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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 63

Luo Yi finally caught up with Pikachu and Suicune, but the scene in front of him made him speechless for a while.

“This…this is!”

In front of Luo Yi, the place that was supposed to be a forest will be completely destroyed, and there are countless black and smashed tree fragments lying on the ground.

Not only that, but there were several deep pits on the ground, which also indicated the intensity of the battle just now.

In just one or two minutes of fighting, the two of them destroyed the forest so badly!

Luo looked at the air, and Pikachu was wrapped in lightning, suspended in the air, with a serious expression on his small face, and the thunder and lightning were constantly being swallowed around his body, with an extraordinary momentum.

At this time, Pikachu finally had the appearance of an elf with divine beast-level strength.

Not far from Pikachu, Suicune was standing on a protruding stone, his head held high, the white band around his body was a little messy, and even the jewel-like decoration on his forehead was covered with a little dust.

Compared to when he appeared just now, Suicune seemed a little embarrassed at this time.

Luo Yi’s expression suddenly became a little strange, the elementalized Pikachu… can press Su Jun to fight! ?

Now Suicune and Pikachu have clearly experienced a brief battle, and it looks like Pikachu has the upper hand.

Luo Yi jumped off Lucario’s back, and Luo Yi noticed that there was something wrong with Lucario’s face.

At this time, Lucario was a little sluggish after seeing the situation on the field. Could such a huge destructive power be caused by the Pikachu who got along with him day and night?

It turned out… so powerful!

At the same time, Lucario was blaming himself. When the master was in danger, he couldn’t get involved and became an auxiliary person. For Lucario, who was full of self-esteem, it was better than killing him. uncomfortable.

Luo Yi patted Lucario’s arm and didn’t say much. He knew that Lucario’s strength would have no problem at all against ordinary elves, but when encountering divine beasts like Suicune, he did worse.

Thinking of Lucario’s arrogant character, Luo Yi felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but this matter could not be changed overnight. For Lucario, who didn’t want to eat Devil Fruit, Luo Yi could only slowly find an opportunity to break through.

After patting Lucario’s arm, Luo Yi turned his eyes to Sui Jun. At this time, Luo Yi had already understood the situation on the field. Pikachu and Sui Jun had already formed a confrontation, and would not do it again for a while.

“Attribute restraint?” Luo Yi thought to himself.

Luo Yi already had a judgment in his heart that Pikachu’s electric attack could cause more damage to Suicune.

And Suicune’s attack is difficult to be effective against Pikachu after elementalization.

Such a Pikachu, with restrained attributes and the particularity of eating the Thunder Fruit, is almost invincible as long as he is not hit by Sui Jun’s water attribute attacks.

“Pika!” Pikachu cried when he saw Luo Yi’s arrival.

“Good job, Pikachu.” Luo Yi responded with a smile, but most of his attention was still on Sui Jun’s body not far away.

At this moment, Luo Yi felt that the violent feeling on Sui Jun’s body had subsided a lot, and it was no longer the appearance of destroying the light of death just because of a disagreement.

Luo Yi looked at Sui Jun, and Sui Jun was also staring at Luo Yi. Luo Yi had a faint feeling that he seemed to be Sui Jun’s target tonight.

From Sui Jun’s eyes, Luo Yi saw extremely complicated emotions.

Seeing Luo Yi’s arrival, Shui Jun shook his head, raised his head, and made a few strange calls. The sound had an ethereal feeling and was very pleasant.

Of course Luo Yi didn’t understand, but Lucario, who was beside Luo Yi, was shocked and his eyes widened.

“Pika…” Pikachu, who was hanging in the air, exclaimed when he heard these words, and turned to look at Luo Yi.

Sensing that something was wrong in the atmosphere, Luo Yi looked at Lucario, and Lucario immediately used the power of the waveguide to translate the meaning of Suicune just now for Luo Yi:

“It’s saying, hand over the… king of my clan!”

Luo’s eyes widened for a while, his face was shocked and inexplicable, and there was a vague feeling in his heart.

This sentence…the amount of information is a bit large!

“King of the Water King!? Ask me??”

The shocked Luo Yi was a little confused for a while, and the countless thoughts in his head were mixed together, making Luo Yi feel like he was picking out the ends of the threads in the messy yarn.

Luo Yi frowned, pinched the center of his eyebrows, and began to frantically recall everything he had learned about Suijun after he came to this world.

It is clearly stated in the documents of the Dewen Group that Suicune appeared three hundred years ago, and was resurrected by King Ho in the scorched tower.

Some people say that the three holy beasts were created by Ho-oh to observe the actions of human beings, but if there are only the three in the scorched tower, it is obvious that Suicune should be the only existence in this world, and there is no possibility of it. The king of the water king.

Luo Yi’s brain was running frantically, and from Sui Jun’s words, Luo Yi had discovered that things were not as everyone imagined.

Obviously, the relationship between King Ho and the Three Holy Beasts is not that simple.

Luo Yi scratched his head fiercely, thinking of a possibility in his heart:

Perhaps Suicune was not created out of thin air by Ho-oh, but existed in this world for a long time!

Seeing Luo Yi’s silence, a trace of anger flashed in Sui Jun’s eyes, and he let out his unique and pleasant cry again.

Hand over my clan’s… king!

Without Lucario’s translation, Luo Yi heard it too. This time Suicune’s voice was exactly the same as before, obviously repeating what he just said.

At the same time, Sui Jun shook his head restlessly, his expression became hostile again, and he vaguely wanted to attack Luo Yi.

0 asking for flowers…  

How can I have the king of your water king! !

Luo Yi couldn’t wait to scold his mother. The things in front of him were beyond his imagination. The information exposed by Sui Jun made Luo Yi feel that there was a huge secret hidden in it.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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