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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy — Chapter 165

In Li Wei’s opinion, Shen Fei planned to use Xu Shanzheng to fight with Feng Xiaogang in the ring this time.

In fact, it is not without its benefits.

To put it simply, there is no shame in losing, and there is no shame in winning!

Xu Shanzheng is the first time to be a director, and Wang Baoqiang is not a big star in the film industry.

Whether it is popularity or box office appeal, it is not a grade.

After all, today’s Wang Baoqiang is not the comedy celebrity, and Xu Shanzheng does not have a series of honors.

The combination of these two people can only be said to be newcomers in the film industry.

Grow big with small!

This is Shen Fei’s strategy in Li Wei’s eyes.

Actually, that’s not wrong.

Shen Fei really thought so.

But what Li Wei didn’t know was that in Shen Fei’s thoughts, if this “People in Embarrassment” was well promoted, maybe it would be able to break out of the world during the Spring Festival.

The reason is also very simple.

Because in the eyes of most people, the Spring Festival is too hot.

Nowadays, it is difficult for these people in the entertainment industry to understand the role of publicity for a movie.

In other words, most people don’t understand.

Except for smart people like Zhang Weiping.

But Shen Fei knows very well that the era when the aroma of wine was not afraid of deep alleys has passed.

If you want to rely on word-of-mouth to make a movie popular, even in the era of advanced information in later generations, it is not so easy.


After arranging this matter, Shen Fei asked Li Wei to inform Xu Shanzheng.

And when Xu Shanzheng got the news at 08, the whole person was stunned.

Although he had already been mentally prepared that his drama might be on the Spring Festival, he never thought that he would compete with “If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb”.

Are you kidding?

That is the golden combination of Feng Xiaogang and Uncle Ge, the two of them have been at the hegemonic level in the domestic Chinese New Year stalls for so many years.

What do you do to fight with others?


When he heard Li Wei say that Mr. Shen asked the company to ensure that the minimum 20% of the film schedule was scheduled and that a lot of publicity funds would be invested, Xu Shanzheng’s expression changed.

Even, at this moment, his breathing speed became a little faster, and his heartbeat was even faster.

“Mr. Li, do you mean that the company wants to push my drama with all its might?”

Xu Shanzheng asked Li Wei cautiously.

“Yes. “

Li Wei said lightly: “Mr. Shen has already explained, we have prepared 10 million publicity funds, you notify the main actors of the crew, and they will definitely cooperate with the publicity.” “

There was a pause.

Li Wei said again: “In addition, I mean, since the company is promoting this movie like this, Mr. Xu, you will also cooperate with it, I will ask Director Ning and Director Zhang to help you publicize it, you have to work a little hard recently, no problem, right?”

“No problem, no problem. “

Xu Shanzheng nodded hurriedly.

He is not an idiot, so he naturally knows that Director Ning in Li Wei’s mouth refers to Ning Hao, and Director Zhang refers to Zhang Yimou.


can let Zhang Yimou help him promote the new movie, Xu Shanzheng feels that the beginning of his directorial career is really a bit awesome.

In a sense, Xu Shanzheng knew that he had no way to refuse this offer.

Even if he fought with Feng Xiaogang in the ring and stood on the opposite side of a behemoth like the Huayi Brothers, he could only accept this suggestion.

The reason is simple.

If he wants to gain a foothold in the film industry, he must step on someone else’s corpse to get on the throne!

One will be a success!

Anyone who succeeds must beat more competitors.

Xu Shanzheng is very clear about this truth.

Shen Fei naturally understood what Xu Shanzheng was thinking, so he let Li Wei do this.


Shen Fei assigned Li Wei a task, and of course he was not idle.

called Taohong and told her that he had given Xu Shanzheng a task and sent a favor, and Shen Fei put down his phone.

Although the two of them have divorced, Shen Fei feels that Taohong should be interested in this news.

Sure enough.

Soon he received a message from Peach and thanked himself.

Moreover, she invited herself to dinner, and hinted that Hao Xiaolei had time recently and missed him.

Shen Fei looked at the news, and his heart moved slightly.

Speaking of which.

As a man, it’s really hard to turn down such an invitation.

In particular, he had experienced double happiness, so he naturally knew how pleasant it was for these two people to get together.

After thinking about it, Shen Fei sent a message to Taohong, asking her and Hao Xiaolei to come to her house tonight.

Putting down the phone, Shen Fei was about to leave, but the door of the office was pushed open, and Li Wei walked in quickly.

“Mr. Shen, good news, great news!”

Li Wei looked at Shen Fei and said excitedly.

“What’s wrong?”

Shen Fei was a little inexplicable.

Let’s be honest.

He rarely saw Li Wei so excited.

This person has always been more self-controlled, and belongs to the kind of character that is very deep.

Shen Fei chose him as the person in charge of Wanli Film and Television for this reason.

After all, one of the most important qualities of managing a company is to be able to be calm in every major event, and Taishan will collapse before and remain unchanged.

The character of being shocked at every turn is definitely not able to be a good person in charge of a company. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But now, looking at Li Wei’s appearance, it seems as if he has encountered some great joy.

“Mr. Shen, good news!”

