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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy — Chapter 132

“Who are you?”

Scarlett Johansson raised her head in a daze and looked at the man in front of her.

She noticed that it was an oriental face, which seemed strange.

“I’m the owner of this room, do you live here?”

Shen Fei asked puzzled.

Scarlett Johansson opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly fainted.

Shen Fei frowned and looked at Shen Jun.

Shen Jun walked over, stretched out his hand and touched Scarlett Johansson’s nose, and said in a low voice: “I drank too much, it seems to be alcohol poisoning.” “

“So serious?”

Shen Fei said directly: “Contact the hotel and ask them to send someone over and take her to the hospital.” “

Although today’s Scarlett Johansson has not yet become the amorous widow sister and looks a little green, Shen Fei knows that at this time, she is already up-and-coming and has become famous in the circle of literary films.

Shen Fei didn’t feel the need to get involved.

As for taking advantage of people’s danger or something, he is a normal person, not a psychopath.

Although this foreigner is relatively open, Shen Fei is not enough to see a woman and pick up a gun, even if this big ocean horse is Scarlett Johansson.

If someone sues, it will be more than worth the loss.

Shen Fei has always disliked forcing women, and every woman who is with him is willing.


The manager of the hotel rushed over.

Although Shen Jun’s English is not particularly good, simple conversations are still possible.

After the manager rushed over, Shen Fei briefly introduced the situation and asked him to contact the hospital and the police station.

After all, Scarlett Johansson is like this, and it is safer to call the police.

After all, it is a five-star hotel, and the management is still very strict.

The police and hospital were contacted very quickly.

Scarlett Johansson, who was still in a coma, was admitted to the hospital, and Shen Fei and Shen Jun also went to the police station for questioning.

Of course.

Shen Fei also kept an eye on it, he called Lin Yuan and asked him to contact the lawyer he had found when he signed contracts with several banks before.

When the senior partner of the largest law firm in the United States appeared at the police station, the police officers in charge of the case were stupid.

What is the identity of this Oriental?

How is it possible to have such a network?

Even gold medal barrister Howard was invited?

As everyone knows.

Howard is in a pretty good mood right now.

Although Wanli Investment’s reputation is not well-known in the United States, as a lawyer, he knows very well how great the potential of this company is.

The boss in front of him is a super-rich man with a net worth of more than $5 billion.

If he can become his personal lawyer, the annual legal counsel fee is an astronomical amount of 207.

Who doesn’t love money in a place like Rice?

Especially in today’s bad economic environment, if you can hug such a thigh, it is good news for yourself and the entire law firm.

“You have seen from the surveillance that my client does not know Miss Scarlett Johansson, he only helped Miss Scarlett Johansson out of humanitarian principles, but now he is here to accept your questioning, I want to ask, is this the attitude that the police of the United States should have towards kind people?”

Howard’s angry voice resounded throughout the police station.

But there is no way, what he said is very reasonable, even if it is a policeman, he does not dare to refute others.

This kind of barrister himself has a very high social status and influence, not to mention that his client has indeed done good deeds.

Although many people have various criticisms of Eagle Sauce, one thing must be admitted, that is, in the land of Eagle Sauce, as long as there is money and as long as you are willing to spend money, it is the uncle!

A person like Shen Fei, who is prone to tens of millions of dollars at every turn, will be offered wherever he goes.

At last.

Shen Fei was escorted by the police chief and left the police station accompanied by Counsel Howard.

“Thank you, Mr. Howard.”

Shen Fei shook hands with Howard and said with a smile: “I want to hire you as my personal lawyer to be responsible for some of my small things here in the United States, what do you think?” “

“We’re here to help, honored guest.”

Howard was overjoyed and nodded quickly.

Although he is a proud white man at heart, he chooses to lower his arrogant head in the face of an annual salary of one million dollars.


Can principles be eaten as food?

“I hope we have a good time together.”

Shen Fei smiled and said to Howard.

“As you wish.”

Howard’s attitude towards Shen Fei became more and more polite.

The group came to the law firm in Los Angeles, as a well-known law firm in the United States, Howard’s law firm naturally has a branch in Los Angeles.

After signing the contract, Howard became Shen Fei’s legal counsel.

Simply explained his affairs in the United States to Howard, Shen Fei said lightly: “For the specific situation, you can ask Mr. Lin of Wanli Investment, I mean I don’t want to be known how many assets I have abroad.” If possible, my company needs to be registered as an offshore company, is there a problem? “

“It’s the little things.”

Howard smiled and said, “Your assets are sacrosanct private property, trust me, I will defend every penny of my employer.” “

This kind of person has no feelings for his family and country, and he only has money in his eyes.

But this is a good thing for Shen Fei.

Shen Fei naturally would not object.

Cunning rabbit three holes, he never puts his eggs in the same basket.

The layout in China will also be deployed abroad.

