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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy — Chapter 82

The next day.

Shen Fei told Li Chunfeng what he talked about with Li Dongfang yesterday.

However, he told Li Chunfeng that this investment is his own private investment, and has nothing to do with Wanli Investment, and if Wanli Technology needs financing in the future, internal investment can be considered.

Li Chunfeng naturally understood what Shen Fei meant, and also agreed.

It’s only an investment of 10 million, not to mention that the partner is Li Dongfang, in his opinion, Shen Fei is clearly planning to make friends with each other.

In fact.

Except for a few parties, those who know about this matter think so.

After all, Li Dongfang’s background is not a secret in Yanjing’s circle.

Even Lin Yuan called Shen Fei.

“What’s the situation, you want to start a company with that guy Li Dongfang?”

Lin Yuan asked Shen Fei directly: “You don’t plan to rely on this to get close to their old man, right?” I tell you, no, that old man doesn’t get in with oil and salt, and he is notoriously selfless. “

His relationship with Shen Fei is there, and he naturally doesn’t have so many scruples when he speaks, and naturally he has something to say.

Shen Fei rolled his eyes: “Big brother, do you think I’m so boring to engage in this kind of roundabout route.” I’m really optimistic about him, that guy is a qualified technician. “

“Wait, what do you mean, do you think that Li Dongfang can develop the software you need to open a company with him?”

Lin Yuan immediately realized the key to Shen Fei’s words, and asked him curiously.

“Yes. “

Shen Fei nodded: “Many of his thoughts coincide with mine, and I think the judgments of the two of us on some things are the same.” “


Lin Yuan gasped.

Shen Fei has told him more than once that the era of 377 is the era of the Internet.

And now, he actually thinks that Li Dongfang’s thoughts are the same as his, doesn’t that mean that Li Dongfang’s attainments in network technology can impress Shen Fei?

“Hey, do you think I’m going to invest in this company?”

Lin Yuan immediately changed his attitude and said to Shen Fei: “Our relationship, right, even if you don’t think about me, you have to think about your sister.” “

“Get out!”

Shen Fei said angrily: “If you say one more word, I won’t take you for any business in the future.” “

“Hahahaha, look at you, how can you turn your face. “

Lin Yuan suddenly laughed proudly.

His favorite thing to do now is to tease Shen Fei when he has nothing to do, and he deliberately angers him from time to time.

Anyway, for Shen Juan’s sake, he can’t really do anything to himself.

Shen Fei didn’t bother to pay attention to this guy, and hung up the phone directly.


Shen Fei, who put down the phone, looked at Li Wei in front of him.

“Go ahead. “

Shen Fei said slowly.

Li Wei nodded and continued: “The current situation is that Yanjing TV and Xiangnan Satellite TV are both interested in introducing “Soldier Assault”, but in terms of price, Yanjing TV gave the first round of broadcast rights for 500,000 episodes. And what Shonan Satellite TV means is that they are only willing to release 300,000 episodes in the first round of broadcasting, but they can give us 50% of the advertising share. “

“Huh. “

Shen Fei suddenly laughed.

He is naturally clear about the catty in this.

If a TV series wants to make a profit, the most important thing is to rely on copyright.

Among them, the first round of gold of satellite TV accounts for the majority, and the return mainly depends on this.

Except for some big dramas, generally a TV series will be sold on terrestrial channels within ten first, and the price ranges from a few to tens of thousands of episodes.

In addition to making a small profit, the filmmaker will also provide satellite TV with a data reference, and the satellite copyright of the drama with good ground ratings will generally sell better.

A few years later, the Cultural Administration requested the implementation of the “one play, two stars” policy.

The previous policy was “four stars in one drama”.

In other words, a TV series can be broadcast on four satellite TVs at the same time, which is why many people often complain that the remote control is the same when it is changed over and over in the past.

Take a TV series in good condition as an example, its first round of gold can be sold to four satellite TV stations at the same time, one or two of which have a big head, and each one is about five people in an episode.

The rest is less, but the broadcast time must obey the opinion of the one who has the most of it.

After one drama and two stars, the cost originally borne by the four fell on two, which is also the reason why many dramas consider reducing costs, because there must be a ceiling on the TV station’s funding.

And Shen Fei was very clear.

After a few years, with the development of Internet technology, online video websites began to rise.

For example, iQiyi and other platforms are relatively rich, and if the network is good, it is probably equivalent to sending an extra satellite TV.

About a month after the first round of issuance (agreed by the distributor and the TV station), the second round will be on the star, followed by the third round, the price is lower than the first round of gold, but higher than the ground price, and this part of the income is basically pure profit.

Satellite TV generally holds the copyright of the show for about two years, and if you want to continue broadcasting, you have to buy the copyright again.

Of course, most TV series do not have such a high replay value, and there are very few at the level of “Journey to the West”, “The Legend of Zhen Huan”, and “Bright Sword”, and many TV series producers dream of filming “The Legend of Zhen Huan”, otherwise a company can live well with this drama alone.

“Soldier Assault” is not a big production, and naturally there are not many TV stations that are interested.

Yanjing TV and Shonan Satellite TV are among the few TV stations that are interested in this drama.

Of course.

The price is relatively good.

