokémon, but they never thought that humans could rely on the ability of Pokémon to replace the role of aircraft.

The passengers who responded quickly took out their mobile phones and took pictures of Luo Yi outside the plane.

“Let’s go, Cracked Seat!” Luo Yi shook his head and ordered Krackongsat to land on the land first.

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Kaikongzao reacted from the daze.

This kind of thing is really beyond the imagination of the split empty seat.

Although there were some flying machines in the previous Pokémon world, there were no shapes like airplanes.

Kaikongza understands that the fusion of the world in Luo’s mouth may have already begun.

Soon, Luo Yi landed on the land, but for a while, he still couldn’t tell whether it belonged to the land of the original earth or the land of Pokémon.

From Ah Hua, Luo Yi already knew that after the fusion of the two worlds, several areas of the Pokémon world were perfectly integrated with the earth, but these areas were not connected to the seven continents of the earth, but were directly located in the into the four oceans.

It is equivalent to the emergence of several new lands in the original sea of ​​the earth.

“This time, the flow of time, I am afraid, has exceeded the previous limit.” Luo Yi said.

He only stayed for a week in the past, and after returning to the previous time point, the world fusion has been initially completed, which shows that the ratio of the time flow rate far exceeds the one to five to one to twenty he expected. between.

Luo Yi took out his communicator and found that it had received messages from Shirona and Xiaoyao.

Luo Yi carefully looked at the hundreds of messages on the phone, and finally got a general idea of ​​what the situation was.

It has been three months since the world merged!

He stayed for a week in the past, but the ratio of the flow rate of time was close to one to thirty, causing his original time point to have passed six months.

“I’m back.” Luo Yi sent a message to Shirona.

Within seconds of the message being sent, Luo Yi received a reply.

It was a map file package. As soon as Luo opened it, he immediately determined his location.

Where he is now is not in any of the six major regions of the previous Pokémon world, but in the land area of ​​the earth, the Yunzang Plateau!

“Is it a region of China…” Luo Yi was stunned for a while, and suddenly many memories were hooked up in his mind.

That was his memory before he crossed into the world of Pokémon. On Earth, he also had his own family.

“Back then, I was in a car accident, which led to my soul crossing, and possessed the second son of the Dewen Group. My parents probably won’t recognize me.”

Luo Yi’s expression was a bit bitter. He was not a cold-blooded person. At this time, he could return to Earth, and naturally he wanted to see his parents.

Even if they didn’t recognize him, it didn’t matter too much.

Just one look is enough.

At this time, Luo Yi’s communicator rang.

It’s Hirona’s phone.

“Luo Yi, what happened, why has there been no news for so long…” Shirona said, “We are all worried to death.”

Hearing this, Luo Yi smiled and said:

“Everything went well, I just didn’t expect the time flow of the two time nodes to become more than I predicted, so I came back a little late.”

Shirona was obviously relieved and asked, “Have you received the map information, where are you now?”

“I am in the Yun-Tibet Plateau in Asia. This place should belong to China.” Luo Yi said.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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