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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy — Chapter 95

Nothing to be courteous, either a traitor or a thief.

Shen Fei has always felt that this sentence is very reasonable.

In his opinion, no matter who you are, there must be a reason why they are good to you for no reason.

If there is no scheme, it can only be said that unless he really loves you.

Not to mention.

Shen Fei knew very well in his heart that among the few people here, none of them had any friendship with him.

Wang Zhongjun’s Huayi brothers were even more-for-tat with themselves before, but now they lower their posture and apologize to themselves, if there is no explanation, it would be strange.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei looked at a few people, his face was as usual, and he smiled faintly: “Since Han Sanye has spoken, I naturally don’t care, I hope we can make progress together.” “

Having said that, Shen Fei knew very well that whether it was Wang Zhongjun or Wang Zhonglei, it was impossible for him to really die down like this.

For them, unless they give up the leading position of Huayi Brothers in the film and television industry, unless they don’t plan to mix in the Beijing circle, how can they allow Wanli Film and Television to rise?

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair.

If you want to make money, others want to make money.

The plate is so big, there are so many cakes, and if they eat more, they will eat less, and in this case, even if everyone shakes hands and makes peace for the time being, it is only a superficial peace.

When it comes to the real stakes, there will definitely be a fight.

But at that time, don’t blame yourself for not giving face.

“Hahaha, that’s good, let’s make money in harmony. “

Han Sanping said with a smile.

“Yes, yes, yes, harmony makes money. “

Wang Zhongjun didn’t have the posture of a big boss at all at this moment, and nodded with a smile.

In front of Han Sanping, he really didn’t have a little bit of a fight, and he looked like an amiable person.

Although Shen Fei was a little strange, he could understand it.

After all, the Huayi brothers are different from themselves, most of their business is still in the entertainment industry, to put it bluntly, they rely on Han Sanping to eat.

Those who look up to people will naturally bow their heads and ears.

If it were me, I guess I would make such a choice.

The reason why I don’t care about Han Sanping now is purely because I have other investments, and Wanli Film and Television is just because of some fate in my previous life, so I subconsciously laid it out.

Let’s be honest.

Although the cake in the entertainment industry is not small, Shen Fei’s mentality has changed a little now, it doesn’t matter if he can eat the cake or not, he 01 must follow his heart.

If you’re not happy, then everyone shouldn’t be happy.

The wine has passed three rounds, and the dishes have passed five flavors.

Han Sanping put down her chopsticks at this time.

He glanced at Shen Fei and smiled: “Mr. Shen, I heard that you Wanli Film and Television have been collecting scripts recently, are you planning to invest in movies?”

“Yes. “

Shen Fei laughed secretly in his heart.

He knew that there must be something wrong with these people asking him to meet.

Although he didn’t know what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourd, Shen Fei was sure that Han Sanping definitely didn’t hold back any good fart!

If this old bastard had met him with good intentions, he would not have chosen such a place, and there were two people who were not good things, Wang Zhongjun and Historiography, present.

However, he didn’t plan to hide it, he did plan to take root in film and television dramas, of course he wouldn’t be polite.

“Mr. Shen is interested in investing in movie calls, why don’t we work together?”

Shi Xue said with a smile at this time: “We Gem Film and Television are also committed to investing in the film and television drama industry, and we have also invested in several successful film and television dramas before, Mr. Shen, you might as well join us.” “

Wang Zhongjun also said next to him: “Yes, we Huayi will also participate, if the three of us invest, how about a big production?”

“Big production?”

Shen Fei’s heart moved when he heard this, and he asked casually, “How big is the production?”

“Anyway, it’s going to be three or four hundred million. “

Wang Zhongjun said to Shen Fei seemingly unintentionally: “Let’s give 30 million per family, and claim 100 million per family to the outside world, how about it?”



When Shen Fei heard this, he was immediately stunned.

What the hell…

Something is wrong!


