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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy — Chapter 17

What is Friendship?

There is exchange, there is affection.

For example, Shen Fei and Lin Yuan are good friends, but if they keep begging Lin Yuan to do things, their love will eventually be used up.

As the saying goes, saving the emergency does not help the poor, that’s the truth.

No one will help you as always, even if it is your biological parents, if your children are not successful and blindly ask for it, there will be a day when you will be bored, let alone friends.

So the question is, how to make the relationship between friends stronger?

Of course, there are comings and goings.

You help me do something, I help you do something, everyone is mutually beneficial, so that the relationship can be long-lasting.

It’s like Shen Fei and Lin Yuan.

He knew very well that with the relationship between the two of them, if one day, he opened his mouth to ask Lin Yuan for help and asked him to drive away people who coveted his wealth, he would definitely be able to help him.

But once or twice is no problem, you can’t trouble people endlessly, right?


Interests are the best bond.

Only by letting Lin Yuan get on the same boat as him can Shen Fei rest assured.


He is well aware that the water in the real estate industry is very deep, and it is difficult to become bigger and stronger without a strong background.

Lin Yuan is undoubtedly his best partner.

You have the money and you have the foresight.

He has a background and is clean and law-abiding.

It is undoubtedly the most suitable for two people to join forces.


“Let me start by saying okay, we can’t do anything illegal. “

Lin Yuan looked at Shen Fei and said cautiously: “Brother, don’t say that I will turn my face with you when the time comes.” “

Shen Fei was directly amused by his words, and said angrily: “Don’t worry, I don’t want to go to prison.” “

This is what he said in his heart, in Shen Fei’s opinion, he can obviously make money with his mind, and he will only break the law and discipline if he is crazy.

“Are you really going to invest tens of billions?”.

Lin Yuan took a sip of wine, looked at Shen Fei and asked.

Let’s be honest.

Even if he knew that Shen Fei’s family had money, he was still a little nervous when he heard this number.

“I’m actually hesitating. “

Shen Fei didn’t hide it from him, and said directly: “I judge that the subprime mortgage crisis over there in the United States will make their real estate market collapse for a period of time, but it will not completely collapse, after all, this is not the eighties.” Domestically, I suspect it will also be affected. “

It’s the truth.

Even if he lived again, Shen Fei didn’t dare to guarantee that the memory in his head would be completely error-free.

If something goes wrong, it’s a big problem.

“Then I suggest that you can invest a small amount of money. “

Lin Yuan said slowly: “My brother is settling accounts, since I have taken over this matter, let’s talk about it first, what has to be discussed.” “

“Good. “

Shen Fei thought for a while, nodded and said, “Since that’s the case, let’s invest a billion dollars.” “

This figure is about one-fifth of the cash in his hand.

To put it bluntly, even if he loses, Shen Fei will not break his muscles and bones.

But if it is earned, it must be a tenfold and hundredfold return.


Hearing Shen Fei’s words, Lin Yuan gasped.

Shen Fei is really wealthy, and one mouth is a billion-dollar business.

“On the side of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, I came to find a relationship. “

Lin Yuan was surprised, and said to Shen Fei: “Within a week, I should be able to set off.” “

He naturally understands the truth of the speed of soldiers.

According to Shen Fei’s analysis, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States should break out in full swing next month.

Lin Yuan also wanted to know if Shen Fei’s analysis was so accurate.

After all, the two were friends before, but they didn’t do business together.

You always have to see it yourself to rest assured.

Shen Fei nodded, and there was no nonsense: “Come, continue drinking.” “

The two of them continued to drink while chatting.

Two cases of beer were quickly drunk.

Shen Fei took advantage of the fact that he was not yet drunk and sent a message to Shen Jun, telling him that he was living here with Lin Yuan today.

Turn the day.

Lin Yuan did what he said, got up early and started looking for a relationship, and at the same time asked Shen Fei to prepare funds here.

Shen Fei naturally had nothing to say, so he directly told Lin Yuan Shen Juan’s contact information and asked the two of them to contact.

He is not a professional in finance, so it is better not to mix.

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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Shen Fei was reborn in 2007 and became the heir to the real estate company!

As smart as he was, he sold the company before housing prices plummeted.

And before housing prices soared in 2009, we took back the land we had sold.

At the same time, the Internet and the entertainment industry have left his footprints everywhere.

He became the godfather of the entertainment industry and the founder of the Internet.


He became a real estate tycoon with a net worth of trillions.


Ma Huateng: The thing I regret most in my life is that I agreed to cooperate with Shen Fei and gave him the shares of Penguin Group in vain.

A director: I like to work with Mr. Shen the most, because he doesn’t interfere with anything except adding actresses to the crew, because he knows how important it is for professional people to do professional things!

Wang Sicong: My dad told me to learn more from Shen Fei and earn a small goal every day.

Yang Mi: Mr. Shen, the whole world...


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