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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 030

Early in the morning, the prisoners were confused.

Then he was awakened by the dense but light footsteps and the communication of Yingying Yanyan.

Wait for Smogg to open his eyes!

But he saw a scene that made him a single dog extremely uncomfortable.

The King of the Dragon Kingdom came to prison.

There are many girls with different temperaments and appearances around them!

Every girl is beautiful!

I’m afraid it’s the world’s first beauty standing in front of these girls!

In terms of appearance, it may not necessarily prevail.

“Nicole Robin… It turned out that she was here, no wonder she had been looking for her for so long, but there was no news, and she ran to this remote area! ”

After waking up, Klockdar looked at the figure he had been looking for for many years, and his eyes froze slightly.

Just because I can’t find Nicole Robin who can translate this historical article!

So his plan for Alabastan is advancing slowly!

Especially when I think about it, even if I find the whereabouts of ancient weapons!

I can’t understand it myself, and my heart is even more irritable!

Over the years, no less manpower and financial resources have been invested, but nothing has been found about its traces!

It’s as if Nicole Robin has completely disappeared since a few years ago!

Before that, you could still frequently hear the news of which pirate group she left from, or was hunted down!

Hui Hui: “Zayang, you must believe me, I was the first to defeat the enemy last night!” ”

Artoria: “What’s the like, you have to pull us together.” ”

Megumi: “What time did you say you defeated the enemy?” ”

Artoria: “12:30! ”

Megumi: “Hahaha!! I’m 12:25! Sure enough, I am the strongest magician, and there is no such person as me in the world! ”

Megumi raised her hand, wearing a watch on her hand!

The other hand is spread out and blocked in front of his other eye!

Took a pose that thought it was cool!

Enjoy the feeling of being a winner!

And Smogg carefully discovered!

A blonde elf-like girl, a girl with white hair as calm as an angel, a curious orange haired girl hiding behind Gao Yang, and Nicole Robin dressed as a professional female secretary…

They all have the same watch!

Gan!! This king of the Dragon Kingdom has a bad personality!

Beat them fat, and after arrest, they even have to spread dog food on the spot!

And every girl here!

Ordinary people can have one!

It’s all a blessing accumulated over ten lifetimes.

And this Dragon Kingdom King has a group!!

Many of the other people who were arrested were red with envy!

Some guys don’t come for wealth!

But for these peerless beauties!

But right now, look at them looking into the man’s eyes!

Their hearts are broken again!

Seeing Megumi, this little loli is very proud!

Boss Bai glanced at her lightly: “I already won the enemy when I was 23 points!” ”

Hui Hui was hit by an arrow in the heart: “Eh… Huh, did anyone speak just now? ”

Gao Yang: “…”

“What’s the comparison!” Gao Yang comforted.

“I don’t care, I want to be a big sister!”

“From body shape to height to age, no matter how you are ranked, you can’t be ranked!”

“Damn, bastard Zanyang, I’m going to bite you to death!”

Hui Hui directly pounced and hugged Gao Yang, opening her small mouth to bite.

As a result, Gao Yang easily pinched the back collar of fate!

“I’m a great burst magician… Let me go! ”

Megumi said like a dangling cat kicking her little feet!

Artoria smiled knowingly.

For Megumi, this middle two pistachio has long been accustomed!

Although Boss Bai was still quiet, his eyes were much softer than usual!

After all, in a group, there is a guy who loves to make a fuss!

It’s actually pretty good!

Burning the Mountain, at this moment, they found Lord Marne, and they saw the little girl with red eyes!

Hang your head low immediately!

No way! No way!

Could it be that it was a little girl who brought down Lord Man!

Klockdar, Ember, Smogg and the others also stared at Gao Yang like torches!

So many powerful guys are willing to work for him!

Of course, Klockdar knows a little better than others!

This king himself is very terrifying!

But…… He’s not sure!!

In the end, I really saw this king swing his fist at himself!

But then behind it I am unconscious!

He would rather believe that it was the guy who called Smile who caught up!

From to yourself a bit!

Otherwise, this guy’s speed is so fast that he can’t see it clearly!!

That’s outrageous too!

“The new leaderboard is about to start, wait to bring them together under the sky! Kind of a warning to those who are restless! Gao Yang said and left.

Ichigo nodded with a smile, and then began to count the number of people….

Others hurried to follow.

I thought there was something wrong with Megumi.

I have to come to prison.

It turned out to show off his achievements!

But it doesn’t seem to be as fast as the white boss!

Gao Yang brought people to the shore and asked the system!

I learned that the sky screen still has two hours to officially start broadcasting.

In these two hours, you can also drink tea and have a barbecue by the sea….

[Whitebeard: The king of the Dragon Kingdom looks like nothing has happened! 】

[Yellow Ape: This guy is really big-hearted, last night the movement was so big, today there is a leisure barbecue and tea! ] 】

[Warring States: It seems that this king of the Dragon Kingdom is not as immature as we think, at least his psychological quality is still very strong! ] 】

[Yamaji: There are a few more such beautiful women! ] Yes!! It’s heaven!! Why was that little lady so bold and kissed her face directly! Ah~~~].

[Abu Salom: When the other girls saw this, they seemed to be envious and eager to try! ] 】

[Luo: It’s really a fairy life! ] 】

[Kaido: Unharmed…].

Kaido’s heart is not calm!

Because of all the forces!

The measures he took were the most radical!

That is to directly control the king and take the country!

Plus Ember has completely lost contact!

He had an uneasy feeling!

[Sea King: Jack, where is this guy of yours, I am in the Dragon Kingdom now, do you dare to come? ] 】

[Jack: What don’t you dare, Uncle Ben has now arrived in the sea area where you are!] Wait for me to pull the boat over! Don’t regret it then!! 】

“Idiot, don’t come here!!”

Ember is weak, plus the sea floor stone in hand, unable to send a barrage!

But you can see the barrage!!

[Ember: No…].

Ember used all his mental strength to send a word!

[Kaido: Ember, are you okay?] 】

Seeing that Ember can send barrage, Kaido is a lot relieved!

It seems that fortunately, it should have been delayed by some things!

Or are you planning something, is it not convenient to reveal it now?

But anyway, a response is good.

[Jack: Big Brother Ember, what do you want to say? Forget it, you should be in the Dragon Kingdom now anyway, I’ll come to you!” 】

So soon, on the coastline of the Dragon Kingdom, a fleet with the banner of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group appeared!

“Spread out a certain distance to prevent the light cannon attack of the Dragon Kingdom!! Put our main ship to the front, I’ll see what that thing can do with me!” Jack looked at the nearby Dragon Kingdom and grinned!

A small kingdom in the East Sea! Ready to accept the ravages from the Four Emperors Pirates!

Even if Umit is there!

It’s no problem to block Umitte yourself!

And the other givers and elites they brought with them!

A small kingdom can’t stop it anyway!

(Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes!) One is also love! )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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