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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 027


Dragon Country Red Devil Town.

Many pirates and various forces set foot in this town closest to the coastline!

They haven’t started to act yet, they’ve just entered town!

Be found with pinpoint accuracy!

All arrested!!

“We have received a report from the people of Chaoyang District! Suspect that you have illegally invaded our country! All tortured, resist, kill on the spot! ”

“Huh… What a clumsy hiding method! Not far away, the CP0 member wearing the mask looked at this scene and said lightly.

There is an innate arrogance in the words.

These pirates hide and try to fit into the town! It’s so clumsy!

“But it’s really strange, it is estimated that these pirates did not expect that there was no impossible zone in this kingdom!” After the pirates came to town, the feeling of being out of place was too obvious! ”

“How could it not be, it is estimated that it is relatively hidden!”

CP0 agents talked.

“When they finish catching these pirates, we will also change our outfits, and I will know the style of dress, words and deeds of this kingdom!” And there are many places here that are brightly lit at night, and there are many people who are active at night, so we can walk into town later! ”

Hearing this, everyone nodded!

This person is the master of disguise in the squad.

Sure enough, after the escort finished capturing people.

The alert level of the whole town has dropped considerably.

CP0s step into town.

After some disguise, they look a lot like locals!

They didn’t receive an order to make a move on the Dragon Kingdom!

But the five old stars have their sights on this country!

They want to collect all the intelligence and hide it!

Feel free to wait for the latest orders from the five old stars!

It is best to let the Dragon Kingdom take the initiative to ask the World Government for help!

In this way, the initiative will be completely in the hands of the five old stars.

“Sure enough, no one found us…”

“Of course.”


“Hmph…” suddenly a slightly bleak street!

A small figure jumped out from around the corner.

A smug smile with a master’s demeanor.

“Children?” CP0 agents were stunned.

This is a maiden wearing a wizarding hat and holding a wooden staff inlaid with a treasure orb!

One leg is wearing white stockings and the other is wearing black stockings!

The left eye is wearing an eye patch, and the right eye pupil is red!

“Please stop!!” The girl held out her wand and pointed at them!

“Little sister, is there something wrong with you? Lost? ”

An agent forced himself to ask with a relatively kind smile!

“You guys listen to me! Megumi my name, the first magician of the Red Devil Race and the manipulator of burst magic, the captain of the Dragon Kingdom magic team, take a good look at my power… Hahaha!! ”

Hui Hui was proud, and the words of the second sense of the middle and the second sense sounded.

Agent A “…”

Agent B: “…”

Agent C: “…”

Isn’t she embarrassed?

This little broken child should not be a comic book in Beihai, read too much!

“Abominable! Is that how you react? “Looking at my proud self-introduction, I was ignored on the spot!

It doesn’t hurt more than that.

“We don’t have time to fool around with our kids.” One agent was speechless.

And the angry Megumi was already chanting bursting magic: “The collapse of my power origin wish, the collapse of no one can reach, burn all the heavens and the earth, come from the abyss, this is the most powerful attack method of mankind, this is the ultimate attack magic…”

The magic agents are not yet aware of the danger.

Because I’ve never seen such an attack!

They are preparing to bypass Megumi, the strange child.

But Megumi’s magic chant is complete!


“That’s not right!!” Only then did the agents realize that an unprecedented crisis was coming!

But it’s already late!!

Glowing magic arrays formed above their heads!

Around them, magical elements surged and light flickered!

These magical elements were instantly ignited by mysterious spells!

Bloom with the ultimate brilliance!!

“Boom !!!”

More terrifying than ordinary explosions, more gorgeous super explosions run through heaven and earth!!

This explosion has a strange violent beauty!

If an ordinary explosion is a flame!

Then burst magic is every burst of Mars.

Another explosion was carried out, and the layers of explosions condensed together!

Spectacular and unusual, shocking!!

The fire of bursting magic illuminates the entire town!

On the territory of the entire Dragon Kingdom, it is extremely obvious!!

This aroused the curiosity of many people.

[Squirrel: The Dragon Kingdom just erupted into a strong flame of light! ] Don’t know what’s going on? 】

[Tina: It may be a mess made by pirates! ] 】

“Ember should also start to act, it won’t be Ember made it, the movement is a little big!” But…… As long as the result is good, it’s fine. “Kaido is following the Sky Screen Video!

Before Ember acted, I said hello to him!

The Dragon Kingdom has a lot of wealth!

The lethality of warships is not bad!

But no amount of warships can hold the entire coastline.

Invaders are a breeze for the truly strong!

[Marko: Sure enough, the wealth is touching, and the Dragon Kingdom is afraid that there is trouble. 】

Whitebeard was sleeping at this time, and it was Marko who was watching tonight.

There have been people staring at the sky every day for the past two days!

As soon as something changes, they can make adjustments in time!

This thing has the greatest impact on the existing big forces in the world!

[Redhead: This sea has become more lively than ever! ] 】

The redhead who is drinking with Beckman and others!

Also looked up at the sky!


After the explosion, CP0’s agents lay on the ground covered in scorched black!

Originally, with their strength, they would not even have time to struggle.

But this kind of attack has never been seen before!

Plus they couldn’t have imagined that such a cute little girl would have such a powerful attack!

“Ahhh!! It’s comfortable…”Megumi unleashed the daily burst magic!

Immediately collapsed to the ground and showed a satisfied smile!

Then shouted loudly: “Zayang, come and carry me, I can’t move!” Hurry up! Hurry up!! ”

Gao Yang, who was drinking coffee and looking at the situation all over the country, sighed helplessly, and was a little spoiled in his heart: “It is obviously a character who was sent for free at the beginning, why is it always me who is called.” ”

After all, Gao Yang stepped out and came to Hui Hui’s side.

Carrying her step by step towards the palace.

“How did I go?” Hui Hui lay behind Gao Yang and couldn’t wait to ask, wanting to get Gao Yang’s appreciation as soon as possible.

“It’s good, everyone else is fine, it can be done immediately, everyone has worked hard overtime tonight…”


“I lost…” Smogg looked at the Don knife that was resting on his neck.

Some are stunned, some are unacceptable, and there is a lot of frustration!

Although he is only a naval colonel, in terms of strength, he is confident that he will not lose to ordinary headquarters vice admirals.

Now it is defeated at the hands of such a young female swordsman.

He and Dusty were then escorted to prison.

As soon as he entered the prison, Smogg looked at the inmates in the next cell.

I was a little stunned for a while; “Lieutenant General Burning Mountain?!”

“Smogg… What a coincidence… You’re too…” The Burning Mountain General showed an embarrassed expression!

(Ask for flower evaluation tickets, monthly passes!) The quality of the data, the mentality of the general author is such that the data is good, well, write without problems, continue to write! The data is not good, is it written collapsed, should it be changed here, and the general outline should not be changed later … So data is speed! )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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