These grandsons formed a group to pit themselves.

What is claimed to be 150 million, it is clearly trying to launder money!

Han Sanping, an old bastard with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is probably bought, otherwise it would be impossible to do such a thing.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei took a deep breath and looked at Han Sanping and Shi Xue curiously: “Two of you, is this appropriate?”

“Haha, Mr. Shen, you are a layman, this is a common thing in the entertainment industry. “

Shi Xue said proudly: “Don’t look at how much everyone says about how much they invest, in fact, there is so much money, it’s just fooling people, it sounds good, but in fact there is not so much.” “

“I know a little bit about that. “

Han Sanping said proudly: “Not only our domestic films, but also foreign movies are actually like this, you are like Hollywood, saying that it is an investment of 200 million US dollars in production costs, but in fact, it is only 30 million US dollars at best, which is not so exaggerated at all.” “

Wang Zhongjun on the side nodded approvingly and said: “This investment is said a lot, mainly to bluff people and make the audience feel that it is a big production, so that someone will spend money to watch movies in the cinema, understand, Mr. Shen?”

“I see. “

Shen Fei was thoughtful, but in his heart, he had already drenched the blood of these bastards.

By now, if he didn’t understand what these people were thinking, it would be.

These grandsons seem to be planning to make a movie to launder money, and then pull themselves, the famous big boss.

For example, if you save a crew and let yourself invest 30 million, several of them also claim to take out 30 million, and they turn around and announce that they will invest 300 million in the film and make a big production.

The result?

In the end, it is estimated that only their own money will arrive, and they will default on this investment for various reasons, and when the movie is finished, the money will be laundered…

And when the time comes, he will become the unlucky guy who tops the thunder.

Let’s be honest.

If it weren’t for Shen Fei’s previous life, he wouldn’t have understood the trickiness in Hengdian at all.

In the entertainment industry, there are too many cats.

For example, in Hollywood, although some movies have a high box office, as a film investor, it is not necessarily possible to make money, and the distributor will have various reasons to make investors lose all their money.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei raised his head, looked at Han Sanping and said with a smile: “Han Sanye, you look at me, this matter is naturally no problem, go back and bring me the script to see, if you are satisfied, then we will cooperate to try.” “

Several people looked at each other and laughed with satisfaction.

“Haha, then I hope we have a good time together. “

“yes, I hope the movie is a big hit at the box office. “

Wang Zhongjun and Historiography were both very happy.

Han Sanping is naturally very happy.

Even looking at Shen Fei’s gaze, it was much more pleasing to the eye.

It is said that this guy doesn’t get in oil and salt, like a stunned young man, so it’s not like that.

Isn’t that sensible?

After some staggering, seeing that the time was almost up, Shen Fei left here under the pretext that there was still something to do.

Looking at Shen Fei’s back, Shi Xue seemed to smile: “Third Master, do you think he can see the problem?”

“What can you see, does he dare to refuse?”

Han Sanping said lightly: “Unless he doesn’t want to get involved in this circle, he has to pay honestly.” “

“Yes, you have to have a big face. “

Wang Zhongjun said with a smile: “But it’s a pity that this guy didn’t agree to the matter of replacing the shares, otherwise I would have taken down his company sooner or later.” “

“You. “

Wang Zhongjun’s words made Han Sanping raise his eyebrows, glanced at him and said, “You are too calculating, hahaha.” “


Several people laughed, smug on their faces.


As everyone knows.

At this moment, Shen Fei, who was sitting in the car, had an extremely ugly face.

“Wang Zhongjun, this bastard, is still worried about Lao Tzu’s shares!”

Shen Fei muttered to himself.

At the dinner table, Wang Zhongjun actually proposed to exchange 30% of Wanli Film and Television’s shares for 10% of Huayi Brothers’ shares, but was naturally rejected by Shen Fei.

As for the reason for the refusal, it is also very simple, Wanli Film and Television does not plan to go public, so the shares will not be external.

