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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy — Chapter 94

Shen Fei understands this, in fact, because when he was in Hengdian, he had a good mix with a few people from the Beijing and Hong Kong circles.

When people were eating, they recalled the past and said a few words casually.

Let’s be honest.

When he heard this, Shen Fei was really surprised.

I never thought that there would be such a past here.

Of course.

In Shen Fei’s opinion, the story of historiography, a big man in the Beijing circle, is much more interesting than that on Hong Kong Island.

From 1996 to 01, Shi Xue concurrently served as the chairman of Lianhai Securities of Huayin Holdings.

According to media reports, he was full of style when he went out, and was called “big brother”.

At a certain party, I drank more than 20 bottles of high-end red wine.

When he monopolized power, even when he met Xia Dingjun, he no longer called him teacher, but changed his name to Lao Xia.

During his tenure, Historiography used seven financial institutions and hundreds of people to commit a 1.4 billion financial credit certificate fraud, which was discovered by the bank in early 02, causing outrage among the top management.

In March of that year, a special task force was set up to investigate.

Soon after, he was placed under police surveillance.

After investigation, the amount involved in the case was as high as nearly 30 billion.

But although this Boss Shi was arrested, he was active outside in the name of medical parole, and he was not locked up again until 09.

And in March 02, it was also the day when Leslie Cheung traveled to Yanjing and Hong Kong Island to prepare for “Stealing Hearts”.

Later, the reporter reported that some of the illegal property obtained by historiography was used for film and television dramas.

The purpose, of course, is to launder money.

In the year 01, Historiography founded Gem Pictures.

Previously, there were also contacts between historiography and the film and television industry, mainly to build contacts.

Ninety-seven years later, Historiography made illegal profits by manipulating billions of funds, set up more than 10 companies to settle accounts, and laundered money on a large scale.

In 01 year, he directly smashed 10 million registered film and television companies and entered the entertainment industry.

That year, Zhang Yimou directed the stage play “The Red Lantern Hangs High”, and Boss Shi smashed 6 million. “Four-Four-Seven”

In addition, the Heaven and Earth Hero Culture Company filmed “The Son of Heaven”, and he smashed five thousand in one go.

During this period, celebrities in the film and television industry frequently appeared around him. Historiography is very willing to spend money on them.

And most of these film and television celebrities are handsome male stars.

That’s right!

Boss Shi likes men.

After the establishment of Gem Pictures, it gathered a large number of elites in the industry.

Among them, Jin Peng served as a director, and also signed the famous director Zhang Yuan.

Coincidentally, Guan Jinpeng directed “Lan Yu” and Zhang Yuan directed “East Palace and West Palace”, both of which focus on the gay community.

As for the company’s screenwriters, they found Yang Xiaoxiong and God of Wealth.

The former wrote “Supernumerary Husband” and “Queen Mother Auspicious” to Chen Peisi back then, and was also the screenwriter of “The Son of Heaven”.

The latter’s masterpiece is “Wulin Gaiden”!

Jewel Films plans to produce a hundred episodes of the TV series and three films per year.

Among the three movies released in 01, the directors are Kwan Jinpeng, Zhang Guorong and Zhang Aijia.

Later, Big Guy Shi went in, but he didn’t do it.

The company also said that it would co-produce a movie with Western Film Studio, but there was no movement later.

Yang Xiaoxiong, as the artistic director, said at the press conference that the market has a great demand for youth idols, and the vision of Gem is to do more youth idol dramas, tap qualified and powerful young actors, and tailor good plays for them to make them stand out.

After the media inventory, the excavated ones include not limited to Tong Dawei, Huang Xiaoming, Qiao Zhenyu…

Well, the main one is a handsome guy!

After graduating from university, Tong Dawei starred in “Date in the Aquarium” invested by Jewel Pictures, and later participated in “Jade Guanyin”.

Sect Master Huang starred in “The Son of Heaven”.

In fact, Lu Yi, another handsome man invited by the first “Son of Heaven”.

But Lu Yi’s agent looked away and wanted to get him to shoot “Shooting the Condor”.

Sect Leader Huang, a newcomer, played Liu Che.