“Give it to them. “

Shen Fei thought for a while, and finally said slowly: “It’s already very good that two TV stations can be interested in “Soldier Assault”. “

This is Shen Fei’s heart.

In the original history, after the filming of this drama, there was no interest in TV stations at all, and in the end, the agricultural channel of a TV station spent 80,000 yuan a episode to buy (ABDH) the first round of broadcast rights.

As for the ratings skyrocketing after the broadcast and becoming a divine drama, that was after that.

And now.

Yanjing TV and Shonan Satellite TV were both interested, and Shen Fei felt that it was already very good.

For Shen Fei, a TV series with an investment of less than 10 million yuan, just the first round of broadcast rights can now recover the cost, and by the way, he can earn 10 million, which is already very good.

What’s more, there is also advertising revenue, and Shen Fei suddenly looked forward to whether the broadcast of this drama would cause a ratings frenzy as he remembered.

When Li Wei heard Shen Fei’s words, he nodded hurriedly, indicating that he understood.

He understood what Shen Fei meant.

“Soldier Assault” is only the first drama invested by Wanli Film and Television, as long as it does not lose money and can ensure profits, it can be regarded as a name and a firm foothold.

Next, more scripts will come to the door. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That’s enough!

In a sense, “Soldier Assault” is like the meaning of buying a horse’s bones for Wanli Film and Television.

As long as you don’t lose money, that’s a good thing.



Li Wei contacted the two TV stations, and the other party was also very face-saving and quickly agreed.


Shonan Satellite TV took the initiative to send an invitation, hoping to co-produce a variety show with Wanli Film and Television.

To put it bluntly, they are here to attract investment.


Shen Fei frowned, and said to Li Wei: “Did they say that it was a variety show?”

“That’s it. “

Li Wei nodded: “An entertainment talk show is to find a few hosts, and then invite a few guests to perform or something.” “

There was a pause.

He said calmly to Shen Fei: “Boss, to be honest, I don’t know much about this either. “

Shen Fei didn’t say anything, but he understood what Li Wei said.

In fact.

In today’s era, the entertainment industry really doesn’t have a deep understanding of variety shows.

In the eyes of most people, variety shows stay on the draft.

But in fact, it is not.

The development of the Internet era, the era of entertainment is coming.

No one knows better than Shen Fei how big the business opportunities are here.


After hearing Li Wei’s words, Shen Fei was keenly aware that perhaps this was a good opportunity for Wanli Film and Television to lay out in advance.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei smiled and said to Li Wei: “Promise them to see how much this variety show will invest.” “


Li Wei was stunned when he heard this, and said hesitantly: “Mr. Shen, I think Xiangnan Satellite TV is more like playing the autumn wind.” “

In fact, this kind of thing exists in many TV stations.

Today’s TV stations do not have as much deterrent power as later generations.

Many TV stations advertise, they are begging grandpa to tell grandma to invite someone to advertise, and as for those variety shows, it is even more so, it is good to have sponsors.

Especially Shonan Satellite TV, this is still a new program, and Li Wei subconsciously defined this program as a program that fights the autumn wind.

“Hehe, you, you underestimate Shonan Satellite TV too much. “

Shen Fei shook his head and said directly: “Don’t care so much, throw 10 million to them, if you lose, it will be regarded as if the drama “Soldier Assault” was not filmed.” “

“Okay. “

When Li Wei heard his words, he had no choice but to nod helplessly.

After all, he is the boss of the company, and he is what he says.

As a subordinate, I have already said everything I should say, and after I show my attitude, no matter what the result is, it has nothing to do with me.

If you succeed, the boss is wise and martial, and that’s how it should be.

If you fail, it doesn’t matter, after all, you have reminded yourself, and the boss can’t say anything wrong.

In the workplace, sometimes you really have to learn this routine.

Of course.

You should also pay attention to proportion, you can’t talk to the boss, just like Tian Feng and Yuan Shao in the Three Kingdoms, if a subordinate likes to question the boss too much, no boss will like it.

Don’t believe the story of Wei Zheng and Tang Taizong, it’s just fooling people.

The boss is to open a company to make money, and he is not looking for scolding.

His father is not surnamed Cui, and he is not called cheap!

PS: It’s on the shelves, ask for automatic subscription, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for various data support! I’ve worked really hard to write this book, and I hope you can support it more.

Người mua: ミ★๖ۣۜHεη๖ۣۜTαĭ★彡


Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Shen Fei was reborn in 2007 and became the heir to the real estate company!

As smart as he was, he sold the company before housing prices plummeted.

And before housing prices soared in 2009, we took back the land we had sold.

At the same time, the Internet and the entertainment industry have left his footprints everywhere.

He became the godfather of the entertainment industry and the founder of the Internet.


He became a real estate tycoon with a net worth of trillions.


Ma Huateng: The thing I regret most in my life is that I agreed to cooperate with Shen Fei and gave him the shares of Penguin Group in vain.

A director: I like to work with Mr. Shen the most, because he doesn’t interfere with anything except adding actresses to the crew, because he knows how important it is for professional people to do professional things!

Wang Sicong: My dad told me to learn more from Shen Fei and earn a small goal every day.

Yang Mi: Mr. Shen, the whole world...


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