As a de facto capitalist, Shen Fei is trying to recall some examples he has seen in his previous life, making himself more like a sickle for cutting leeks.

This is not a joke, but a fact.

How good are the top bosses?

Ordinary people simply can’t imagine it.

You see him gambling at Omen, in fact he is transferring assets.

You see that he is donating to foreign countries for public welfare, but in fact he is transferring assets.

You see that he is paying dozens of times higher than the market price to import foreign garbage products, and he is still transferring assets.

The rules of the world of the sickles The leeks will not move, and the world you are looking at now is actually the world that the sickles want you to see.

In 2017, the founder of Jinli Mobile lost money in a casino overseas, and everyone knew that he had lost more than 10 billion yuan.

A few months later, the supplier applied for property preservation treatment for Jinli mobile phone, and Boss Liu’s equity was frozen by the court, and Jinli also had a financial breakdown, defaulting on the supplier’s payment and employee wages, and completely closing the door.

When the vast majority of people are still lamenting that it is because of the boss’s gambling that the capital chain is exercised, in fact, Jinli mobile phone has not been able to keep up with the times, and it was in a difficult situation at that time, and bankruptcy was only a matter of time.

But if it goes bankrupt directly, the boss’s personal assets will also be used to pay off debts.

However, money lost in gambling to overseas casinos does not need to be liquidated.

So the front foot went bankrupt, and the back foot Boss Liu disappeared, and quietly went abroad to enjoy life in the regret of the leeks.

Amazing, right?

I’m not afraid of the sharpness of the sickle, I’m afraid that the sickle will act, he obviously harvested you, and you are still sorry for him, the tricks of capital are endless, it’s so magical.

Shen Fei didn’t know much about these things a long time ago, and he always felt that they were too mysterious.

But now.

He gradually realized that this was the case.

The law of 28 and Pareto accumulation in economics are the most important of any group of things, about 20 percent, and the remaining 80 percent, although the majority is secondary, so it is also called the 28 rule.

Similarly, Pareto accumulation tells us that 20 percent of the population in society owns 80 percent of the wealth of the society, that is, the distribution of wealth among the population is unbalanced.

The above two “iron laws” have been proven to be correct by social practice.

And they also tell us the simplest reality: the world is not fair, and fairness is just human wishful thinking.

Shen Fei would still question it when he was young, but as he grew older and more experienced, he gradually understood that this was the truth.

Even the Law of 28 will have one effect, which is the “Matthew effect” of reality. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

What is the Matthew Effect?

It’s very simple, just a sentence “the poor get poorer, and the rich get richer”.

Maybe some people will think that this is impossible, understand that there are many people in this world who have made the class jump, from poor to rich, and there are also people who have become penniless because of bankruptcy, how can it be the whole thing?

But in Shen Fei’s view, with the development of the times, all levels of society are quietly forming, starting from real estate, the rich and the rich live together, the poor and the poor are crowded together, once the social ladder is formed in the future, it will be very difficult to climb, because the barriers will become more and more insurmountable, so the so-called flow will gradually tend to be closed in the next ten years, until it is finally formed

Hereditary. (abag) is the so-called dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and the mouse son hits a hole in the ground, not a joke!

This situation will really arise in the near future.

In reality, well-educated children of wealthy families work hard to gain social experience and knowledge that will allow them to manage their huge family assets in the future.

However, some children from poor families are powerful at home, talking about food and clothing, and even if they have a job of food and clothing, they are worried about advanced consumption, and they are really “poor families are spoiled”.

You must know that the pressure is not only on one generation, because if you don’t work hard, one generation will not do well, and it will inevitably affect the next generation, so that they will not be able to turn over from generation to generation, because at that time the ladder has been formed, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities for speculation, and for many people with mediocre ability, it is useless to design the system equally, because many things are doomed from birth.

It is inevitable that 20 percent and 80 percent of the social fabric will eventually become closed and then destroyed.

However, the newly grown dynasty or power will still become a 20 percent and 80 percent structure in a few years, just like the repeated dynastic changes in the history of China, but the essence has not changed, it is nothing more than the peasant rebellion has become the emperor and then oppresses the peasants, which is the result of human selfish desires, endless.

Therefore, whether it is 20 percent of the year that is down to 80 percent of today, or 80 percent of the year is squeezed into 20 percent of today, the overall situation will always be a pyramid structure derived from the law of 28, which is stable in the dynamics until the destruction of mankind.

This sounds a little unbelievable, but Shen Fei feels very reasonable.


Escorted by Howard, Shen Fei and Shen Jun returned to the hotel.

Shen Jun went to the next room to wash up and rest, while Shen Fei was lying on the bed and initiated a text message with Lin Xue.

After chatting for a while, Shen Fei rested.

The next day, when Shen Fei got up in the morning, he heard a knock at the door.

Somewhat strange, he walked to the door and took a look, only to find a woman’s figure standing outside.