Tong Dawei’s side, he was not the best candidate in Haiyan’s heart at the beginning, but he still participated in “Jade Guanyin” as he wished, and won the 22nd Huaguo TV Golden Eagle Award Audience’s Favorite TV Drama Actor Award, establishing his status in the rivers and lakes in one fell swoop.

Regarding the correspondence between the two and the management, it is also confusing.

It was mentioned in the report on historiography that the big guy gave a Cherokee worth 800,000 yuan to Tong Dawei in the fresh meat period without blinking.

Guan Jinpeng knows historiography when he is filming “Lan Yu”.

He was filmed under great social pressure.

In order to support him, Zhang Guorong went to the crew to visit the class several times, and he loved Hu Jun very much, and also gave him a Polaroid, agreeing to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

Originally, Zhang Guorong also wanted to give “Me” to the movie as the theme song, but Kwan Jinpeng finally used the song “How Can You Make Me Sad”. It was also through the relationship with Guan Dao that “Stealing Hearts” got the investment of Gem Pictures.

Back then, Director Guan still had a book called “Against the Scenery” in his hand, which was to cooperate with Zhang Guorong and Aunt Mei for the second time, and then continue the front edge of “Rouge Buckle”, and he was already watching the scenery abroad.

As a result, the thunder of Jewel Film and Television exploded.

Soon after, the legend resigned from the world.

Later, some good people linked Zhang Guorong’s death with historiography and Gem Pictures, which was pure nonsense.

As early as the beginning of 02, Zhang Guorong’s mental condition was not very good.

Later, Luo Qirui, the director of “The Thief of Time”, said in an interview with Hong Kong media that his brother was mainly troubled by depression and had nothing to do with the failure of “Stealing Hearts”.

The rumors of those in history and the film and television industry in private finally turned into rumors in the end of the disappearance of gemstones, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Later, in the prison where Shi Da squatted, there was a sorority, and the actors who had friends with him in his early years all went to “help teach and give love”.

I hope they can be people again.

But the money from unknown sources in the entertainment industry is still rolling.

One is financial fraud in historiography, and the other is corruption.

Corruption and money laundering are not usually early.

A few years ago, some scholars said that there are three modes of corruption and money laundering.

They are fishing first and then washing, washing while fishing and washing with washing.

The first is to go to the sea to set up a company after accepting bribes and explain wealth with a new identity, the second is to fish on the stage and find relatives to go to the sea to cover up the black money, and the third is to cross the border between politics and business and secretly transfer it.

Around the third year, private capital entered the film industry, and distribution and investment no longer passed through China Film.

With the rise of entertainment in the mainland and the improvement of the industrial chain, hot money has gradually increased.

As a result, some money from unknown sources also poured into the film and television industry.

The money laundering function of the film is activated again.

Just like Hong Kong Island at the beginning, even the routine is similar.

Either it is to inflate the cost, shouting “throwing money” at the actors’ salaries, the purchase of costumes, scene construction, and publicity fees, and it is known as a big production of hundreds of millions at every turn, but in fact there is not so much at all, how much money is invested, the book does not match the reality, and the remaining black money is instantly laundered.

Some costumes, said to be privately customized, cost hundreds of thousands, but in fact, tens of thousands of them died.

There are a lot of special effects, and it is said that it took many years to find the best team, but in fact, I bought the basic model of others.

Or ask the general actor to give a contract, the salary is not written, wait for the other party to sign it, and then go back and fill in a high amount on the contract.

In short, a movie with an actual income of 10 million and an income of 50 million is said to have invested 100 million and earned 200 million.

In the end, regardless of whether the movie sells for money or not, it is all washed.

Compared with Hong Kong films, the mainland market is more conducive to whitewashing.

First of all, there are many large-scale productions, sky-high investment at every turn, and the low tax rate of the mainland’s film and television cultural industry, which is much more cost-effective than engaging in auction money laundering.

As long as the directors, stars, capital, and even corrupt officials in this interest chain work closely for a long time, everyone will share the cake, and no one will stand up and lift the table.

Pulling a hair and moving the whole body, this is to play with life.

In the entire interest chain, some celebrities who get huge salaries are just “tool people” and “account bearers”.

