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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 016

[Aunt: The skin bag looks good, but it looks a little immature, can you guess wrong? ] 】

[Cappenbeki: Such a weak guy, if he is really the king of the Dragon Kingdom, then there will be a good show! ] 】

The weak cannot keep such a huge fortune!

Not to mention the three major economies, even if there is only one of them!

Not for anyone to eat!

With the power of the shipping king, gnaw the next one, it is the limit!

[Sanji: No, my goddess!!] Don’t fall in love with anyone! 】

[Absalom: Abominable little white face! Isn’t it that he looks a little more handsome than me, has a higher status than me, and is younger than me… How can my goddess show a look of favor! 】

[Nami: Huh? Isn’t that enough? 】

Poof!! Absalom was shot in the heart!

[Squirrel: It seems that barbarians and animals are harmless, is this kid really a king? ] Hold the power of life and death in a country? 】

[Yellow Ape: People can’t look good~ Maybe people are very strong! ] 】

[Kaido: Umit, this is the king you say in your mouth? A stinking imp? You’re really going back the more you live! 】

The strong don’t just look at appearance!

Also look at the demeanor, temperament, etc.!

But sorry, Kaido glanced at it a few times and came to the conclusion that it was still mediocre!

It is a good birth that makes you a king!

[Sea King: Presumptuous!! Kaido, you’re looking for death, aren’t you!! Dare to insult Lord Gao Yang, come out!! We single out! 】

[Whitebeard: …].

[Redhead: ……].

[Jack: Hahaha!! 】

[Kaido: Hmmmm…].

[Aunt: Mom~~~].

[Quinn: Laugh me to death!!] Singled out? Umit, you guy’s brain is really broken! 】

[Loan shark: Don’t talk big Umit, you are not in the same field, there is no comparison! ] 】

The usury king’s words are already very polite!

One is to focus on force and advocate a violent world!

The monster known by the world as the strongest creature and the strongest king alone!

And you, Umit, a guy in the transport business!

The combat power may not be able to be solved even if it is a three-calamity.

Singled out Kaido and smiled generously!

But from this aspect!

Everyone has already got the answer they want!

The person who can make the sea king maintain so much!

It must be the King of the Dragon Kingdom, that’s right!

At this moment, many people subconsciously smiled.

Such a young king looks very easy to deal with!

It seems that those people sent to the Dragon Kingdom! The harvest will not be small!

[Gao Yang: You guys seem to be smiling very happily. 】

This group of guys, don’t you have to look at the owner when you beat the dog?

[Jack: It’s just to illustrate a fact, Umet is very good at business, but force is not his strong point, if you really want to disagree, I will be enough to clean him up! ] 】

[Sea King: Zheng! ] Deceive people too much, look down on whom, where are you, I’ll go over and you now!” 】

[Jack: I’m on my way to your dragon kingdom! If you have the ability, you will come! 】

Jack is no longer hiding!

Such a brat as king.

No need to be too careful!

[Sea King: ……]

Umet was stunned for a moment, this does not need to be done himself?

Someone came to the door looking for death?! And this kind of good thing?!

[Jack: How? Scared? 】

[Sea King: Ah, yes, yes! ] Good luck! 】

Umet felt that he didn’t have to worry about running out of anger.

Lord Gao Yang is very protective!

Someone is going to suffer!

Do you want to go back?

Get back! Must go back to the show!!


[Jack: Boring guy! 】

Jack sneered disdainfully!

As soon as you report yourself on the way!

Umit this guy is instigated!

Obviously, he didn’t want to really offend their Hundred Beast Pirate Group!

It’s a coercion!!

In the video.

“You worked hard, how is it, is there any gain from this trip?”

Gao Yang looked at the beautiful and moving Boss Bai in front of him and smiled slightly.

This is one of the ten thousand world figures drawn from the mall with the source of the world obtained after the country is promoted.

They all have their own minds and are living people.

I never treated them like goods or pets!

They grew up with them from scratch.

In Gao Yang’s eyes, these are his most trusted family members in this world!

“The harvest is not small, there are indeed many unknown biological genes on the sea, some are extremely powerful, with these, perfect angel potions, and even a controllable Mana ecosystem is possible…”

Boss Bai nodded, and his face returned to normal, indifferent and calm.

[Yellow Ape: It does sound like a scientist, but I don’t know what to study! ] 】

But the yellow ape didn’t care!

In this world, no scientist can compare to Dr. Vegapunk of their science department!

“That’s good, hard work on you.” Gao Yang nodded.

“However, if you encounter some minor troubles in Alabastan, you may need to go out to investigate the situation and see if there is a need to eliminate this potential threat…”

“You shouldn’t mean me when you say stupid.” A clear and steady voice sounded!

A young girl wearing a blue and white dress, white skin like snow, and charming blond hair walked in

Her hair is tied up with blue ribbons!

Only the ends of the hair in front of him fell on the sides of a beautiful, ethereal, angel-like flawless and beautiful face!

Although she looks like a girl, she gives people a dignified and beautiful and gentle sense of maturity!

With a gorgeous and delicate sword pinned to his waist, there is no need to hide anything here!

And the most striking thing is that in this golden hair, a dull hair is slightly cocked back! Quite naughty!

The amazement brought by her appearance is no less than Boss Bai’s debut!

[Sanji: Damn, this damn it, comatose and incompetent tyrant, there are beautiful women around who are no worse than Boss Bai!] 】

[Han Cook: What a beautiful girl, as exquisite as an angel doll! ] The concubines were moved…].

[Kaido: This Dragon Kingdom is a good place to raise people, and this appearance is even better than when Lingling was young! ] 】

[Auntie: Kaido, what do you guy say? 】

[Green Pheasant: What a blessing to be the king of the Dragon Kingdom! ] 】

[Hawkeye: It seems that he is also a swordsman! ] 】

[Redhead: Hawkeye, you’re okay, your focus is not very much, right!] 】

[Brooke: Take a look at it more, I feel that there are no regrets in this life! ] 】


But it’s a pity that Gao Yang their small talk!

It didn’t go on and on!

Instead, fast forward to the past.

After all, this is a competition for wealth.

It’s not a ranking competition like the most beautiful and strongest harem….

The video fast-forwarded to the time when the funds from other places were also aggregated together in the Dragon Kingdom!

Soon, the total income of the three major economies was counted by the sky.

[Kingdom wealth ranking No.1, the main sources of wealth are Hailou stone, Longsheng Express, Tianquan Wine Industry,…… Annual net income estimate: 350 billion! 】

When this amount is counted!

The five old stars couldn’t help but get up suddenly!!

350 billion!! Golden Emperor 56 billion!

The ancestral land where Venus is located has only swallowed 110 billion.

That’s still the arms business from dozens of countries and part of the heavenly gold from all over the world!

Although it is swallowed, but when it is used.

It still has to be taken out to the departments of the world government!

Don’t wait for the barrage of everyone to light up.

Another message popped up in Skydome Video!

[The top three kingdoms of the wealth list have been broadcast, please choose the kingdom that they recognize the most in their hearts! ] 】

The names of three countries pop up on the barrage!

Dragon Kingdom!

St. Vnas!

Guran. De Solo!

There is a progress bar below each name!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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