Well, it’s familiar!

Opening the door, Shen Fei said with a smile, “Miss Scarlett Johansson, is there something wrong?” “

“Thank you for your help yesterday.”

Scarlett Johansson looked at Shen Fei and showed a bright smile: “I was a little rude yesterday, I’m sorry to disturb you, sir.” “

“It’s okay, understandable.”

Shen Fei smiled, with a polite face.

Although I don’t know why Scarlett Johansson drank like that yesterday, out of politeness, Shen Fei wouldn’t ask about these things.

The biggest characteristic of this person is that he is not so curious.

To put it bluntly, every star in the entertainment industry will have all kinds of stories on the way to fame, and Shen Fei is really not curious about these things.

“Are you visiting Hollywood?”

Scarlett Johansson said politely to Shen Fei.

“Sort of.”

Shen Fei smiled: “I went to Hollywood’s Walk of Fame before, but I didn’t feel interesting. “

“If you don’t mind, I can be your guide.”

Scarlett Johansson smiled and said, “It just so happens that I’m fairly familiar with this place.” “


People invited him so kindly, Shen Fei naturally couldn’t refuse, so he agreed.


Scarlett Johansson came over with special preparations, and when Shen Fei came down with Shen Jun, who was called up by him, he found that a car was already parked at the door.

After getting into the car, the group headed to Hollywood.

Don’t really say it.

This time, with Scarlett Johansson, who has been in Hollywood for many years, as a guide, Shen Fei found that Hollywood is actually quite interesting.

Even Shen Fei visited the studios of well-known movies such as “The Godfather” under the leadership of Scarlett Johansson.

Honestly, it’s really fun.

“Haha, it’s a lot more fun than me wandering around alone.”

Shen Fei said to Scarlett Johansson from the bottom of his heart.

Scarlett Johansson shrugged her shoulders and said to Shen Fei, “After all, I’m more familiar with this place. “

The style of speaking in the United States is like this, straightforward, there is no emotional intelligence, and it doesn’t matter if you get used to it.

After wandering around for most of the day, in the afternoon, Shen Fei took the initiative to say that in order to thank Scarlett Johansson for accompanying him on a day tour, he invited Scarlett Johansson to dinner in the evening.

The widow readily agreed.

For Shen Fei, a mysterious person from the East, she actually has a good impression.

After all, Shen Fei is very humorous, erudite and talented, and his appearance is not ugly, so any woman will feel a good impression.

Dinner is served in the hotel’s western restaurant.

Shen Jun didn’t follow, only Shen Fei and Scarlett Johansson.

Romanée-Conti wines, top-notch steak sets, French foie gras caviar.

Paired with the blonde Scarlett Johansson.

Shen Fei’s mood was indeed quite pleasant.

Of course.

The widow sister also seems to be in a good mood.

“Thank you, Shen.”

Scarlett Johansson looked at Shen Fei and said, “The doctor said that if it weren’t for you, maybe I would have damaged my cranial nerves due to alcoholism.” “

“You’re welcome, any normal person who sees that kind of situation will choose to help you.”

Shen Fei said sincerely.

“No, no, no, not only because you chose to call the police to take me to the hospital, but also because you didn’t publicize it.”

Scarlett Johansson said seriously: “After all, I’m a star. “

“Haha, yes, I didn’t expect this, are you good at acting?”

Shen Fei blinked and said innocently.

“Sort of.”

Scarlett Johansson smiled: “I have heard a saying from your Huaguo, called blowing, playing and singing, I think I should be particularly good.” “


Shen Fei instantly had a dry cough, and really wanted to tell Scarlett Johansson that this is not how he understands playing and singing.

But he thought about it, forget it, it was really a bit difficult to explain the broad and profound Chinese culture to a foreigner.

The two of them simply kept chatting while drinking, and before they knew it, Shen Fei suddenly had a dream, in which he really experienced the happiness of what is called a big Yanma.

I finally understand why Scarlett Johansson said that she is very good at playing and singing!

At the very least, her ability to play musical instruments is really good!

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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Shen Fei was reborn in 2007 and became the heir to the real estate company!

As smart as he was, he sold the company before housing prices plummeted.

And before housing prices soared in 2009, we took back the land we had sold.

At the same time, the Internet and the entertainment industry have left his footprints everywhere.

He became the godfather of the entertainment industry and the founder of the Internet.


He became a real estate tycoon with a net worth of trillions.


Ma Huateng: The thing I regret most in my life is that I agreed to cooperate with Shen Fei and gave him the shares of Penguin Group in vain.

A director: I like to work with Mr. Shen the most, because he doesn’t interfere with anything except adding actresses to the crew, because he knows how important it is for professional people to do professional things!

Wang Sicong: My dad told me to learn more from Shen Fei and earn a small goal every day.

Yang Mi: Mr. Shen, the whole world...


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