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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 011

In the video….

Akihara Village, a village with a population of less than five hundred people.

For a long time, there was a pirate group of twenty or thirty people!

Many young adults were killed when the pirate group landed.

Others who tried to resist were also strongly suppressed by the captain of the pirate ship!

They resisted several times and failed!

Every resistance kills.

And the most fundamental reason is not how hard this captain has worked and how hard he has cultivated!

Simply because he is a capable person!

Even if it’s just an animal line!

They are also not opponents at all

They are on a great route!

Of course, I know that there are sea lou stones that can restrain those who can restrain their abilities.

There are also people with money to break through the pirate defenses!

Go to the naval base on a nearby island for help.

But this small naval base is no different from the soil emperor and pirates.

His money was scammed, but the Navy did nothing and kicked him out.

Only one sentence remained, waiting for them to finish dealing with the pirates in other places.

Nature will help them!

But look at the way each of them eats fat!

Plus this is such an obvious pretext!

This villager also knew that his village was hopeless if it wanted to be saved by the navy!


The video plays here!

The Navy first blamed the pirates for the disaster!

The pirates mocked the inaction of the Navy!

Many navies looked at the inactive navy and were also full of shame!

Even many generals are clamoring to thoroughly investigate this place!

The last colonel remembered that some time ago this small naval base!

It has been ransacked by some powerful pirate group passing by!

This made the pirates more confident, saying that they took out the unrighteous navy for them!

Pirates are not bad guys either….

In small events, each other’s roles are entangled!

It’s like a microcosm of this chaotic age.

There is no clearly visible justice!

It also shows that the video playing now is a thing of the past!


Fortunately, the villager’s money was not scammed, and some were secretly kept before.

It was originally kept to prevent theft.

Now I am at a loss, I can’t move to save the soldiers, how can I go back to see my parents and villagers!

He walked with a lost soul, and even thought of dying, a hundred.

But when passing by some dilapidated tavern.

After being stopped by the tavern owner and exchanging a few words.

Then he knew his situation, and then the boss mysteriously told him!

Although he couldn’t help him get rid of the pirates.

But he knows where there are cheap sea lou stones!

At first, the villagers did not believe that this sea lou stone was cheap!

But with the idea of a dead horse as a living doctor.

Really bought cheap sea lou stone.

And it’s also a finely processed sea tower stone gungun with bullets!

His money is enough to buy two!!

It made him hard to believe!

However, he is not an able person and cannot prove the truth or falsehood!

But this is the only hope for their village!

He can only gamble one and return to the village with a gun!

The people of the village didn’t believe it, but they didn’t have a choice!

The Navy is unreliable and can only be on its own!

In the night, they attacked again!

And this time, they succeeded!

They assassinated successfully and killed the captain of the Mighty!

The other pirates were not afraid at all, and they killed them and fled!

They have recaptured their village!

All because they can afford sea lou stone!!

After that, they even bought some more of these weapons!

Hold on! Have a sense of security!

It’s not very expensive anyway, at least not too expensive to afford ….

And something like this is in the NO.1 video at the moment!

There are thousands of images!

And just picked one of them casually!

These sea lou stones are sold at affordable prices!

The price is low! But the customers are really many!

Some of the admirals also heard such rumors!

But more often than not, they are treated as charlatan incidents!

After all…… The high price of sea lou stone is well known!

How could it be that low price!

Must be a scam!!

So didn’t take it to heart

Even if occasionally the navy harvests some sea floor stone weapons!

They also don’t think that these are bargains.

Instead, you will feel lucky!

Get a good sea lou stone, make a fortune!

And now these thousands of pictures!

But it makes people suffer an extremely strong impact in their hearts!

The first is that there are so many of them, and the production of sea lou stones in their Dragon Kingdom is definitely a quantity that far exceeds their previous assumptions!

The second is that since the quantity is large, even if the sales are low, the benefits brought are very considerable!

They can see it in the picture!

As long as it’s an island of a little size!

There are taverns and caravan opened by the sea king Umit and the like!

“Tavern No. 1 generates 30 million Bailey!”

“Station No. 2 has a revenue of 40 million Baileys!”

“No. 88 Chambord No. 9 Tavern has a revenue of 120 million Bailey!”

“Tavern No. 13 has a revenue of 310 million Baileys!”


Individual pieces of revenue, like a trickle!

When you can gather together in the distribution center of the city of gastronomy!

But a tsunami of money was formed!! Stirring!

[Kaido: Groove!! Sea Lou Stone sells for such a low price! How much to earn!! Where did you get so many sea lou stones! 】

Kaido is a little skeptical of life!

Could it be that the country of Wano where I am located is not the main source of sea lou stone?

Your Dragon Kingdom is!? That’s a bit ridiculous!

[Loan shark: Vozh! Vozh! Looking at this guy Umit, hundreds of millions of Baileys every day, hundreds of millions of Baileys, I envy beyond recognition! It’s every day!! 】

[Aunt: I really want to go and rob him!!] 】

[Wang Zhi: It’s not that you can’t consider it, this guy Umit is powerful in business, but the strength … Hehe!! 】

[Sea King: I advise you to be kind!!] 】

[Venus: Don’t worry! We can shelter you! 】

[Aunt: Hmph! Nosy guy! 】

They didn’t dwell on this issue!

Even if you really want to do it, there is no need to say it!

Quietly Mimi do it, wouldn’t that be better!

And the third point is the impact of selling sea lou stones on the bottom floor!

In any era, it is the common people who suffer!

It’s hard for the upper class to really notice.

And a little strength, is a capable person.

As long as it is evil, the Navy can’t control it at all!

Not to mention that not all navies are just!

At this time, they can only rely on themselves!

And the low-priced sea lou stone makes many ordinary people face oppression!

With the possibility and capital to resist!

Although it doesn’t work out every time!!

But at least, it’s no longer a lamb that is still slaughtered!

[Pheasant: I take back what I just said and apologize to you! ] Your money!! Come clean!! Justice!! 】

[Yellow Ape: I really didn’t expect money to be so profitable… He not only made money, but also brought hope to the suffering people! From this point of view, Umit is indeed an amazing businessman! 】

[Shipping King: It’s not me, it’s my king! I am simply following the teachings of my King! Moreover, you don’t think that our source of wealth is only Hailou stone, have you forgotten what my old line is… Economically, our dragon country is not just a carriage running! Instead, there are three drivers! 】

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

(Monthly passes, evaluation tickets, flowers!) The more, the merrier! Come on, smash me! )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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