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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 84

Yu Kira turned to look at Luo Yi, with panic and help in his eyes.

Luo Yi has a smile on his face. With the desert fruit, Bangira will become a real desert tyrant in the future.

Luo Yi smiled and touched Yukira’s head, and said, “It’s alright, exercise a lot, and you’ll find a way to control this.”

“Little Yukira, you must be worthy of the name of the desert tyrant.”

Xiao Yukira felt the temperature on Luo Yi’s palm, and the panic in her eyes gradually disappeared. Although the changes in her body made her a little overwhelmed, her trust in Luo Yi made her heart calm down.

Last night, Yukira had a clear sense of the changes in his body. In the morning, for the first time, he felt that he could have such abundant energy and excitement in his body.

It knew that it was Luo Yi who helped himself, from a stunted disability by Kira, to become normal.

“From ~”

Xiao Yukira looked at Luo Yi and called out softly, indicating that she had accepted this change.


Pikachu next to him saw that Yukira also ate the Devil Fruit, and immediately took its hand happily and played with Yukira.

At this time, Shirona also recovered from the shock, and wisely did not ask anything. The changes in Kira were too shocking to the world. If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that a fruit could make such a change in Pokémon.

And she found that the changes in Yukira were very similar to Pikachu!

Shirona didn’t plan to ask Luo Yi, everyone has their own secrets, as long as she still travels with Luo Yi and can stay by his side all the time, it is enough.

As for Xiaoyao, she had already seen Luo Yi’s various unusual methods, whether it was the ability to change the color of the wings of hunting swallowtails or the ability of Suijun, in her opinion, they were all god-like methods.

In Xiaoyao’s heart, Luo Yi’s ability to do these things is a matter of course.

On Luo Yi’s side, he was thinking about how to explain this matter to the two girls, when he looked up, he met a pair of shining eyes full of smiles.

It was Shirona’s beautiful eyes.

Seeing Luo Yi looking at herself, Shirona winked at Luo Yi mischievously. There was no doubt in her eyes, but full of trust and support.

Luo Yi was stunned, he understood the meaning in Shirona’s eyes, and then looked at Xiao Yao, there was nothing different, he smiled, lowered his head, and started to eat, his heart was very warm.


Soon, the three of them had breakfast, and Shirona asked, “Luo Yi, shall we go to the martial arts gym to challenge?”

Luo Yi shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, let Xiaoyu Kira get used to her new abilities this morning. Let’s stay in the hotel’s training hall in the morning.”

As the most luxurious hotel in Wudou Town, there is of course a training ground that trainers need. After Luo Yibao set up a closed field, he started training with Yukira.

However, when Luo Yi tried to summon Lucario, he found that he could not succeed.

“System, can you check this Poke Ball?” Luo Yi was a little impatient. Lucario was Luo Yi’s first Pokemon, so he didn’t want Lucario to have a problem.

After spending a little credit, the system gave the result of the detection.

“Host, the elf in this elf ball is not abnormal, but fell into a deep sleep. Judging from the detection results of the power of the waveguide, the frequency is somewhat similar to the evolution of the elf.”

Hearing the system’s words, Luo Yi was taken aback, Lucario himself evolved in the Poké Ball?

“In other words, Lucario is not in danger now?” Luo Yi asked.

. . . .

“Yes, the host, Lucario is in good condition in all aspects, but he fell into a deep sleep. Visually, it may be evolving.” The system replied.

“Evolution… Could it be that the training has been effective?”

Luo Yi thought about it, and put Lucario’s Poke Ball back in his backpack. The system’s test results have always been reliable, so Lucario is really fine.

After Lucario’s Poké Ball returned to Luo Yi’s backpack, no one noticed that the mysterious blue Poké Ball in the backpack emitted wisps of blue light and poured into Lucario’s Poké Ball… …

“Luo Yi, can we start?” Hirona stood on the side of the training ground and shouted to Luo Yi.

“Okay, let’s start! Yukira, come on stage!” Luo Yi no longer thought about Lucario’s problem, raised his hand, a Poké Ball flew out, and Yukira’s small figure immediately appeared on the training ground.

The first training match by Kira officially started.

Opponent, bite the land shark fiercely!

Today Fei Lu changed the recommendation, but without me, I saw that many people with lower grades were recommended, but I didn’t, my mentality collapsed on the spot, and the knife edge of anger almost split.

But after lying on the bed for a while, I felt much better. I continued to code, and I set the skills of Xiaoyu Kira. The next chapter is the Angry Grass Gym.

Chapter 76 Brand new elf attribute: sand!

(The fighter under the curtain is this big fat rabbit.)

The elf training ground of the most luxurious hotel in Wudou Town.

Luo Yi and Shirona have already had three experimental battles against Yukira. Of course, although Yukira ate the Devil Fruit, she was not proficient in developing and using it.

However, although the fierce bite Lu Shark was a complete victory at this time, it was also covered in sand, which made him look a little embarrassed.

In particular, the look in the eyes of Lie Bite Lu Shark looking at Yukira was a bit complicated.

Strong, very strong, infinite potential, violent attack, strange skills!

This is Yukira’s evaluation of the fierce bite land shark after the training battle.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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