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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 87

In an instant, more than a dozen desert spurs erupted on the ground around the fighters under the curtain, all targeting the fighters under the curtain!

“Beautiful!” Luo Yi shouted loudly, Yu Kira’s performance in the battle was more violent than Luo Yi imagined.

In the genes of the elf like Kira, he was born with rage and madness.

Yukira, who ate the devil fruit, showed this character most vividly!

Luo Yi had already imagined how terrifying it would be for Yukira, who grew up, and Bangira, the desert tyrant with the ability to rustle fruit in the future!

At this moment, the eyes of the sage under the curtain were directly rounded, and one of its feet was still stuck in the sand and could not escape, and more than a dozen desert thorns around it were about to bombard him!

“Under the curtain!”

Fujiki’s eyes instantly turned red, this was simply a lore.

Referee Nia covered her mouth in surprise, and a series of shocks had made her forget her identity as a referee.

“You!” Yukira shouted, as if declaring her victory.

At this critical moment, the mutation protruded!

A dazzling white light suddenly radiated from the body of the knight under the curtain.

Play a stalk in the animation, the next chapter is previewed: By Kira, Luo Yi goes to the cave of stone.

Speaking of which, the Cave of Stones is really a good place to brush various props, and my coquettish thoughts are already…

Chapter 78 Sand Waterfall… Funeral! !

Just as Yukira’s spear stabs were about to bombard the undercover knight, a burst of white light suddenly erupted from the undercover knight.

Seeing this white light, Luo Yi raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

On the contrary, ecstasy appeared on Fujiki’s originally panicked face.

Xiaoyao and Nia both looked confused, but Shirona smiled slightly, with a strong interest on her face.


After the white light appeared, followed by a loud noise, Yukira’s face tightened, his eyes became more solemn, and the rage in it also skyrocketed.

Under the gaze of everyone, the white light on the fighters under the curtain disappeared, and what appeared there was a stronger elf.

Iron Hands!

The fighters under the curtain have evolved at this critical moment!

Beside the Iron Palm Warrior, there were more than a dozen broken desert thorns, all of which were smashed by the evolved Iron Palm Warrior in an instant.

Luo Yi showed a look of surprise. Although this scene made him a little surprised, he was not worried.

Up to now, Yukira has not shown his true strength. The appearance of the Iron Hand Warrior is really good in Luo Yi’s opinion, and he can test Yukira’s ultimate move.

“Evolution… Interesting.” Luo Yi said with a slight smile.

Vine Tree on the other side saw that the fighters under the curtain had evolved into fighters with iron palms, and the crisis was resolved in an instant. His heart was ecstatic and his confidence was greatly increased.

He had long wanted to complete the evolution of the fighters under the curtain, but he had never been able to find that point, and he did not expect to complete it in the battle with Luo Yi.

“Good job! Iron Palm Warriors! It’s time for us to fight back, use earthquakes!” Fujiki shouted, ordering Iron Palm Warriors to start attacking.

Hearing the words, the Iron Palm Master stomped the foot that was not trapped in the sand directly on the ground, and suddenly a shock wave rushed from the ground to all directions, and at the same time, the ground near it was all cracked, and the trapped one The foot broke free immediately.

What an iron-handed warrior, he was able to get rid of the predicament that he couldn’t get out of with all his strength in one move.

Seeing the powerful Iron Palm Warrior, Xiaoyao couldn’t help but feel a little worried in his eyes, and couldn’t help grasping Shirona’s hand beside him.

Shirona shook Xiaoyao’s hand with a smile, and said softly to Xiaoyao, “Don’t worry, Xiaoyukira is far from reaching the limit.”

Sure enough, Yukira’s face was full of fighting intent, and the momentum on his body was much stronger than before.

“Counterattack? It doesn’t exist!” Luo Yi looked at the proud vine tree and said, “Yukila, Sand Wall!”

“Depend on!”

With a wave of Kira’s little hand, a desert wall was erected on the ground in front of him, perfectly resisting the shock wave of the Iron Palms.

You Kira was originally a elf with dual attributes of rock and ground, but now he has the shasha fruit and the ability to control the sand, which is simply more powerful.

Seeing this scene, Fujiki shouted: “Iron palm warrior! Surprise attack with iron palm! Throw on the earth!!”

Fujiki actually wanted the Iron Palm fighters to attack at close range, and gave full play to the huge strength of the Iron Palm fighters to solve Yukira in one go!

The iron palm warrior’s hands glowed, and he rushed towards Yu Kira at a rapid speed.

The iron palm fighters who sprinted with all their strength were like a bolt of lightning, and their speed did not match their huge body at all!

Hearing Tengshu’s words, Luo Yi smiled slightly. Obviously, Tengshu had already seen it. If he didn’t get close to Yukira, it would be impossible to defeat Yukira.

However, if you want to fight in close quarters, it is exactly what Luo Yi wants!

“Yu Kira! Use that trick… Sand Falls Funeral!!”

“By! By!!”

Hearing Luo Yi’s order, Yu Kira seemed to burst into a long-suppressed arrogance, watching the Iron Palm fighters rushing towards him, and let out a shout that resounded throughout the training ground.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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