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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy — Chapter 145

In fact.

Shen Fei didn’t wait too long, because as the Olympic Games approached, people suddenly found that the most popular Olympic concept stocks have plummeted!

This may sound outrageous, but it is.

Since last year, the domestic stock market has been constantly speculating on Olympic concept stocks, and it seems that all industries related to the Olympic Games have the hope of resurrecting and making a lot of money.

In particular, some companies in Yanjing are eager to put gold on their faces and tie their companies with the Olympic Games.

In addition, even some travel companies continue to focus on this content.

It seems that everyone thinks that as soon as the Olympics start, everything will be fine.

But in fact, the truth made them extremely sad.

Although the existence of the Olympic Games has indeed made our tourism industry have a good income, in fact, even if the Olympic Games are successfully held, it will have no practical significance for the recovery and development of the domestic economy.

This can be seen from the increasingly poor economic situation in the country as the Olympics approaches.

Throughout July, the domestic stock market went all the way down, whether it was the Olympic concept stocks that were noisy before, or the coal stocks that everyone was optimistic about before, all began to plummet!

It’s outrageous!

And in mid-July, there was already official news from above.

The state will rectify the coal industry.


On July 20, the government issued a formal document to reform the coal industry, which is in serious trouble, especially private coal mines in Shanxi Province, which will be acquired by state-owned enterprises.

When the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar!

No one expected this day to come so quickly.

“This is a robbery!” 01

A coal boss complained to a friend after drinking.

In fact.

He wasn’t the only one who thought so, but everyone else.

The reason is actually very simple, people can mine coal mines for twenty or thirty years and earn 50 million a year, and some state-owned enterprises directly buy them with 500 million yuan, and they are called protecting the market.

In the end, some people’s eating looks are too ugly.

Of course.

This has nothing to do with Shen Fei, on the contrary, he cares more about his own affairs.

Anyway, there is little hope for the coal industry, so what is there to worry about?

It is inevitable that the coal boss will withdraw from the stage of history, and there is no other way than to follow the trend.

But the real estate industry is different, at this moment is in the dark moment before the dawn, Shen Fei feels that he should insist on it again, as long as he waits for the four trillion plan to appear, then all the efforts now are worth it.

Chen Heyuan has begun to quietly acquire land through various channels.

Of course

His main target for acquiring land is in the third- and fourth-tier cities in China, where housing prices are very low and the price of land sales is not high, which is the best opportunity for Shen Fei.

You must know that in some cities in the Northeast, the housing price at this time is only 1,800 yuan, and it is still the location of the city center.

Ten years later, it’s tenfold!

This kind of increase is more exaggerated than the increase in Yanjing Shenghai.


Acquiring land in first-tier cities such as Yanjing and Shenghai is relatively costly, and it is easy to attract the attention of others, Shen Fei feels that it is more appropriate to make a layout in some unknown small cities instead of being in a hurry for the time being.

For his arrangement, Chen Heyuan of course agreed.

After such a long period of fermentation, no one questions Shen Fei’s absoluteness anymore.

What an international joke!

The facts are in front of you, not to mention anything else, everything before has proved Shen Fei’s foresight.


The real economy is in trouble, but unexpectedly, the Internet and cultural entertainment industries are showing a thriving attitude.

Shen Fei himself didn’t expect it to be like this.

Less than three months after Weibo was launched, the number of users exceeded 5 million!

This number made Shen Fei stunned when he heard about it.

“No, there’s no water, is it?”

Shen Fei asked Ye Qinglian in surprise.

He originally came to talk to Li Dongfang about the next development direction of the company today, but he never expected that this Ye Qinglian would give him a surprise.

“How to put it, although the rate of rise is not as exaggerated as that of the original penguins, our rate of rise is very stable.”

Ye Qinglian said slowly: “This is just before the Olympic Games, I feel that once the Olympic Games open, our user growth rate will have a qualitative leap.” “

There was a pause.

She looked at Shen Fei worriedly and asked, “But once that’s the case, we have to be prepared, it is very likely that there will be a gap in funds at that time.” “

“Haha, let’s raise the bank.”

Shen Fei smiled and said: “The introduction of investors, the early stage can allow Wanli Investment to come, the second round, our valuation has gone up, and new investors and investment institutions will be introduced.” “

This is an inevitable result.

Shen Fei is not the kind of idiot with an inflexible brain, and he will not be stupid to hold the company and not let go.

For Shen Fei, it doesn’t matter how many shares there are, but whether these shares can be cashed out quickly.

Shen Fei didn’t like the rebirth of the behavior of constantly transfusing blood to the company with his own money, and then waiting for the company to go public.

Money is endless, and since this is the case, there must naturally be a trade-off.


Ye Qinglian nodded, naturally understanding what Shen Fei meant.