Give them a “yin and yang contract”, pay tens of millions or even 100 million in taxes on the books, and actually give them only 10 million, and then divide some additional conditions such as what director resources will be given to you next time, or the rebate will be injected into the shell company under your name.

That money, in the eyes of the people, is a sky-high salary, but in the eyes of people above the stars, what is it?

That’s just regular money laundering attrition.

It’s nothing compared to the total amount of stolen money.

An interesting figure is that around 2010, there were more than 500 feature films that passed censorship in a year, but less than a third made it to mainstream theaters.

The rest, some went to movie channels, some posted online, and the rest didn’t know where to go at all.

The most amazing thing is that investors know that they will still shoot.

Anyway, the accounts that should be taken are gone.

It sounds outrageous, but Shen Fei knows that many movies and TV series being filmed in film and television cities today are this kind of routine.

What he doesn’t understand is that historiography has obviously fallen, why Han Sanping and Huayi Brothers still cooperate with Gem Film and Television.

I don’t understand why Han Sanping wants to find herself.

What exactly does he want to do?

Could it be that this guy wants to pit himself?

With his brows furrowed, Shen Fei looked at Li Wei: “Do you think Han Sanping is looking for me, does he want to be a peacemaker, or does he want me to invest money?”

“It’s all possible. “

Li Wei thought for a while and said to Shen Fei: “Mr. Shen, after all, you have strong financial resources in their eyes, pull you in, a drama says that it is an investment of 100 million, and it is estimated that everyone will believe it, hahaha!” (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)




Li Wei’s unintentional words reminded Shen Fei in the next step.

He really didn’t expect this layer.

If you think about it, it seems that it is really possible!

After thinking about it, Shen Fei said to Li Wei: “Tell me the address, I’ll go and see if it’s the Hongmen Banquet or the Heroes Meeting.” “


In the evening, Shen Fei took a car and came to a villa area on the outskirts of Yanjing City.

“Nice place. “

Shen Fei looked at the surrounding environment and said casually: “This place is much stronger than the villa in our hometown. “

The coal bosses in Jin Province like to spend unscrupulously when they have money, and they often buy a piece of land and build their own villas.

But one thing to say, compared to the building in front of Shen Fei, regardless of the style or the surrounding environment, it is too far behind.

“At the feet of the Son of Heaven, can it be the same as our hometown? “

Shen Jun responded to Shen Fei in a rare way.

“yes. “

Shen Fei nodded and said meaningfully: “At the feet of the Son of Heaven, anything can happen.”

As he spoke, he got out of the car and walked towards the villa.

After ringing the doorbell, someone soon opened the door of the villa and invited Shen Fei to enter.

When Shen Fei walked into the villa, he found that this place was a private club.

“Mr. Shen, please come with me. “

A man in a suit led Shen Fei to the door of a room.

Shen Fei pushed open the door and saw three men sitting inside.

“Hello Mr. Shen, I’m Wang Zhongjun. “

Wang Zhongjun was the first to stand up, stretched out his hand to Shen Fei and said, “It’s been famous for a long time, this is the first time we’ll see each other, right?”

“Mr. Wang is good. “

Shen Fei smiled, shook the other party’s hand, and then looked at Han Sanping: “Hello Han Dong.” “

Han Sanping is the chairman of China Film Group, and Shen Fei is not wrong to call him so.

“Okay, Mr. Shen is really a hero out of a young man, let me introduce you to you, this is the boss of Gem Film and Television. “

Han Sanping showed a kind smile at Shen Fei, which was quite surprising.

I don’t know, I thought he admired a young talent like Shen Fei.

As everyone knows.

Seeing a few of them smiling at him, Shen Fei’s heart suddenly became alarmed.

These three people.

Wang Zhongjun’s Huayi brothers are opponents with him, and although Han Sanping is the boss of China Film, he is the backer of the Huayi brothers.

As for that historiography, others don’t know, don’t you know?

A huge greed that likes men!

Let’s be honest.

Shen Fei wanted to pull out his legs a little and left.

Several people sat down separately, but Boss Shi didn’t speak, just simply said hello to Shen Fei.

