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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy — Chapter 125

The word interest has always been the core of the entertainment industry.

Whether it’s an artist or a traffic star.

all have their own interests.

In Shen Fei’s view, as long as he can grasp their interests, then he doesn’t have to care about other details.

It’s like Xu Shanzheng, his wishful thinking Shen Fei doesn’t know, it’s nothing more than using the platform of Wanli Film and Television to work hard to make a good movie first, gain a firm foothold in the film circle, and become famous.

After looking back and filming those five movies, Xu Shanzheng will definitely not hesitate to pull the banner and go it alone.

After all, if a famous director wants to film, there must be someone who is willing to invest.

But what does that have to do with Shen Fei?

Five movies are enough for Shen Fei to use him up like an animal.


Shen Fei will not let Xu Shan compete to be the director in every play.

He will only choose the one that is suitable for Xu Shanzheng.

For example, in this “People in Embarrassment”, although Shen Fei said that Xu Shanzheng would be the director, once he contacted the crew, he would find that the company would not provide him with any help, and he had to rely on himself to do it.

So the question is, does Xu Shanzheng continue to be this director?

Or hang the name of an assistant director and learn how to be a good director?

Shen Fei actually already knew the answer to this multiple-choice question.

But he’s not going to break it now.

After all, some things are meaningless if they are broken down.

Shen Fei didn’t care what Xu Shanzheng thought, what he cared about was how to maximize his interests.

As for Xu Shanzheng?

Hehe, Shen Fei is not his father, and he has no obligation to dedicate himself to him.

Since Xu Shanzheng wants to use Wanli Film and Television as a springboard, he must be prepared to be exploited by the capitalists.

If you want to get out of the way, and you don’t want to pay for actual benefits, how can it be?


Of course.

This kind of thing also has to divide people.

Shen Fei treated Ning Hao and Huang Bo relatively much more gently than Xu Shan.

The reason is actually very simple, because Xu Shanzheng and those two people are completely different.

Huang Bo is a well-known person with high emotional intelligence and morality.

Wang Xun was in the film circle at the same time as him, and the two also acted together, and later signed a contract with a company.

It doesn’t matter if he is not popular or even unpopular, as long as there is Huang Bo, he can see Wang Xun’s shadow.

It is rumored that Huang Bo received the favor of Wang Xun in the early years, so he has always taken the other party with him.

In addition, Guan Hu and Gao Hu also helped Huang Bo when Huang Bo was still down in the early years, and after Huang Bo became famous, he did not alienate his relationship with them, and took the initiative to help them.

As for Ning Hao, the original Huang Bo’s nobleman, not to mention, every time Huang Bo participates in Ning Hao’s movie, the salary is left to Ning Hao, with a larger budget, more and less with a small budget, and even sometimes simply don’t need money, and make a free cameo directly.

Among the actors who became popular in the entire entertainment industry after the millennium, Huang Bo is one of the few people who does not have any black spots.

In Shen Fei’s eyes, the one who can be compared to him is probably Uncle Ge Youge.

The same acting skills are good, the character is good, and there is no negative news.

As for Ning Hao, not to mention, this guy has a good wife, and he has a very good relationship with his wife Xing Aina, which is why Shen Fei thinks he will not betray him.

Very simple.

After Ning Hao signed the company, Shen Fei asked Li Wei to send an invitation to Xing Aina, asking her to be the head of the Wanli Film and Television Production Department.

Xing Aina had never agreed before, but recently Ning Hao’s movie became popular at the box office, and she finally agreed.

As for the reason, I guess I don’t want to be compared to my husband.

All in all.

In Shen Fei’s eyes, Xu Shanzheng is a person whose interests are above all else.

Since this is the case, there is naturally no need to talk to him about friendship.

If you find out your interests clearly, you don’t have to worry about anything else.

Facts have proved that Shen Fei’s idea is not a problem.

Xu Shanzheng is such a person.



Xing Aina and Taohong finished the dish, and everyone sat down and began to eat.

The wine has passed three rounds, and the dishes have passed five flavors.

Naturally, everyone ate quite happily.

Because there are assistants who drive, there is naturally nothing to shy away from, and everyone drinks alcohol.

Huang Bo, Xu Shanzheng and others frequently raised their glasses to thank Shen Fei for his help.

Shen Fei didn’t shirk it, just raised his glass.

When he was almost drunk, Xu Shanzheng asked Shen Fei about the specific content of this play.

After all, as a director, he hasn’t seen the script yet.

“The script company is writing it, to put it simply, you and Baoqiang, one is a successful acquaintance, the other is a rural guy, and the story of the two of you on the road to the Spring Festival. “

Shen Fei said with a smile: “What I mean is that filming will start in the autumn, and the filming will be finished in the winter at the earliest, and then it will be released during the Chinese New Year, and we will break hands with Feng Xiaogang.” “

Now that Huayi Brothers and Wanli Film and Television are playing against each other, everyone already knows it, and it is not news in the entire entertainment industry.

And Shen Fei said it in front of them, naturally he did not shy away from it.

“Mr. Shen, you have a big problem for me. “

Xu Shanzheng smiled bitterly.

If he is playing against the Huayi brothers as an actor, he naturally doesn’t care, after all, he can’t help himself when he makes movies.

But if it is the identity of the director, he knows very well that he will definitely offend Huayi by doing so.

By the measure of the Wang brothers, I estimate that there may be no chance to cooperate with the Beijing circle in the future.

This moment.

Xu Shanzheng even doubted whether Shen Fei did it on purpose.

Let’s be honest.

He really wronged Shen Fei, and Shen Fei really didn’t do it on purpose in this matter.

