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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 008

Sengoku took out the phone worm and dialed a number: “Smogg, if this is a real-time picture, they should pass through Rogue Town and establish contact with them as soon as possible!” ”


This kind of thing, the Warring States don’t want to say on the barrage!

Otherwise, other forces react.

The same decision will probably be made!

But there is a difference!

[Green Pheasant: The sailing speed is still increasing!] 】

[Squirrel: Just now it has three times the speed of our top warship! ] Now I’m afraid it’s almost ten times! It’s amazing! 】

[Frenchy: What kind of energy is this?] So efficient! 】

[Aunt: If this is used in war, I am afraid that the power is amazing! ] 】

[Smogg: It doesn’t seem to be coming in this direction to Rogue Town, but… No wind belt!! 】

When this conclusion was reached!

Smog himself was taken aback!

Although there are friends in the navy who told him!

The Department of Naval Science is working on a warship that can cross the windless zone!

However, no in-kind inputs have been seen at this time.

[Whitebeard: Even ordinary people should know how dangerous windless it is! ] 】

[Kidd: Are these guys crazy? Even if the inside is solid steel, those monsters can still be swallowed in one bite! 】

[Luo: Even to save distance, this is too risky! You don’t think that a windless zone is just a simple problem that there is no wind, and the sailboat can’t sail! 】

Luo thought that the power of this ship did not come from the power of the sails!

Is it because you feel that you can cross the windless belt by overcoming the windless power?

[Sengoku: Do they also have that technology?] 】

[Yellow Ape: Warring States Sang ~ I am responsible for the safety of the Ministry of Science, you should have more confidence in me! ] 】

The silence of the Warring States means knowing that you are lazy and look like you don’t care about anything.

I just asked questions.

The probability of your carelessness is much higher than that of other generals!

However, since the yellow ape is so righteous, he has returned!

It states that it should not be a problem with the Ministry of Science.

Let’s take another look….

It is not so that this merchant ship is lost!

In the picture, the ship quickly approaches the windless zone!

The crew on board has not changed much!

Still lazy gathering on deck!

Some are making small talk!

Some drink small wine!

Some hummed a ditty….

It seems that they have no idea how terrifying the sea ahead is!

This journey starts from the Dragon Kingdom.

Although it is a straight-line shortcut. (Because the speed is fast, not time-consuming, there are enough supplies, no need to find islands to dock for supplies!) )

But halfway through, he encountered some pirate ships.

But there was no conflict!

They almost clicked and passed!

And with better equipment such as telescopes!

[Blackbeard: These ignorant guys, die! ] 】

Everyone stared with bated breath.

The ship sailed into the windless zone quite normally!

Advance ten meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters ….

It’s all right!!

Take a closer look at Vegapunk in Eghed!

[Vegapunk: I should have thought that their sea floor stone can be so precise, and they should have developed the technology to fuse the ship low and sea floor stone! ] The Sea Lou Stone, which emits the same energy, can keep their ships from being detected by the Sea Kings! 】

[Battle Peach Pill: Someone actually realized Uncle Vegapunk’s technique first! ] 】

[Yellow Ape: But even so, once a sea king appears, it will still be directly discovered! ] 】

[Vegapunk: Yes, after all, in addition to super perception, the sea king class is not bad at eyesight! ] 】

Vegapunk just finished!

In the picture, the calm sea explodes!

One is about the same length as a wild boar! But with colorful lace around the neck!

Super sea kings over a kilometer long emerge from the sea to breathe!

The eye is falling on this ship!

“It’s a skirted pig sea king class!! This is rare, I was fortunate enough to eat it once last time, the meat is so delicious, but unfortunately this time in order to catch the delivery date, I didn’t bring a frigate! ”

On the Jason, the crew remained calm.

I even took pictures of this large sea king!

And weirdly, the ship is still advancing!

But the skirted pig didn’t seem to see them!

Passing by at close range did not respond.

The skirted pig came out of the waves.

Splashed towards the ship, not yet landed on the ship.

I hit a transparent barrier.

When touched, it ripples in color!

But then it disappeared and disappeared!

[Vegapunk: This is the energy shield of optical stealth!!] They were able to do so much that they wrapped the entire ship! No wonder that sea king class can’t see it! 】

[Kaji: Is this possible?] Even in our Djerma Kingdom, for so many years, optical stealth technology has remained in a small area and has not been able to break through! 】

[Rocks: Speed, solidity, plus stealth… This is a merchant ship ?! In my time, even top warships could not do it! 】

[Rayleigh: I can’t do it now! ] 】

[Warring States: This Dragon Kingdom actually has such excellent technology!!] May I ask if the people of the Dragon Kingdom are watching this canopy!! If this technology can be contributed to the Navy, what pirates will be able to escape our pursuit in the future? 】

[Kaido: Where are the people of the Dragon Kingdom? How about we talk about a deal? 】

[Whitebeard: Don’t sell it to the Navy, you have seen the face of the world government just now, selling it to them will only fuel wars around the world! ] 】

[Sengoku: Newgate, you pirate shut up!] We are for the peace of the sea!! 】

[Karp: This should not be their strongest ship! Listening to what they said just now, it seems that there are still some frigates, and they still want to hunt that sea king! 】

[Squirrel: This can’t be! This is a big sea king! Generally shells fall on them, like raindrops! 】

[Green Pheasant: We thought the same before, but it turns out that we don’t know this dragon country at all! ] 】


Dragon Country.

Nami looked at the barrage that appeared on the sky!

He looked sideways at Gao Yang: “Do we want to do business with the navy?” ”

“Let’s take a look before we talk.” Gao Yang didn’t plan to pay attention to them yet.

Let’s take a look at this wealth ranking.

How well the audience recognizes the Dragon Kingdom!

Then decide on the next course of action!

And…… Now it’s about financial resources!

Did they get the point wrong?

What power can a transport ship have?

“Uh-huh, I’ll listen to you.” Nami nodded obediently.

After all, when my hometown was in trouble!

Although the Navy is under the banner of justice!

But never helped her!

The boat crossed the windless zone and was in video fast forward again.

After a calm voyage, we arrived at the destination of the trip.

The gastronomic capital in the first half of the great voyage – Puki!

And the port has long been waiting for a large number of guards.

The person who led the team made everyone’s eyes condense slightly!

Because this person is a famous giant in the underground world!

They all know each other!!

(The eighth change on the first day, please support!) Too few review votes! Everyone stretch out their little hands to support! )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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