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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 012

They have already seen the benefits of Hailou Shi just now!

This one should be higher than the Kingdom of Saint Vnas!

But the shipping king said that this is only one of the three main industries of the Dragon Kingdom!

Originally, the five old stars, the Marshal of the Warring States, the revolutionary army, the four emperors and others were still thinking!

What kind of person would it be to make the king of the sea worship and respect so much?

But my thoughts were interrupted all of a sudden!

I was shocked by what Umit said.

And they also remembered Umit’s old profession!

It’s transportation!!

Sure enough, NO.1 video, after the distribution of sea lou stone!

Many pictures have popped up one after another, which is the main source of income for the Dragon Kingdom!

One of the screens.

The kingdom was in civil war, the people were displaced, and many people fled the kingdom.

Arriving in a strange place, but overcrowded, refugees of unknown origin cannot find work!

Many sell their children!

Not for their own food, but for their children to have a way to live.

Of these refugees, only a very small number of them have found jobs that can barely make ends meet!

And usually one or two islands don’t provide as many jobs.

Whether it is pirates, or the navy, these are of course important people!

But many of them are dragging their families.

Recruiting these people and bringing their families with them is probably not cost-effective!

There are too many refugees in troubled times!

Some people live for themselves!

Abandoning his wife and son became a pirate and became a navy.

But that’s only a small part.

Most people don’t know what to do.

Reduced to beggars.

Starved, frozen, beaten to death ….

The chaos of the chaotic world is embarrassing!

But even such a powerful department as the Navy!

It can’t solve this livelihood problem!

The only thing that can be done is to reduce the birth of pirates as much as possible!

Bring a temporary calm to a place!

Unless one day, the fighting between pirates, kingdoms, and various forces can stop!

Only then is true peace possible!

It was a snowy day, and the family was huddled in the corner, hugging each other to keep warm!

The fire around him has long been extinguished, and the residual temperature has dispersed!

In such times, firewood is also a precious material!

[Uta: Is this the truest life of people at the bottom of the world, what dreams, what justice… Sounds so hollow! Have the people who chased these really stopped to see such a life? 】

A kingdom where peace can be enjoyed for a short time in the world! It’s just too little!

Uta on the beach of the ruined kingdom of Iregia looks at the sky!

The heart was greatly touched, this is the real underlying world forgotten by the strong…

Is there no one to think about them….

O world! It’s so cruel!!

At this moment, the green pheasant, yellow ape, Kapu and others also looked silent!

They are committed to a just cause!

To change this world!

But…… It’s so hard, it’s hard!!

This is not a great feat that a few top powerhouses can do!

But they are still trying!

Try to make this world of thousands of holes a little better!

Even if it’s just a little!


In the video, this family is about to freeze to death!

If nothing else, it deserves to freeze to death here.

But a man carrying a lantern suddenly appeared in this ruins full of refugees!

“Everyone, we have a lot of work needs here, regardless of age, as long as we can walk, as long as we can move our hands, we all want it, including food and housing, and a basic salary every month, including commission!”

This sound, like warm sunlight, pierces the ice and snow of winter!

The refugees, who were originally waiting for death, were unable to raise their heads hard!

That’s the limit of what they can do!

They have long collapsed and worked hard to raise their heads!

I want people to know that they are still alive!

“What you said… Is it true?! ”

An old man asked tremblingly.

“Do you still have the value of being deceived?”

“No, no…” If there is, how can it be reduced to the point of waiting for death!

“Then, after everyone has eaten and drunk, if you want to join us, you can come here to sign a labor contract!”

“I’m sixty, but my body is okay, I can still run, can I?”

A thin old man hugged his grandson and asked softly!

At this time, as long as you can have food, you can live!

It doesn’t matter if you are scammed or something!

“Of course you can!”


A moment later!

“There really is something to eat!”

“And meat!”

“Hot soup!”

“Warm charcoal!”

“Is this an illusion? Still a dream! ”

“Are we dead, to heaven!”

“It seems to be alive…”


This year, being able to eat and drink enough is already a luxury!

The salary is these, they dare not think about it!

And under this favor, almost all those who still have labor!

All were recruited as employees of Longsheng Express!

“There is really a salary! And commissions! ”

“Is it a job to specify delivery for the merchant?”

“Is it such a simple job? Don’t you have to fight with a gun and a knife? ”

“If you go to other islands on business, you can still pay multiple times!”

“This !!”

“Longsheng Express is our savior!!”


In this case, young people mainly follow the company’s ships to transport goods between the islands!

For the elderly and young who are inconvenient, run some run-down taverns on this island!

Mainly responsible for home delivery of goods on the island!

There are all kinds of daily necessities in the tavern!

Publicity through video phone bugs.

Dial the phone bug and deliver to your home almost worldwide!

In this way, everyone is useful….

Of course, in this case, no one thinks about the working age!

As long as there is a labor force, they will work hard!

And at this time, many people remembered!

Actually, I can’t say that I remembered it!

A long time ago, Sea King started as a transporter.

And in recent years, Sea King has created the matter of express shipping company!

They had also heard about it, but they didn’t expect it to be so large!

And all refugees!

[Warring States: The main work content of these people is to rely on the unique fast routes of the Sea King and the Dragon Kingdom to establish a so-called express line between the islands! ] This work does require a lot of staff, and home delivery is a new type of industry on the island! 】

[Kaido: Umit, your brain is really useful! The price of hiring refugees is almost the lowest in the market! And only you have such strong transportation money that can gnaw down millions of employees! 】

[Whitebeard: Amazing guy, very novel model, speaking of which I have used this home delivery service, it is really good! ] One phone bug can buy almost everything you need! 】

[Aunt: It seems that you have to raise a lot of people, so you shouldn’t make much money, right? It’s like charity! 】

[Lox: Lingling, you are really getting older and more confused! ] This thing is probably more profitable than the sea lou stone business! On this sea, only Umit’s special fleet can achieve fast transportation, and they have a large number of personnel on the islands! Others cannot copy his business on a large scale, that is, this is a monopoly!! And the labor cost paid is very low! The refugees have also experienced disasters, everyone works very hard, is extremely loyal to the company, and has a high degree of recognition! This also means! This business can make a lot of money!! 】

[Karp: Umit! I misunderstood you before, and I always wanted to punch the heads of you profiteers! But now… I just want to say thank you guys! 】

[Dragon: Mr. Righteous!!] 】

(The monthly pass hasn’t been moved for a long time, handsome people to get one!) )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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