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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 022

Everyone’s eyes suddenly froze again.

Watch the video of Dragon Kingdom!

Found in the waters close to the Dragon Kingdom.

A fleet of dozens of pirates of various sizes is rapidly approaching!

[Aunt: It’s not surprising, the Dragon Kingdom is so rich, how can pirates not covet this country! ] 】

[Kaido: It’s really fast, but it’s the pirate flag that I haven’t seen before, the pirate group in the East China Sea? ] It’s a bit of a scale! 】

[Smogg: It’s the pirate group led by Klick!!] 】

[Golden Lion: There is a good show! ] 】

[Red Dog: Hmph, pirates are indeed a cancer of the sea! ] 】

[Warring States: It seems that they were not far from the Dragon Kingdom before! ] In half a day, he arrived in the Dragon Kingdom! 】

The Warring States are quite a headache, and I only hope that the Dragon Kingdom has a white boss and that stupid female swordsman who seems to have good strength!

Can hold on for a little longer!

They look good!

But this pirate fleet is also quite numerous.

And destroying, looting is always easier than guarding!

Although the Dragon Kingdom currently refuses to join the navy.

But Sengoku still does not want to see a country trampled and ravaged by pirates.

“Smogg rushed over, he must stop the tragedy!”

“Intelligence Department, give me all the information about this pirate!”

Sengoku didn’t look good.

Pirates are really everywhere!

It’s just such a short while, the dragon country is rich!

Disaster will be brought immediately!


“350 billion Bailey!! Hahaha!! These are all my Klick’s! ”

“Little ones, drive me crazy! As long as you take the Dragon Kingdom… No, even if we just loot a few towns, we will gain wealth that we can never imagine in our lifetimes! ”

“Such a huge treasure, close at hand!!”

Chief Klick looked frenzied!

At his instigation, the pirates showed fierce eyes one by one!

Trembling with excitement!!

Greed is like a sea and cannot be filled!

In an instant, a maniacal roar sounded like a tide!

The wealth of this dragon country is beyond their imagination!!

With hundreds of billions, even trillions!

Who is Tamad going to be a pirate!

Klick is also bloodshot with his eyes full of excitement!

When the time comes, your own 50 pirate ships will expand again!

You can build your own pirate kingdom in the East China Sea!

A fleet of five thousand pirates poured out!

Every pirate is like beating chicken blood from top to bottom!

“Chief Klick, should we send someone to the island first to collect some basic information?”

Akin looked at the fanatical crowd blinded by greed!

Can’t help but remind.

Watch Akin splash cold water!

Chief Klick said angrily: “Akin, don’t say such words that affect morale!” ”

“You see, the king of this country is a stinking fellow! Nothing to be afraid of! ”

“Except for the white-haired woman who has some strength, I didn’t see any decent armed forces in the previous video!”

“It’s not just our pirate group that is eyeing this country! The shot is slow, and the soup will not be able to drink by then! ”


“Nothing! There is no need to talk about this matter, I have made up my mind! ”

“Yes…” Akin looked at their expressions.

Immediately knew that it was useless to say anything now!

They now only have huge wealth in their eyes!

Even if some actual evidence does appear, it can prove that the Dragon Kingdom has a powerful armed force!

They will definitely find excuses to convince themselves!

In the waters of the Dragon Kingdom, several old ships are moored, and some people are casting nets to fish.

Because of the fruitful results, I smiled with satisfaction.

Suddenly perceived something, suddenly turned around.

Less than a kilometer away!

50 pirate groups lined up and pushed forward!

“It’s a pirate!!” He quickly pressed the ship’s alarm button!

The whining sound sounded!

A dozen or so fishing boats nearby were taken aback.

“Destroy them! Don’t let them stand in our way to wealth! ”

Seeing this, Klick immediately ordered to open fire.

Because there is a sky screen video in.

Presumably, the people of the Dragon Kingdom already knew that they were coming!

So there’s no need to hide!

Just push it sideways!

With Klick’s order issued, many pirate ships immediately spat out artillery fire!

Shells cut through the sky and landed around many ships!

Blast up one column after another!

“Dad… Me, what should we do? ”

“Boss, we’re!”

“Abominable, damn pirates!” ……

From their conversations and some decorations of the vessel.

Everyone can see that these are ordinary people.

To be precise, these are fishermen who go out to fish!

Not some armed escort!

[Auntie: Poor fisherman. 】

[Kaido: There are no patrol fleets on the sea of the Dragon Kingdom? The sense of defense is really weak! 】

[Blackbeard: Shouldn’t a country so rich fall like this! ] 】

[Usury King: It should not cause the whole country to fall, if Umit is there, these pirates are not his opponents, but such a sudden attack, I am afraid that many towns will be looted! ] By the time the king’s army and the like arrived, the pirates would have fled long ago! If Umit wasn’t in Hauler… Then the loss is even greater! 】

[Green Pheasant: The coastline is very long, it is impossible to defend it all, and the pirates always attack suddenly, and suddenly leave, which is extremely difficult to extinguish! ] 】

“Not necessarily a bad thing,” Venus smiled lightly.

Only frequently attacked by pirates!

The Dragon Kingdom will eventually fall into the arms of the world government!

At that time, the world government will naturally send someone to take over everything for them!


However, none of them thought that these fishing boats posed any threat to pirates.

When it is about to be wiped out by the next round of artillery by the pirates!

The fishermen fought back!

“The first round is calibrating ballistics, and the next concentrated fire attack will definitely hit us!! Can’t sit still! ”

“Made! Fight with them! ”

“Pull all weapons out!”

“Turn on the Sea King hunting mode!”

“Chang’an, transform!!” ……

One of the fishing boats, the side of the hull unfolded the gun port, and a dark barrel poked out.

Some fishing boats change rapidly on the sea, masts, cabins and other parts seem to come to life again, the clicking metal twists, and the sound of assembly continues to sound!

In this “transformation”, the old ship quickly turned into a boxy, floating steel fortress on the sea!

Anti-aircraft heavy machine guns were erected around the fortress!

The largest fishing boat is the most exaggerated!

The surrounding hull automatically unfolded, revealing a rotating cannon that occupied a third of the size of the hull!

Other ships are also undergoing various changes ….

Chief Klick:




[Auntie: ???? 】

【Kaido:???? 】

【Golden Lion:??? 】


The old fisherman shivered and lit a cigarette.

Look at the huge pirate fleet like death!

“No, no, no… Be afraid… Just beat them like sea kings! ”

“Dad, just say, don’t shake, I’m afraid too!”

“Rebel! Shut up!! Made! Please bless His Majesty the King!! Fathers and fellow countrymen!! ”

“Fire !!”

The old fisherman summoned up his courage! Shout, as loud as thunder!


Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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