“I invited Mr. Shen to come over today, mainly to apologize to you. “

After Wang Zhongjun sat down, he said to Shen Fei sincerely: “Before, it was my younger brother who didn’t do things properly, so I’m really embarrassed. “



Shen Fei was stunned.

He really didn’t expect that this Wang Zhongjun would apologize to himself when he came up, what does this mean?

And after Wang Zhongjun finished speaking, Han Sanping on the side also spoke: “About this matter, let me say one more thing, as China Film, we want to see the domestic film and television industry flourish, and we also hope that the competition between you is healthy and orderly, so I am doing it today, the purpose is to hope that Wanli Film and Television and Huayi Brothers can get along peacefully, how about it, Comrade Xiao Shen, do you have any opinions?”


Shen Fei suddenly laughed.

He knew that today was a feast without a good feast, and there would be no good feast.

For no reason, how could a big guy like Han Sanping take the initiative to invite himself to dinner, a person who has just entered the film and television industry.

After making trouble for a long time, this is to be a peacemaker and warn himself not to continue to do things.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei glanced at Wang Zhongjun lightly, then looked at Han Sanping and said: “Chairman Han, our Wanli Film and Television has just been established, and we are naturally willing to develop the domestic entertainment industry healthily, but some people always like to engage in the case of those who follow me and those who go against me die, and I can’t help it.” The last thing I lack as a person is money, whoever makes me unhappy, of course I will make him unhappy!”


Hearing Shen Fei’s words, Han Sanping’s face suddenly changed.

Wang Zhongjun’s face on the side was also blue and white.

Of course, they understood what Shen Fei meant.

Speaking of the end of 4.2, most of the grievances between Shen Fei and the Huayi brothers were provoked by the Huayi brothers.

Wang Baoqiang’s contract expired, and he chose to jump ship to Wanli Film and Television, but Wang Zhonglei felt that the artists of Huayi Brothers could not go to other companies, and this kind of domineering thinking was troubled, so he chose to take Wanli Film and Television as a knife.

It’s just that I never expected to run into such a rich and powerful stubble as Shen Fei.

“Okay, instead of my brother, I apologized to Mr. Shen. “

At this time, Wang Zhongjun gritted his teeth and said to Shen Fei: “Mr. Shen, I hope you don’t remember villains and don’t be surprised.” “

“Yes, yes, Comrade Xiao Shen, you see that the loyal army has said so, have we revealed this matter?”

Han Sanping looked at Shen Fei and said with a smile.


Shen Fei looked at Han Sanping, who was so polite, and Wang Zhonglei, who was so low-profile, and the alarm bell sounded in his heart.

If he wasn’t a reborn person and didn’t know what these two people were, maybe the low profile of the two people had already impressed Shen Fei.

But he is a person who has lived again, and naturally understands that there is no hatred for no reason in this world, and there is no love for no reason.

To put it mildly, if people put a face or kowtow to you for no reason, there is a reason for that.

In this case, if you want to say that they didn’t calculate, they don’t believe it if they kill Shen Fei.

Not to mention.

He didn’t talk much on the side, but just looked at his smiling historiography, which made Shen Fei even more vigilant.

This guy is not a good person, and he looks like he has to be careful today.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, it will be easy to be calculated by these people, and when the time comes, you will regret it, and you will have no chance to turn it over.

PS: It’s on the shelves, ask for automatic subscription, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for various data support! I’ve worked really hard to write this book, and I hope you can support it more.

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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Shen Fei was reborn in 2007 and became the heir to the real estate company!

As smart as he was, he sold the company before housing prices plummeted.

And before housing prices soared in 2009, we took back the land we had sold.

At the same time, the Internet and the entertainment industry have left his footprints everywhere.

He became the godfather of the entertainment industry and the founder of the Internet.


He became a real estate tycoon with a net worth of trillions.


Ma Huateng: The thing I regret most in my life is that I agreed to cooperate with Shen Fei and gave him the shares of Penguin Group in vain.

A director: I like to work with Mr. Shen the most, because he doesn’t interfere with anything except adding actresses to the crew, because he knows how important it is for professional people to do professional things!

Wang Sicong: My dad told me to learn more from Shen Fei and earn a small goal every day.

Yang Mi: Mr. Shen, the whole world...


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