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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 014

Umet didn’t explain.

The picture quickly gives the answer!

It’s wine!!

In taverns on various islands of the world.

Among them, the most sold, the most sent by the courier is all kinds of beer, red wine, high liquor….

On this sea, regardless of the navy, pirate merchants, nobles, civilians!

The demand for sake is very large!

But the original wine of this world, both in terms of degree and taste.

Reasons limited to the technology of the times! All are more ordinary!

And the wide variety of drinks in the Dragon Kingdom is on the shelves!

Among them, strong liquor has been warmly sought after by people all over the world.

The establishment of Tianquan Wine Industry is famous all over the world.

This industry does not have much collateral value in the video!

It’s just a simple business!

[Loan shark king: I didn’t expect that even Tianquan Wine Industry is also your industry! ] Umit, you guy is not generous, do not take me with you when you get rich! 】

[Whitebeard: The wine produced by this company is world-class! 】

[Green Pheasant: Some wines are comparable to the fine wines of Tianquan Wine, but their products rely on their own transportation chain, and the sales are very small! ] 】

[Charros Saint: Untouchables, so rich!!] 】

[Sengoku: Awesome!! 】

Sengoku is also quite convinced, while operating several of the most profitable industries in the world!

This business ability is probably comparable to few people in the world!

And Tianquan Wine Industry as an industry that has become an industry giant in just a few years!

They do drink more or less the company’s wine!

Sengoku can also understand why the Shipping King needs to hide the relationship between Tianquan Liquor and them!

Tree big move!!

But now the leaderboard is here!

Some things can’t be hidden!


Although the business is simple, it is not like what the previous express company has brought to the world!

But because alcohol is too sought after in this chaotic era when everyone wants to buy drunk!

So there are often conflicts with local underworlds, gangsters, and pirates with no money!

For example, in a picture at the moment.

Boss Bai followed the ship to Alabastan.

Because King Kobra was exposed some time ago, he automatically used dancing powder.

Selfishly depriving other places of rain.

As a result, he lost his prestige among the people.

Many have questioned it.

The situation is looming to be turbulent!

Unstable country, pirates like, civilians are also prone to riots!

And when droughts begin throughout the country.

Alcohol also became the first target of plunder by some mobs.

A tavern somewhere in the capital Arubana.

Armed men at the tavern are engaged in a firefight with local gangsters.

They want to rob the store of all the drinks.

Ordinary water prices are now extremely high.

This high-grade drink is more expensive than gold!

The strength of these gangsters is very good!

Among them, there are also capable people.

In other parts of the country, Boss Bai, who collected money by the way, received the news and rushed to take a look.

“People from the Baroque Work Society?”

The two people at the head have seen it in the materials.

It is the explosive fruit ability of the Baroque Work Society and his partner!

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” MR.5’s eyes froze.

But naturally it won’t be admitted!

After all, this operation is mostly selfish!

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it, solve you, if the person behind you still wants to continue, someone will solve him.”

Boss Bai said calmly, and then pulled out the Tang knife in his hand.

But after hesitating, she put the knife back in.

She remembered some details of intelligence!

According to records, this guy loves to attack people with boogers!

She didn’t want her knife to touch those things!

“Solve us?! Hahaha!! “The two seem to have heard some kind of joke!

Then no longer hesitate to take the initiative to attack!

Valentine’s Day held the umbrella, floated up, and was aiming at the target!

MR.5 has already ejected booger bombs!

Boss Bai’s figure suddenly turned!

It’s like a dragon!!

Rumble!! In an instant, a supersonic gallop burst out!

The nimble figure dodged the continuous booger bombs!

Instantly rush into the crowd, with superb angles, in the moment of dodging the bullets of the miscellaneous fish, the moment of knife light!

Ten palms were shot in a row, and the enemies were scattered like fireworks!

An ordinary long knife thrown in the air was held by her!

Step a little, Peng!! She broke the sound barrier, heroic and sassy, murderous!

MR.5’s eyes widened suddenly, what a terrifying speed!!

After suddenly taking a deep breath, he spewed out, and the entire area in front of him was detonated by the air he exhaled!

Boss Bai’s hand rose and fell, and he split the explosive flames in front of him with a knife!

Instantly in front of MR.5! Cut it to the ground with a knife!

Then tap your toes, and the whole person soars into the air!

Like a hidden dragon out of the abyss, straight to the frightened Valentine’s Day in mid-air!

The light of the knife flashed/horizontally, and blood splattered on Valentine’s Day!

And Boss Bai stepped on the umbrella surface and used a 360-degree flip to adjust his landing position!

It was like a beautiful white arc of light passing through the air!

Then it fell smoothly to the ground!

Bang bang!! And at this time, the trash fish that were first slapped by her palm fell to the ground!

From galloping, to shooting off a large number of enemies, grabbing knives, galloping MR.5, and then taking off to slash Valentine’s Day…

Everything is done in an instant!!

Beautiful!! Powerful!! Elegance!! Exquisite!! Perfect!!

Whether MR.5 and others are strong or not, many people who watch the video do not know!

I just know that there is no difference in the hands of this woman with short white hair!

Many people were stunned!!

Even if it is the four emperors, generals, and the seven martial seas of the king, these powerhouses!

They also showed surprise!!

So many things done in a flash! Also kill with one hit!!

How hard power is, it’s hard to judge!

Because the enemy was put down without showing his strength or weakness at all!

But this kind of physical and sword skills, the combination of exquisite and wonderful, has a shocking beauty!

[Brooke: I never thought that the killing sword art has such a stunning beauty! ] 】

[Yamaji: The little sister is so sassy! So elegant!! Please let me be your care… No, please let me be your dogleg!! 】

[Solon: Where did the licking dog come from! ] 】

[Hawkeye: Never seen such a school of swordsmanship!!] With the slightest micro-maneuver, complete multiple kills in one blow!! Be a powerful swordsman! 】

Hawkeye replayed it in his mind!

In terms of sword skills alone, I’m afraid I can’t do better!

[Warring States: Actually, it’s normal, such a big industry, there are always some forces to be normal! ] 】

[Green Pheasant: There are often powerful swordsmen, but beautiful and powerful female swordsmen are rare! ] 】

[Aunt: It’s a pity that such a talent actually works for a small East Sea Kingdom! ] 】

“Is there only this strength, it seems that the so-called King Qiwu Hai is not necessarily strong, do you want to solve him?” However, the natural department is not easy for me to deal with at the moment…”

Boss Bai finished solving the lead in the lead.

The others scattered!

And look at the white boss who mutters in the video!

Klockdar’s expression sank!

This woman not only knew that these people were from the Baroque Work Society!

I also know that I am the boss behind the scenes, and I know what I am capable of!

What is the situation?!

A creepy feeling that has been seen through but I don’t know it yet! ! !

(Kneel for flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets!) Friends who invest in data, this year will be rich! )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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