Li Wei looked at Shen Fei and said with a smile: “I just talked to Director Zhang Xinjian on the phone, “Breaking through the Guandong” has already negotiated the first round of broadcast rights with CCTV, if nothing else, it is the opening drama of CCTV in 09!”




Hearing this, Shen Fei’s expression changed suddenly.

The emergence of the concept of the New Year’s drama is the product of television media planning and marketing.

Its connotation refers to the long-form TV series that has been carefully planned and produced by the television media at the beginning of the new year and is grandly launched at the beginning of the new year with heavy content, high artistic quality, and excellent production, and is expected to have high ratings.

And CCTV’s New Year’s dramas, generally speaking, choose those works that are big productions and very famous.

And it’s not an exaggeration.

In this era, CCTV’s influence is still very great.

Before computers entered thousands of households and smartphones did not make everyone accustomed to using the Internet to watch short videos, the usage rate of TVs was still very high.

Later, because of the advent of the smartphone era, everyone prefers to use mobile phones to surf the Internet instead of watching TV series.

Before that, every family went to the evening entertainment activities, and it was really a family in front of the TV to watch TV dramas and watch the news.

Not an exaggeration at all.

It is estimated that many post-80s and post-70s generations have such memories.

“It seems that this drama is going to be popular. “

Shen Fei said with a smile to Li Wei.

“yes. “

Li Wei also nodded: “Our investment will definitely be recovered this time.” “

Speaking from the heart, he was actually a little worried before, after all, halfway through the filming of “Breaking through the East”, the funds were broken.

Although Wanli Film and Television has invested money again to let the TV series continue to shoot, the problem is that in this case, no one dares to guarantee the quality of the filmed works.

Although the director, script and even the configuration of the entire crew are the top in China.

But filming is such a thing, sometimes it’s really mysterious.

So Li Wei didn’t say anything, and he was still a little worried in his heart.

But after all, it was something that Shen Fei had decided, and he couldn’t say anything.

“Not bad. “

Shen Fei laughed, and then said to Li Wei: “Director Kong Sheng’s side, you must be well encircled.” “

“Uh, okay. “

Li Wei nodded, but there were some doubts in his heart.

After all, today’s Kong Sheng is actually not very famous.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhang Xinjian is the one who should really be enveloped.

Seeing Li Wei’s expression, Shen Fei knew what he was thinking, and after thinking about it, he reminded the other party: “Director Kong Sheng is talented, I admire him very much.” “

“Uh, okay, got it. “

When Li Wei heard this, he nodded hurriedly.

He naturally understood what Shen Fei meant by saying this, 933 was reminding himself.

After all, the person the boss values must be paid attention to.

“Go get busy. “

Shen Fei waved his hand and let Li Wei leave.

Looking at his back, Shen Fei sighed.

Li Wei’s ability is average, and the only advantage is that he knows more about the entertainment industry and is very tactful.

But to be honest, he is not the most suitable manager in Shen Fei’s eyes.

Ability is a really important thing sometimes.

Of course.

As long as he remains true to himself, it doesn’t matter if his ability is almost there.

After all, for those in power, sometimes loyalty is a more important quality than ability.

People who can afford it can spend money or find it in other ways.

But people who are loyal to themselves are not common, and Shen Fei knows this very well.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei rubbed his chin, and he suddenly realized that it seemed that he should cultivate more henchmen.

After all, if you want to make your career bigger and stronger, the necessary preparation is needed.


I can contact Chen Heyuan and ask a few people from my hometown to come over.

Those people are relatively average, but they are better at loyalty, which is a good choice.

Come to think of it.

Shen Fei picked up his mobile phone and dialed Chen Heyuan’s number.

After a few simple commands, Chen Heyuan naturally nodded in agreement.

“It’s long overdue. “

Chen Heyuan said to Shen Fei with a smile: “It’s still reliable from our hometown.” “

“yes. “

Shen Fei nodded slightly: “This is true.” “

Hanging up the phone, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he got up and left the company, heading downstairs.

It’s estimated that it’s another sleepless night tonight, after all, Peach and Hao Xiaolei are not fuel-efficient lamps!

PS: It’s on the shelves, ask for automatic subscription, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for various data support! I’ve worked really hard to write this book, and I hope you can support it more.

Người mua: ミ★๖ۣۜHεη๖ۣۜTαĭ★彡


Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Shen Fei was reborn in 2007 and became the heir to the real estate company!

As smart as he was, he sold the company before housing prices plummeted.

And before housing prices soared in 2009, we took back the land we had sold.

At the same time, the Internet and the entertainment industry have left his footprints everywhere.

He became the godfather of the entertainment industry and the founder of the Internet.


He became a real estate tycoon with a net worth of trillions.


Ma Huateng: The thing I regret most in my life is that I agreed to cooperate with Shen Fei and gave him the shares of Penguin Group in vain.

A director: I like to work with Mr. Shen the most, because he doesn’t interfere with anything except adding actresses to the crew, because he knows how important it is for professional people to do professional things!

Wang Sicong: My dad told me to learn more from Shen Fei and earn a small goal every day.

Yang Mi: Mr. Shen, the whole world...


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