Of course, what he said was the truth, but more importantly, Shen Fei was to guard against Wang Zhongjun.

No way, this guy is really awesome in terms of capital operation, when Shen Fei was in Hengdian in his previous life, he had heard many people mention this matter.

Some people say that the difference between the poor and the rich is that the poor have a narrow mind, and they can only work hard to earn money, and they do not understand what “capital operation” is.

The capital operation of the entertainment industry really lets people know what it means to be an “empty glove white wolf”. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For example, in later generations, Feng Xiaogang opened a small company called Dongyang Meila, with assets totaling 13,600 yuan, which is not as good as Shen Fei’s self-employed Grandma Wang, who makes pancakes downstairs.

The most deplorable thing is that this broken bag company still has a debt of 19,100 yuan, that is, the company has no hair, and it still owes 55000 to others.


At this time, a rich and powerful listed company, called Huayi Brothers, came to a big deal and used 150 million cash to acquire 70% of the shares of Feng Xiaogang’s broken leather bag company.

According to the transfer agreement, Huayi Brothers paid the entire equity transfer price to the old shareholders Feng Xiaogang and Liu Guoqiang in a lump sum, totaling RMB 1.15 billion.

Information from relevant departments tells us that Feng Xiaogang’s broken leather bag company has only been established for less than two months, with Feng Xiaogang holding 99 percent of the shares and Liu Guoqiang holding 1 percent of the shares.

The Huayi Brothers acquisition took place two months after the company was founded.

One billion yuan, bought a company with a debt of 5,000 yuan, what’s going on?

Could it be that this Huayi brother was sent by Guanyin Bodhisattva to save the suffering?

Thank you, Huayi Brothers is not a fool, nor is it a charity, in August, when Feng Xiaogang’s leather bag company was not established, it added 146 million shares of the company to Ali Venture Capital, Ping An Asset Management, Penguin Computer, and China Securities Construction Investment, raising a total of about 3.6 billion yuan.

Huayi Brothers invested nearly one-third of the funds raised in Feng Xiaogang, and bought only 70% of the equity of such a small leather bag company with 10,000 yuan.

Feng Xiaogang, a small broken company with a lot of money in Dongyang Meilawan, a small broken company that can’t open a pancake stall, has increased its assets by 100,000 times overnight.

This operation made Shen Fei breathtaking at that time.

But after he finished listening to the explanation, he admired it even more.

In short, Huayi Brothers bought Feng Xiaogang’s small company worth 10,000 yuan with one billion, which came from the fundraising of four big capitals: Alibaba, Ping An, Penguin, and CITIC.

So are these four big capitals stupid?

No, we should ask: where does all this money come from?

Quite simply, from those ordinary leek stockholders.

Isn’t it clear who is stupid?

Why can the four big capitals give this money to Huayi Brothers?

Why did Huayi Brothers give one billion to Director Feng Da for nothing?

Because Feng Xiaogang promised, Dongyang Mera’s audited net profit in 2016 reached 100 million yuan, an annual increase of 15%. How?

Make a movie!

Relying on Feng Xiaogang’s old face, as well as his talent with a bad stomach, coupled with the ability to speculate, sell feelings, and fry old rice, he can always make a box office blockbuster.

So, didn’t he start tinkering with “Fanghua” later?

As long as the box office is a big hit, he can not only earn money from fans, but also drive the stock price of Huayi Brothers to rise.

According to the performance commitment, Dongyang Mera’s net profit after tax in five years will reach nearly 670 million yuan.

In extreme cases, even if Feng Xiaogang does nothing and has no revenue, he can use this money from the one billion yuan in cash he has obtained to make up the difference between the performance targets, and still make a net profit of 360 million.

No matter how high the salary is, where is the money coming from printing stocks?


This is actually the “left-handed to right-handed” game of capital in the film and television industry, and it guarantees itself.

