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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 004

[Kebi: Are the things shown in the video real?] 】

[Merchant A: It’s real, I’m the businessman, hateful, bastard Golden Emperor, actually used the ability to play cards with me!!] Vile! Shameless!! 】

[Yellow Ape: Past things can be played! ] And what about the future? 】

[Pheasant: If these things are true and reliable, it means that this ranking may have some credibility! ] 】

[Karp: But what country is the Dragon Kingdom? If it is really richer than the Golden Emperor, there is no reason why our navy does not know ah!!

After the video is played at the casino!

Play another major source of wealth!

It was the color industry, in a grand building like a palace.

Many brightly dressed nobles gathered.

Beautiful women of all races are being auctioned off!

Mainstream races, fish-people, long siblings, empty islanders….

Many women on stage who were auctioned!

Many of them are lost by gamblers.

Some are gamblers themselves!

“I give out five million Baileys!”

“I give 10 million Bailey!”

“That mermaid, I gave out eighty million Bailey!”


Lust makes many people pay for it one after another!

No matter what world it is in!!

Gambling, color industry are all profiteering industries!

The speed at which the money is rolling is visible to the naked eye!

Later, in the video, the Golden Emperor took the money he earned again.

Established a good cooperative relationship with the Draco people of the world government!

With their power!

Calm some of the huge adverse effects of these two industries!

[Blackbeard: As long as people have no conscience, this wealth comes really quickly! ] In the future, I will also establish my own pirate country, and I will do the same!! 】

[Ace: You don’t have a future, Tichy, I will definitely find you!] 】

[Blackbeard: Captain Ace is still terrible! ] It’s a pity that you are still almost capable! Thief hahaha!! 】

“Ace?” Roger, the ghost of the Pure Land of Bliss, looked at the barrage of the sky curtain and was stunned!

[Kaido: Tezzolo’s industry is really good, but it has also offended many people, no wonder he is willing to use our weapons to offset debts! ] It seems that we can cooperate a lot in the future! 】

[Golden Emperor: No problem. 】

[Karp: It’s all you bastards who do everything you can’t do to make this world a miasma! ] 】

[Golden Emperor: Lieutenant General Karp, my business is allowed by the world government! ] You say that, no, okay! 】

[Karp: What’s bad, that bunch of waste…].

[Sengoku: Karp!! Shut up!! 】

Sengoku covered the mouth of Karp next to him!!

These two forced Karp really dare to say anything!!

[Smogg: The slave trade should be forbidden! 】

[Aunt: What a naïve guy, there are few things in this world that money can’t do! ] 】

The video continues to play.

It mainly revolves around the income generated by these two industries.

There are dozens of other by-industries!

But not so profiteering.

And if the picture is similar, this video is also very user-friendly fast-forwarded.

Finally, the screen pauses at night.

The leaderboard video also summarizes.

[Kingdom wealth ranking NO.3, the main source of wealth casino, color industry… Annual net income estimate: 56 billion Bailey! 】

The amount of net income this year was exposed!!

Countless people around the world were shocked, and their eyes were red!

A net income of 56 billion Baileys a year!!

How much does this cost, one four emperors is billions of Bailey!

This amount of money is enough to buy the lives of all the four emperors of the New World several times!

It’s eye-catching!!

However, I think that the Golden Emperor is not only famous in itself!

And there are collaborators in both black and white!

More often than not, they are just envious and dare not make any moves!

“Hmph, I didn’t expect that he usually concealed a lot of income.” Venus was slightly dissatisfied.

“I’ll handle this matter later.” Saturn said lightly.

The Golden Emperor sat in his place with a calm smile on his lips!

But a barrage made his smile stop abruptly!

[Stella: Are you really the Tezzolo I know?] 】


The Golden Emperor looked at the name that appeared in the barrage with wide eyes!

The whole person froze in place at once!

Those words were like a sharp knife inserted into the heart!!

In an instant, he didn’t even have the courage to reply!

That’s right…… What kind of canopy can make the dead and the living communicate with each other!

And everyone else basically didn’t notice Stella’s message!

Soon the rotating video came to the Kingdom of Saint Vnas, the No.2 leaderboard!

[Major General Peacock: This Saint Vnass Kingdom, I remember the perennial war, the people are living very hard, it is impossible to be richer than the Golden Emperor, right? 】

[Lokes: The ancestral land of the Draco, you don’t need to think about it, the heavenly gold of this country must be very harsh! ] 】

Video playback.

But it’s more than just one picture!

Instead, dozens of pictures, distributed in columns, are played at the same time.

Of course this St. Vnas’s Kingdom is in the very center!

And as soon as it was played, the first thing people saw was the battlefield full of shouts and killings!

Every picture is very bloody!

Silence the whole world at once!

This richest country!

How come dozens of pictures presented at once are battlefields?

But soon they all knew why.

It’s all for heavenly gold!

“General, the city gate has been breached!”

“Kill all the worthless people, capture all the valuable people alive, and scrape their wealth!! Let the supervision of the law enforcement team be in place, whoever dares to steal it is to put the country in danger! It’s treason! ”

“If we can’t hand over all the heavenly gold this year, and then supply a part of it to the royal family of the Kingdom of Saint Vnas, our country will no longer be a member country of the World Government!”

“In that case, it won’t be long before our country is full of pirates! Then destroy the country! ”

So a brutal and bloody act of slaughter took place.

Young adults and young women were captured alive.

Among them, the rebels were killed!

The elderly and children who need to take a long time to raise are all brutally killed!

This is a massacre that makes the righteous angry!

And that’s just one of the pictures!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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