If the first round of angel investment introduces foreign capital, it will definitely not be cost-effective, after all, the company’s valuation is not high, the other party does not need to pay too much money, and he has to give shares to others.

But when the second round of financing comes, there will be capital for negotiation, and then it will be the most suitable opportunity.

The price is sky-high, and the money is paid back on the ground.

This is the game between investors and entrepreneurs.

“You look at it, Sohu, after this financing, the shares will definitely be diluted.”

Shen Fei said lightly.

This matter is up to Ye Qinglian to talk about.

Ye Qinglian naturally understood what Shen Fei meant, and nodded in agreement.

Shen Fei found Li Dongfang and chatted with him.

“Do you think a group buying website can do it?”

Shen Fei asked Li Dongfang.


Li Dongfang shook his head when he heard this: “There are too many restrictions on group buying, according to what you said, if you engage in a group buying website, at least there is a big problem in technology.” “

Hearing his words, Shen Fei remembered that at this time, technical limitations were the biggest problem. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

But Shen Fei has the impression that the battle of a thousand regiments seems to be two years later, and at the end of next year, major portals will start to get involved in the Weibo business.

Since this is the case, Shen Fei’s heart moved, and he raised his head to look at Li Dongfang: “How long will it take for you to get out the real-time hot search I said before?” “

“It’s not a big problem.”

Li Dongfang said slowly: “Three months at most.” “


Shen Fei shook his head: “Before the opening of the Olympic Games, this real-time hot search must be launched.” “

“In such a hurry?”

Li Dongfang was slightly surprised.

He originally planned to wait for the end of the year to launch this feature, after all, a website must be updated step by step.

As a result, I didn’t expect Shen Fei’s request to be so urgent.

“No way.”

Shen Fei said helplessly: “Let’s cooperate with Sohu, Sohu is the exclusive news broadcast website of the Olympic Games, if the traffic is up by then, if there is this hot search, how many users do you think it can attract?” “

“Well, it’s hard to say.”

Li Dongfang shook his head honestly.

He is engaged in technology, and he really doesn’t know much about this aspect, and sometimes he is even a little confused.

“Well, I don’t understand you.”

Shen Fei laughed.

Li Dongfang is a technical man, if it is a technical thing, he can naturally talk to him, but he really doesn’t understand this kind of thing that has to do with website management.

After thinking about it, Shen Fei instructed him again, on the premise of ensuring rest, to take those technicians to get the hot search function out as soon as possible, and then went to see Ye Qinglian.

“What, what’s the matter?” 827 Ye Qinglian was a little surprised when she saw Shen Fei coming to find her.

Every time this guy comes to Wanli Technology, he chats with Li Dongfang most of the time, and often only says a few words to himself, and simply explains a few words, but this time he went and returned.


Shen Fei nodded and said his thoughts.

In the end, he said to Ye Qinglian: “I think that if this hot search function comes out, it will definitely be beneficial to us.” “

“That’s right.”

Ye Qinglian frowned slightly when she heard this, nodded lightly and said, “But have you ever thought about whether this hot search function is all day long, or is it real-time?” “

“In real time, of course.”

Shen Fei said directly: “This is authoritative.” “

“In that case, it’s easy to manipulate.”

Ye Qinglian said to Shen Fei: “Moreover, once someone buys a hot search and hires a water army or something, it will definitely become a miasma at that time.” “

Obviously, she thinks about things more comprehensively.

Shen Fei smiled slightly: “It’s okay, we can do this…”


Shen Fei told Ye Qinglian about some of the coping strategies he knew about Weibo.

Ye Qinglian blinked, and finally laughed: “Okay, if that’s the case, it seems that you can try.” “

“So be it.”

Shen Fei nodded.

Without further ado, he left.

Sitting in the car back, Shen Fei called Li Chunfeng and asked him to send Wang Quan to contact Ye Qinglian to discuss the first round of financing of Wanli Technology’s Weibo project.

“Mr. Shen, I think Weibo should still be independent from Wanli Technology, what do you mean?”

Li Chunfeng’s words made Shen Fei stunned.

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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Shen Fei was reborn in 2007 and became the heir to the real estate company!

As smart as he was, he sold the company before housing prices plummeted.

And before housing prices soared in 2009, we took back the land we had sold.

At the same time, the Internet and the entertainment industry have left his footprints everywhere.

He became the godfather of the entertainment industry and the founder of the Internet.


He became a real estate tycoon with a net worth of trillions.


Ma Huateng: The thing I regret most in my life is that I agreed to cooperate with Shen Fei and gave him the shares of Penguin Group in vain.

A director: I like to work with Mr. Shen the most, because he doesn’t interfere with anything except adding actresses to the crew, because he knows how important it is for professional people to do professional things!

Wang Sicong: My dad told me to learn more from Shen Fei and earn a small goal every day.

Yang Mi: Mr. Shen, the whole world...


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