It is said that poverty limits people’s imagination, and this sentence is still very reasonable.

Nine out of ten stocks are lost, which must be inseparable from these so-called “capital operations”.

And Shen Fei.

But they don’t want to be part of the 760 game.

The reason is very simple, first, Shen Fei is not short of money, there is no need to take this risk.

Second, Shen Fei didn’t want to be used as a gun, and with the habits of these people, he could easily be pushed out as a scapegoat when the time came.

What’s more, Shen Fei really hates the style of these people in the Beijing circle.

One by one, they seem to be playing with everyone in the palm of their hands, why are they?

Didn’t you just rely on the identity of a big yard disciple to take root in the entertainment industry in advance?

As a result, these people regard the entertainment industry as their own place.

Money laundering, unspoken rules, all sorts of shameless acts, one after another.

Shen Fei remembers very well that in his previous life, these people shouted all day long to promote positive energy, but the scandals in the Beijing circle were one after another.

What’s even more shameless is that they all act as if nothing happened.

Even the drug-related director Zhang Yibai can make a grand comeback to continue making movies.

This is the so-called Beijing Circle!

Shen Fei would not join this kind of circle.

“Do you want me to find someone…”

Shen Jun looked at Shen Fei’s face for a while blue and white, and finally whispered.

The Shen family has a group of people who specialize in dirty work.

Those people are all outlaws, and when they were fighting for coal mines with others in Shen Wanli in Jin Province in the early years, if they didn’t have these people in their hands, they would have been eaten alive a long time ago.

In that place in Jin Province, not all good men and women can stay.

When coal was not worth much in the early years, the lives of coal diggers were not worth much, and occasionally a coal mine with large reserves was discovered, and it was necessary to kill people at every turn.

According to Shen Wanli, if you weren’t ruthless enough at that time, people would dare to kill your whole family!

In the 90s, the more backward the country, the more human life was often like a mustard.

The word poor brings not only lack of food, but also ignorance and arrogance.

Therefore, there have always been such people under the Shen family.

It’s just that because Shen Wanli’s strength gradually became stronger later, naturally these people are not needed.

But even so, he always kept them, just afraid that something would go wrong one day.

After all, the real estate industry is not so easy to mix.

After Shen Fei took over, this group of people was under Shen Jun’s control.

Shen Fei didn’t dare to let them come to Yanjing, so he stayed in a city near Beihe Province and gave them enough money every month to live on their own.

He has seen these people, and they look like honest farmers on weekdays, but Shen Jun said that every time he fights for mines, his subordinates are ruthless characters who have seen blood.

Those who survived that era were all ruthless!

Hearing Shen Jun’s words, Shen Fei’s face suddenly changed slightly, and then he shook his head and said, “Brother Jun, don’t talk nonsense, we are serious businessmen, how can we do that kind of thing of shouting and shouting and killing?”

As he spoke, he said meaningfully: “We do things according to rules. “

PS: It’s on the shelves, ask for automatic subscription, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for various data support! I’ve worked really hard to write this book, and I hope you can support it more.

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Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Reborn as a trillion-dollar real estate tycoon, Boss Yang calls him daddy

Shen Fei was reborn in 2007 and became the heir to the real estate company!

As smart as he was, he sold the company before housing prices plummeted.

And before housing prices soared in 2009, we took back the land we had sold.

At the same time, the Internet and the entertainment industry have left his footprints everywhere.

He became the godfather of the entertainment industry and the founder of the Internet.


He became a real estate tycoon with a net worth of trillions.


Ma Huateng: The thing I regret most in my life is that I agreed to cooperate with Shen Fei and gave him the shares of Penguin Group in vain.

A director: I like to work with Mr. Shen the most, because he doesn’t interfere with anything except adding actresses to the crew, because he knows how important it is for professional people to do professional things!

Wang Sicong: My dad told me to learn more from Shen Fei and earn a small goal every day.

Yang Mi: Mr. Shen, the whole world...


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