Or that Shen Fei didn’t think about letting Xu Shanzheng break with the Beijing circle at all.

In Shen Fei’s view, many people are now unaware of the impact of capital on the entire entertainment industry.

They don’t know at all that over time, what will really have an impact on the entertainment industry will be capital, not the Beijing circle.

To put it bluntly, as long as you give money, the artist’s discipline or something will get lower and lower in the future.

Even those old drama bones will take on the drama, not to mention the stars.

People always have to eat.

No matter how influential the Beijing circle is, it is impossible to control the choices of artists.

Of course.

It was impossible for Shen Fei to explain anything to Xu Shanzheng.

He just glanced at Xu Shanzheng lightly, and said calmly: “If you want to be a director, this is the only way.” (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s the truth.

Feng Xiaogang, as the leader in the field of domestic commercial films, if Xu Shanzheng also wants to be a director, then he will be up to the top sooner or later.

Even, it’s not just Feng Xiaogang.

If Xu Shanzheng wants to be a director, he will face too many opponents on the schedule in the future.

Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and even the big directors on Hong Kong Island.

Everyone can become his opponent, if he chooses to escape for fear of offending people, then he will not be able to be a director in his life.

Hearing Shen Fei’s words, Xu Shanzheng was silent, and simply picked up the wine and drank it there.

Shen Fei smiled and didn’t say anything more.

The meal was eaten until midnight, and almost everyone was drunk, even Shen Fei was a little dazed.

Everyone got in the car and left Xu Shanzheng’s house, and Shen Fei also asked Shen Jun to send him back.

Back at the residence, Shen Fei just wanted to enter the door to rest, but received a message.

“Mr. Shen, can we meet?”

The signature of the information is actually pink.

Shen Fei frowned, and felt a little strange in his heart, why did Taohong want to see him?

After recalling it, she didn’t seem to have drunk much alcohol just now.

After thinking about it, Shen Fei sent the address of his home to Taohong, and said to Shen Jun: “Brother Jun, you don’t have to accompany me, go back to accompany your sister-in-law.” “

Shen Jun was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded: “Okay.” “

Under Shen Fei’s supervision, his wife and children have moved to Yanjing and bought a house.

On weekdays, he lives on Shen Fei’s side most of the time.

Of course.

It’s not that there is no one to protect Shen Fei, the Wanli Security Company that was quietly established has two shifts of eight people secretly protecting this courtyard every day.

These people are Shen Fei’s most trusted henchmen, and their families are all raised by Shen Fei.

To put it bluntly, even if they protect Shen Fei with their lives, they are willing.

Shen Jun soon left.

And Shen Fei sat in his own sofa, and after waiting for less than an hour, a figure opened the electronic lock at the door and walked in.

It’s actually a peach in a beautiful dress.

“Xu Shanzheng has a dinner, and after 400 to have dinner with friends, he won’t go home today. “

As soon as Peach entered the door, she said to Shen Fei with a smile.

“So what?”

Shen Fei looked at Taohong playfully: “Then why did you appear here with me?”

“Don’t you like me?”

Taohong glanced at Shen Fei a little provocatively: “You men’s eyes can’t hide what is on your mind.” “

Shen Fei suddenly laughed.

I didn’t expect her to be so confident.

But it’s also normal, with a proud figure and a beautiful face, people have the capital to be confident.

After thinking about it, he nodded: “This is the truth. “

As he spoke, Shen Fei laughed: “But everything has to have a reason, what can I get?

Everything in the entertainment industry, in Shen Fei’s opinion, has a price.

It’s like all the gifts of fate have been secretly marked with a price.

He can send Xu Shan to fight for a green hat, but Shen Fei needs to know what he needs to give.

This is important!

If the price is too great, Shen Fei will not make this transaction.

“If one day, Xu Shanzheng leaves Wanli Film and Television, I hope you won’t block him. “

Taohong looked at Shen Fei and said with a wry smile: “He is too naïve, underestimating the determination of people like you, I think that if he chooses to leave Wanli Film and Television after filming these five films, you will not hesitate to ruin him.” “

Shen Fei was slightly stunned, but he didn’t expect this woman to be so smart.

In fact.

He did have that in mind.

If Xu Shanzheng dared to use himself as a springboard, what was waiting for Xu Shanzheng would definitely be Shen Fei’s merciless blow.

After all, for him, a Xu Shanzheng may not matter, but his behavior is something that Shen Fei can’t accept.

Even for the sake of his own authority, Shen Fei would deal with him mercilessly.

But now.

Pink actually saw it.

It’s kind of interesting!

PS: It’s on the shelves, ask for automatic subscription, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for various data support! I’ve worked really hard to write this book, and I hope you can support it more.

Người mua: ミ★๖ۣۜHεη๖ۣۜTαĭ★彡


Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Shen Fei was reborn in 2007 and became the heir to the real estate company!

As smart as he was, he sold the company before housing prices plummeted.

And before housing prices soared in 2009, we took back the land we had sold.

At the same time, the Internet and the entertainment industry have left his footprints everywhere.

He became the godfather of the entertainment industry and the founder of the Internet.


He became a real estate tycoon with a net worth of trillions.


Ma Huateng: The thing I regret most in my life is that I agreed to cooperate with Shen Fei and gave him the shares of Penguin Group in vain.

A director: I like to work with Mr. Shen the most, because he doesn’t interfere with anything except adding actresses to the crew, because he knows how important it is for professional people to do professional things!

Wang Sicong: My dad told me to learn more from Shen Fei and earn a small goal every day.

Yang Mi: Mr. Shen, the whole world...


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